
Keqiao set to shine at Milan Fashion Week in September|柯桥闪耀米兰时尚周

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-08-31

"Italian designer Angelo Cruciani and local Chinese designer Ling Yali are collaborating with us on fabric color development and functional requirements in preparation for the 'Keqiao: The Extraordinary' show at Milan Fashion Week in September," remarked Cai Xiaoming, General Manager of Zhejiang Larbene Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

“这段时间,意大利设计师Angelo Cruciani和中国本土设计师凌雅丽正在与我们进行面料的颜色开发及功能需求对接,为9月份在米兰时装周举行的柯桥卓越秀做准备。”浙江朗贝尼纺织科技有限公司总经理蔡晓鸣介绍。

The district’s Textile City Construction and Management Committee reported that in the pursuit of fully promoting the continued construction and realization of Keqiao’s title  of "International Textile Capital, Hangzhou-Shaoxing Star City," alongside accelerating international cooperation and improvement throughout the fashion field, and the overall upgrading of the area’s fashion industry, it will organize a series of "Milan Fashion Week - Keqiao Day" events during Milan Fashion Week from September 19 to 26, marking the first time that Keqiao has participated in a top international fashion event of this caliber. Planned activities will consist of two sub-events - "Keqiao: The Extraordinary" and the "China Textile City Promotion Conference," with the former serving as the peak highlight of Keqiao Day, its events and festivities unfolding at the famed Palazzo Isimbardi.


"Keqiao: The Extraordinary" will be jointly presented by 4 designers, including renowned Italian designers Alberto Zambelli and Angelo Cruciani, alongside local Chinese designers Ling Yali and Qi Bin. Through a series of processes on recruitment, visits, and detailed plan discussions, the Sino-Italian team have selected more than 50 fabric designs from a total of 6 companies, including Dashu Textile, Yisha Textile, Larbene Textile, Jindianzi Textile, Zhuosheng Textile, and Mishun Textile.

柯桥卓越秀将由意大利知名设计师Alberto Zambelli、Angelo Cruciani和中国本土设计师凌雅丽、齐斌4位设计师联合发布,前期经过招募、走访、方案讨论等环节,设计师们选出了“大树纺织”“懿纱纺织”“朗贝尼纺织”“金点子纺织”“卓盛纺织”“米顺纺织”这6家企业共50余款面料。

A spokesperson for the Textile City Construction and Management Committee enthusiastically explained that this year’s participation in Milan Fashion Week, and the further connection and collaboration with international fashion resources it brings - including and especially those in Italy - make this event an integral - and giant - step towards the continued creation of the city's brand of "Fashionable Keqiao," further enhancing the influence of the city as a hub of fashion innovation throughout the world.


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