
Jianhu, a “dazzling pearl” in Zhejiang|鉴湖上榜省级“耀眼明珠”

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-07-02

The recent release of the third batch of Zhejiang “Dazzling Gardens” saw “Shaoxing Jianhu” make the grade, the sole spot citywide selected among the “Cultures of Man and Water” category.近日,记者从相关部门获悉,浙江省第三批大花园耀眼明珠名单公布,“绍兴鉴湖”成功入选,系人文水脉类全市唯一。
Covering an area approximately 30.44 square kilometers, primarily consisting of Jianhu River (Keqiao) and Dongjianhu Lake (Yuecheng), it sits as the core of the “Tang Poetry Road” in Eastern Zhejiang. As the first large-scale cultural and leisure tourism resort in the city to be listed as a “national brand,” the Jianhu Tourism Resort focuses its efforts on the strategic positioning of the area in its pursuit of “International Textile Star Linking Hangzhou & Shaoxing” acclaim, further promoting increasingly deepening integration of culture and tourism, forming an industrial network interconnected with a myriad of major cultural and tourism projects as the “main line,” featuring a year-round, four-season comprehensive tourism plan boosted by one-of-a-kind features and attractions throughout sports, fashion, and theme park attractions.

鉴湖面积约30.44平方公里,主要为鉴湖江(柯桥段)和东鉴湖(越城段),是“浙东唐诗之路”的核心地。作为全市首家上榜“国字号”的大型文化休闲旅游度假胜地,近年来,鉴湖旅游度假区围绕“国际纺都、杭绍星城”战略定位,推进文旅深度融合,形成了以重大文旅项目为主线的产业网脉,时尚、运动、酷玩为特色的四季全域旅游格局。Unceasingly improving both the aesthetic style and functional features of Jianhu Lake, Keqiao has created a high-grade tourist “green” landscape unlike any other, while always concurrently placing unparalleled importance on historical and cultural preservation and content, constructing a multi-level composite accommodation system capable of giving visitors an experience of “Life on Jianhu” they will never forget. From this foundation, the district will continue its tireless promotion of “micro-renovation and fine upgrading” throughout Jianhu and beyond, supporting the construction of tourism service facilities such as public-use utilities and equipment, ecologically-minded parking lots, rest and service stations, and an innovative tourism environment throughout all reaches of Jianhu realizing the vision of “A Landscape From Road to Tree, A Landscape As Far as the Eye Can See.”

柯桥区全面提升鉴湖整体风貌,高品位打造旅游绿化景观。同时,以历史文化为脉络,构建“住在鉴湖”的多层次复合型住宿体系。在此基础上,持续推进“微改造、精提升”工程,配套建设城市小品、生态停车场、休憩驿站等旅游服务设施,构建起“整体是景区、路上是景观、处处是景点”的鉴湖旅游新环境。If culture is the soul, tourism is the body from which it radiates. Recent years have seen Keqiao place increasing importance on continuously promoting creative transformation and innovative development throughout Jianhu culture, investing 100 million yuan in launching the large-scale multi-faceted, “Luzhen Village Theater,” filling the gap in large-scale tourism performances citywide, while building the first “digital poetry road” cultural experience museum, “e-Poetry Keqiao” on the Zhejiang Poetry Road Cultural Belt, pairing integral ancient cultural elements from poetry, song, painting and more, with cutting-edge, modern technology, bringing timeless humanities-based disciplines and arts to life once again in a new era, and for all time.

文化为魂、旅游为体。近年来,柯桥区不断推动鉴湖文化的创造性转化创新型发展。投资亿元推出大型实景影画剧《鲁镇社戏》,填补绍兴大型旅游演艺的空白;打造浙江诗路文化带上首座数字诗路文化体验馆“诗e柯桥”,用科技赋能,让诗词歌赋、名人名画等文化元素“活”起来,重现盛世人文。Aimed at inheriting, protecting, and displaying the world-renowned cultural history of Zhejiang and features and one-of-a-kind scenery and resources, the provincial “Dazzling  Gardens” awards will bestow and form a new series of tourist destinations with growing international influence, constructing an increasingly vivid model for the in-depth practice of bringing “clear waters and green mountains” to life for one and all.据介绍,浙江省大花园耀眼明珠以保护、传承、展示浙江优秀文化、优质资源为目标,形成一批具有国际影响力的旅游目的地,成为深入践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”鲜活样板。


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