
Over 2 Billion COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Administered in China

ThatsShanghai 2021-12-09
China has surpassed the two billion mark for COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to the National Health Commission on Friday.
The country’s state media reports every 100 million milestone, and passing two billion is viewed as quite an achievement for the 1.4 billion population.
According to CNN, China’s vaccine program accounts for 40% of the global COVID-19 shot total.
In June, the country surpassed one billion doses, showing an impressive vaccination rate over the past two months.
READ MORE: China Has Administered 1 Billion COVID-19 Vaccine Doses
China is also beginning to crack down on unvaccinated folks, with reports of residents being obstructed from entering their neighborhoods.

A worker in Guangzhou harassing a woman for not being vaccinated. Screengrab via QQ
A shopping mall in Guangzhou released a statement at the start of August requiring vaccination by staff members working inside the mall.
In cities across the country, local governments are resorting to more intense measures to encourage inoculation. 
District governments in Chongqing announced that residents may have their social credit affected if they refuse the vaccine without a proper reason.
People’s Daily reported that the announcement became the top trending topic on Weibo, with some netizens arguing the measure is overhasty.
Do you think these measures are necessary? Let us know in the comments section.
[Cover image via Pixabay]

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