
涪陵榨菜,抱团取暖,黑天鹅 | 尾部风险管理

袁玉玮 泷韬全球宏观 2021-01-29






几天前,Dalio在Linkedin 发表了一篇文章,谈论市场形态的变幻。






都是基于类似的理念 —— 实际是全球宏观策略的核心,质疑权威,质疑自身。

实际Soros在后来的《Alchemy of Finance - 序》中也提到过类似的场景切换。无独有偶,5月在上海听 Howard Marks 讲周期,实际是在解读 Soros 的反射理论。难道现在的大师们有依靠解读Soros度日的趋势?



人群纷纷转发的时候,我看到的是买椟还珠 —— 大多数人都只看到了Dalio推荐买入黄金,而对藏在文章里的“剑诀”暴殄天物。






  1. 部分原因由于A股交易机制不合理性 —— 涨跌停板助涨助跌,且带来流动性风险;

  2. 涪陵榨菜的技术形态已经具备庞氏骗局的特征 —— 高Sharpe,低波动,低流动性 —— 机构的抱团取暖,甚至不排除互相联手锁仓,锁住流动性,利用边际效应达到操纵股价的效果 —— 这其实是一种庞氏骗局形态






One of my investment principles is:

Identify the paradigm you’re in, examine if and how it is unsustainable, and visualize how the paradigm shift will transpire when that which is unsustainable stops.

Over my roughly 50 years of being a global macro investor, I have observed there to be relatively long of periods (about 10 years) in which the markets and market relationships operate in a certain way (which I call “paradigms”) that most people adapt to and eventually extrapolate so they become overdone, which leads to shifts to new paradigms in which the markets operate more opposite than similar to how they operated during the prior paradigm. Identifying and tactically navigating these paradigm shifts well (which we try to do via our Pure Alpha moves) and/or structuring one’s portfolio so that one is largely immune to them (which we try to do via our All Weather portfolios) is critical to one’s success as an investor. 

How Paradigm Shifts Occur

There are always big unsustainable forces that drive the paradigmThey go on long enough for people to believe that they will never end even though they obviously must end. A classic one of those is an unsustainable rate of debt growth that supports the buying of investment assets; it drives asset prices up, which leads people to believe that borrowing and buying those investment assets is a good thing to do. But it can’t go on forever because the entities borrowing and buying those assets will run out of borrowing capacity while the debt service costs rise relative to their incomes by amounts that squeeze their cash flows. When these things happen, there is a paradigm shift. Debtors get squeezed and credit problems emerge, so there is a retrenchment of lending and spending on goods, services, and investment assets so they go down in a self-reinforcing dynamic that looks more opposite than similar to the prior paradigm. This continues until it’s also overdone, which reverses in a certain way that I won’t digress into but is explained in my book Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises, which you can get for free here. 

Another classic example that comes to mind is that extended periods of low volatility tend to lead to high volatility because people adapt to that low volatility, which leads them to do things (like borrow more money than they would borrow if volatility was greater) that expose them to more volatility, which prompts a self-reinforcing pickup in volatility. There are many classic examples like this that repeat over time that I won’t get into now. Still, I want to emphasize that understanding which types of paradigms exist and how they might shift is required to consistently invest well. That is because any single approach to investing—e.g., investing in any asset class, investing via any investment style (such as value, growth, distressed), investing in anything—will experience a time when it performs so terribly that it can ruin you. That includes investing in “cash” (i.e., short-term debt) of the sovereign that can’t default, which most everyone thinks is riskless but is not because the cash returns provided to the owner are denominated in currencies that the central bank can “print” so they can be depreciated in value when enough money is printed to hold interest rates significantly below inflation rates.  

In paradigm shifts, most people get caught overextended doing something overly popular and get really hurt. On the other hand, if you’re astute enough to understand these shifts, you can navigate them well or at least protect yourself against them. The 2008-09 financial crisis, which was the last major paradigm shift, was one such period. It happened because debt growth rates were unsustainable in the same way they were when the 1929-32 paradigm shift happened. Because we studied such periods, we saw that we were headed for another “one of those” because what was happening was unsustainable, so we navigated the crisis well when most investors struggled.

—— Paradigm Shifts, Ray Dalio

《WaterWisdom · 微明宏观》专注于全球宏观|Focused on Global Macro








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