

上财期刊社 财经研究 2024-03-17


When Family Firms Face Digital Change: An Interpretation from the Interactive Perspective of Socio-emotional Wealth and Technological Change

《财经研究》2023年49卷第7期 页码:153 - 168 online:2023年7月3日


中:何轩1 , 肖炜诚1 , 张映瑜1 , 马骏2

英:He Xuan1, Xiao Weicheng1, Zhang Yingyu1, Ma Jun2

作者单位:1. 广东外语外贸大学 经济贸易学院,广东 广州 510006; 2. 江南大学 商学院,江苏 无锡 214122


摘要:企业数字化转型成为国家大数据战略实施的微观基础。中国家族企业必须适应数字技术变迁,而其重视情感财富的人格化特征与数字技术的去人格化本质存在紧张关系。文章基于社会情感财富与技术变迁互动的历史比较视角,运用2020年全国24 832家企业调研数据进行了实证分析。研究发现,从基本关系机理的维度,由于家族的社会情感顾虑,家族企业的数字化转型程度比非家族企业要低,且家族控股比例越高,这种情况越严重,而制定跨代传承计划有利于数字化转型。从适应机制的维度,健全正式治理制度和引进国有资本能够通过约束家族情感目标和引进异质性资源来弥合“数字鸿沟”,而疫情冲击进一步激发出家族企业韧性和情感的人格化优势,倒逼其实现数字化转型。文章进一步分析了国家股权和正式治理的影响机理,以及家族企业主和二代积极接触、学习数字技术的重要性。文章呈现出中国家族企业积极适应新兴数字技术并与之相互依存和共生演化的真实图景。


Summary: Enterprise digital transformation is the micro basis of the implementation of the national big data strategy. The big data, digitalization, and ubiquitous computing emphasized by the digital economy have changed the traditional decision-making and governance paradigm, and further touched the ethical relational governance and social-emotional foundation of family firms. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study the tense relationship, mechanism, and adaptive strategy between the personalization characteristics of emotional wealth and the depersonalization essence of digital technology that family firms value. Based on the historical-comparative perspective of the interaction between socio-emotional wealth and technological change, this paper uses the sample survey data of 24,832 firms in 2020, and finds that: From the dimension of basic relationship mechanism, due to family social-emotional concerns, the degree of digital transformation of family firms is lower than that of non-family firms, and the higher the proportion of family holdings, the more serious the situation is, but the development of a cross-generation succession plan is conducive to digital transformation. From the perspective of adaptation mechanism, the improvement of a formal governance system and the introduction of state-owned capital can bridge the “digital divide” by constraining family emotional goals and introducing heterogeneous resources. Meanwhile, the impact of the epidemic further stimulates the personal advantages of resilience and emotion of family firms, forcing them to realize digital transformation. Further analysis shows that state-owned capital and formal governance mitigate the adverse impact of insufficient local policy support, inadequate government services, and lacking digital talents on enterprise digital transformation. The main contribution of this paper is that: It systematically discusses the digital divide of family firms’ digital transformation and the bridging mechanism, innovatively distinguishes the impact of different SEW dimensions on family firms’ digital transformation, and carries out a systematic contextual heterogeneity test on the relationship between family firms and digital transformation at three levels: governance change, social bond, and emotional resilience. This paper suggests that: Family firms should actively set up the formal governance system of “three boards”, make full use of social bonds to actively introduce state-owned capital, and seize their advantages of resilience and adaptability to better cope with the wave of digital transformation. The government should actively guide family firms and hire experts to provide technical training, encourage the second generation of families with overseas background and digital technology background to inherit family firms or return to their hometown to start a business, strengthen the hardware construction of local digital infrastructure, and provide financial subsidies and introduce digital talents.

Key words: family firms; digital transformation; formal governance; intergenerational succession; socio-emotional wealth







