
Jinggong shines at Chengdu World University Games|“精工造”亮相成都大运会

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-08-31

On August 8th, the 31st World University Summer Games concluded in Chengdu, Sichuan, as countless athletes throughout a myriad of venues finally paused to wipe the sweat from their exhausted, joy-soaked brows - while the venues themselves witnessed their own moments of glory. Throughout any large-scale athletic event, the construction of the facilities themselves is of paramount importance for its overall success, forming the indispensable “hardware” foundation on which all else is built.


This year’s games saw Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Group Co., Ltd. participate in key construction roles throughout the University Games - among them, the Phoenix Mountain Sports Center, High-tech Zone Sports Center, Xindu’s Xiangcheng Sports Center, and the Jianyang Sports and Culture Center all newly-constructed affairs, with 2 further venues seeing considerable restoration and renovation, with Jinggong Steel Structure Group providing key, custom steel structural elements for 6 venues in total.


The Phoenix Mountain Sports Center, a core venue of the Games, is also known as the "Tea Cup" with its form resembling a teacup and lid, spanning a total construction area of 450,000 square meters at an official status as an extra-large Grade-A facility. Comprising "one stadium and two arenas," its grounds include a professional football field with 60,000 seats fully meeting international FIFA standards, a comprehensive sports arena with 18,000 seats that meets NBA standards, and a multifunctional arena. Li Jianhong, Deputy Director of the Engineering Center of Jinggong Steel Structure Group, informed reporters that all four newly constructed venues contain innovations in large-span structures, increasingly complex technology, and elevated levels of difficulty in construction, among them throughout the Phoenix Mountain Sports Center home to a myriad of highlights in its construction, employing a large-scale opening cable dome structure system, with a circular truss at a diameter of 150 meters utilizing computer-controlled hydraulic CNC lifting technology, rising the truss to a height of over 60 meters through 12 sets of lifting frames, the first accomplishment of its kind in China.


In addition, the High-Tech Zone Sports Center and the Xiangcheng Sports Center both have free-curved roof grids, requiring Jinggong Steel Structure Group’s introduction and integration of requisite curved sliding technology for the first time in China, seamlessly solving a myriad of previously-existing barriers in the construction process while bringing the project to completion with flying colors.


Through outstanding construction techniques, both the Phoenix Mountain Sports Center and the Jianyang Sports and Culture Center have won the highest quality award in the steel structure industry - the Chinese Construction Steel Structure Gold Award, while currently in application for the Luban Award, the Chinese construction industry’s highest honor.


Jinggong Steel Structure Group, known in the industry as a "specialist in stadium construction," has participated in the construction of over 100 sports venues at home and abroad, leaving its construction footprint throughout countless comprehensive and individual sports events of world repute, from the Beijing Olympics' National Stadium "Bird's Nest," the Qatar World Cup's Lusail Stadium "Golden Bowl," multiple venues of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Chengdu University Games, and more.



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