
City to restrict E-bikes traffic, affecting 3.6 million locals

Yicai Global Expat Link 2024-04-01

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By Song Jian for Yicai Global

Guangzhou, a megacity in China's southern Guangdong province, recently conducted a hearing to discuss the implementation of additional traffic restrictions on electric bikes. These proposed restrictions are expected to affect approximately 3.6 million residents.

On July 10, a hearing took place with the participation of fifteen representatives, including staff from public transport services, stakeholders, deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, lawyers, industry experts, and other public agents. The key topics addressed during the hearing included whether traffic restrictions should be implemented, how to apply them, the designated time frames for these restrictions, and the specific road sections to be affected.

Guangzhou currently has 3.6 million licensed e-bikes, and as the number continues to rise, so do the associated problems. These issues include individuals riding without helmets or in motor vehicle lanes, unauthorized modifications of e-bikes, speeding, and overloading, all of which pose risks to public safety.

According to the Guangdong traffic police, a majority of citizens are in favor of stricter regulations on e-bikes. Specifically, 17.2 percent of respondents support the proposed restrictions and call for their application in more areas, while an additional 36 percent have alternative suggestions for more stringent management. The authorities also noted that over 23 percent of respondents offered advice on specific road sections and times, while a similar percentage expressed objections to the proposed rules.

During the hearing, some representatives put forth suggestions to optimize the timing of traffic restrictions, particularly during morning rush hours, to facilitate parents in getting their children to school. Others proposed lifting traffic bans on certain road sections during rush hours on non-working days.

It was emphasized by certain participants that the food delivery industry and other business requirements should be taken into consideration when implementing traffic restrictions. Additionally, suggestions were made to construct more lanes dedicated to non-motor vehicles and strengthen regulations pertaining to the meal delivery sector, as well as the production and sales of e-bikes.

In recent years, Guangzhou has been progressively introducing regulations on e-bikes. In July 2021, a plan was announced to ban e-bikes in central areas, and public opinions were sought. Last month, the bans were relaxed, and regulations were enforced only on specific road sections and during certain times in central areas.

Source: Yicai Global



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