
22.23 Billion Yuan!|222.3亿元!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2024-01-24

In a period of transformation, Keqiao District has embarked on a new journey to safeguard a stable and far-reaching economy. The reporter learned on January 1st from the District Finance Bureau that Keqiao's financial "report card" for 2023 has been impressive: the district achieved a total fiscal revenue of 22.23 billion yuan, marking an 18.5% increase year-on-year and leading the city in both total amount and rate of growth. Its general public budget income reached 14.22 billion yuan, up by 7.3% compared to the previous year, showcasing robust growth momentum and resilience.于变局中开新局,护航经济行稳致远。记者1月1日从区财政局获悉,2023年柯桥区财政“成绩单”出炉:过去一年,全区实现财政总收入222.3亿元,同比增长18.5%,总量和增幅均位居全市第一。其中,一般公共预算收入142.2亿元,同比增长7.3%,展现出了强劲的增长动力和发展韧劲。

Behind this outstanding performance is the effective leadership of the district committee and government, coupled with the vigorous and collaborative efforts across the district. Over the past year, strategies focused on energizing the economy, boosting confidence, optimizing structures, and averting risks. The district seized economic rebound opportunities with coordinated efforts, joint management, and revenue enhancement strategies based on target setting, collaborative governance, and regular assessments. Tax base consolidation and source cultivation were prioritized to organize fiscal revenues effectively, balancing the intensity, progress, and rhythm, thus ensuring stable revenue growth.


According to a District Finance Bureau official, last year, the district was driven by three major initiatives, leveraging the "lever effect" of finance and the systemic advantage of focusing financial resources on significant projects. It comprehensively implemented national, provincial and municipal policy packages, upgraded the "1+9" industrial support policy system, and continually injected vitality into high-quality development, leading to steady qualitative and reasonable quantitative economic growth. The year saw the allocation of 1.31 billion yuan in enterprise-related subsidies, with a speed increase of disbursement exceeding 30%; and the procurement of 3.739 billion yuan in special bonds, driving effective investments of 29.4 billion yuan.


The district not only focused on increasing the "economic pie" but also on equitable distribution. Throughout the year, the District Finance Bureau steadfastly upheld the primacy of the people, enhancing the public and equitable nature of finance. Expenditures on public welfare totaled 11.07 billion yuan, accounting for 79.5% of the general public budget expenses. Thus nearly 80% of fiscal spending was directed towards addressing public concerns, ensuring and improving living standards during development. The residents enjoy enhanced social services, more comprehensive social security, and a more stable environment, leading to genuine satisfaction, a sense of achievement, and happiness. This approach has solidified the district's foundation and positively contributed to its quest to create common prosperity and a model for Chinese-style modernization at the county level.


人人讲安全  个个会应急

照片:高洁 摄



22.23 Billion Yuan!|222.3亿元!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布

