
4 Keqiao enterprises listed as China’s "Little Giants"|柯桥4家企业上榜!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-09-19

Recently, the fifth batch of national-level specialized and innovative "Little Giant" enterprises - powerhouses in the manufacturing industry - saw its official release, with four Keqiao "giants" making the grade: Shaoxing Shannai High-Pressure Fastener Co., Ltd., Shaoxing Yak Automotive Parts Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jiezong Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Xunshi Technology Co., Ltd. all irreplaceable drivers of high-quality development in the manufacturing industry district and nationwide.



"Little Giant" enterprises are specialized, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises that focus on niche markets, possess strong innovation capabilities, command high market shares, control key core technologies, and excel in terms of quality and efficiency, each playing a crucial role in addressing industry weaknesses, enhancing its strengths, and filling gaps in the industrial chain for the betterment of all throughout their respective industries. Considered the cream of the crop in the cultivation of strategic emerging industries supported by the nation, they are the companies to watch… as their size and stature only continue to grow. Keqiao’s four inclusions for 2023 span various fields, from mechanical manufacturing, to automotive equipment, technology, and more, firmly setting their sights on weak links and "blank spaces" in the industrial chain, achieving breakthroughs in areas previously fraught with deficiencies, effectively "filling in the gaps," and clearing any bottlenecks in the industrial chain. Expanding and strengthening their presence in their areas of expertise year on year, each has provided a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the industrial chain and demonstrating significant growth potential, making contributions as large as their name suggests.


Jiezong Technology, a benchmark enterprise from Anchang, produces high-strength precision injection-molded wiper gears, filling a domestic gap and capturing more than 30% of the domestic market share, with an unceasing commitment to achieving a listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange by the end of the year. Yak Automotive Parts, the pride of Lanting, is the largest domestic producer of electronic-controlled common rail fuel injection pump heads, with its current goal of an annual production of 700,000 sets of electronic-controlled common rail fuel injection pump heads project is currently in full swing, with lightning-fast progress and nothing but green checks across the board.


Small enterprises possess giant potential… an idea further exemplified in recent years throughout Keqiao as it vigorously continues its implementation of its "Might in Manufacturing" strategy, fostering and cultivating of specialized and innovative "Little Giant" enterprises as a crucial measure to promote high-quality development regionwide, always encouraging and guiding small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on their expertise, bolster industry support, and succeed in markets through innovation, achieving specialized and innovative development. With a current count of 18 national-level specialized and innovative "Little Giant" enterprises, while concurrently cultivating a national champion (product) with a leading position in the industry, two provincial-level "invisible" champions, and 108 provincial-level specialized and innovative enterprises with strong independent innovation capabilities, Keqiao’s tireless efforts have continued to inject new vitality and energy into the district’s always-expanding reach and achievements in high-quality development.


"The future will see Keqiao continue to further improve the gradient cultivation system for specialized and innovative enterprises to help them grow even faster - and better," remarked the spokesperson for the district's Economic and Information Bureau. Employing its unique "4131 Action Plan" as a conduit for strengthening manufacturing and and reshaping talent organization, Keqiao will lead the way in adhering to the synergy of "chain leadership + specialized and innovative," striving to create a long list of specialized and innovative "Little Giants," "invisible champions," and "single champions" that are "small but mighty" and embody "excellence and perfection" in every way, continuously igniting the area’s tireless momentum in its pursuits in high-quality development throughout all spheres of the manufacturing industry.



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图片:徐晔 沈潇



