
CITY-POP美学下的漂浮海滩球场 ▏武汉江宸天街商业屋面

FLO景观事务所 FLO景观设计事务所 2022-09-11

▉ 新公民性景观思路下商业运营与景观设计的强结合 — 武汉江宸天街商业屋面景观

Coordinated Design and Operation Model Under New Participatory Design Strategy



城市景观是社会意识形态的反映 。人的价值观、行为模式和社交关系都直白地陈述在城市空间中。如果说设计师可以创造环境,而同时环境造就人和人的意识的话,那么城市公共空间的重要社会责任就是通过公共场所的设计,促进使用者的强参与性。

The urban landscape is a reflection of social ideology and behaviors. People's values, behavior patterns and social relationships are all straight forwardly stated in the urban landscape. If designers can create the environment, and at the same time, the environment creates the consciousness of people, then the important social responsibility of urban designers is to promote strong participation of users through the design of public places.


We believe that the essence of public space is that people and others are in an interdependent and mutually-constructed relationship, and acting together or living together to form collective existence. Reflecting upon open space design of the new era today, in order to realize human-centered design ideology, we must start from today’s background understanding that includes self-identity value, photo-sharing culture, and social networking, based on the premise of precise users.


Site Background


The project’s retail rooftop is located on Wuchang Qingnian Road in Wuhan. The client hopes to transform the roof into a regional landmark that attracts young people to visit here, and FLO took this opportunity to participate in the design process from ideation to site implementation. Due to lack of retail interface adjacent to our rooftop and lack of accessibility of the roof from lower levels, the primary challenge is how to create a highly functional and attractive space to attract visitors. In addition, how to integrate user needs with the basic conditions of the site with a unified identity is also one of the other main challenges in this project.

条件梳理一:屋面设备靠边规整 释放景观可打造空间

Coordination with MEP to release bigger design space for landscape

条件梳理二:垂直拉接竖向人流 水平搭接横向互动

Added vertical and horizontal circulation to enhance accessibility andspatial interaction

条件梳理三:提前复合种植布局 有效节约荷载成本

Identification of planting zones in advance to save unnecessary structural cost


New Participatory  Design Thinking


Precise Target User and Targeted Place-Making


Participatory landscape, as the name suggests, should be focused on users emphasizing diversity, interaction, and a sense of belonging. Traditional participatory thinking tend to cater for preferences of all age groups and interest groups to satisfy broad user groups. Consequently,designers tend to provide corresponding functions and facilities without in-depth study of human behaviors. This traditional design approach brings several problems.


First: Weak Spatial Correlation. Designers intentionally allocate diverse functions to satisfy all kinds of potential users, and at the same time, the relationship between function areas is weak, which leads to spatial fragmentation.


Second: Weak Identity Recognition. Due to lack of specificity of activity scenes, each scene is less strong in identity and therefore less likely to attract any targeted user.


Third: Weak Culture. Sense of collective identity and belonging creates social cohesiveness of space. However, traditional participatory approach makes it difficult for people to form collective consciousness to generate any certain kind of culture.

1 从泛人群吸引到精准人群的吸引模式

From Mass User Participation Model to Precise User Participation Model

1 从泛人群的吸引到精准人群定位

2 从自说自话到看与被看的参与性互动

From Compartmentalized Interaction to Participatory Interaction


The purpose of the New Participatory Design Thinking is to solve those problems. Its ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍main strategy is to identify precise targeted user and generate peripheral impacts of diversified public behaviors. On this basis, the design aims to maximize tailored place-making to enhance social binding and  generate a strong culture. The user-centered approach can potentially attract wider range of interest groups and trigger diverse spatial and behavioral relationships.


New Way of Life

                 图左:CITYPOP都市派  图右:CITYPOP海岸派


CITY-POP Hedonism

当代年轻人的生活已经被无数的娱乐活动所包围,逛街、泡吧、电子游戏已经是他们密不可分的 “生活伴侣”。由于国民生活质量的快速提高,年轻人开始拥有充裕的物质,情感的自由等优质生活条件,他们开始从思考与焦虑中逃脱出来并且向往丰富且有趣的生活,希望在快节奏的都市生活中找到属于自己的快乐。及时行乐成为了当代年轻人最贴切的代名词,唯有享乐才能满足他们源源不尽的欲望。

Young people nowadays have abundant material wealth to pursue emotional freedom and other care-free lifestyles. They are relieved from material anxiety and spiritually free to explore gratifications that are beyond realism. This is the portrait of China’s contemporary youngsters.


During the design process, we realized City-Pop culture that originated from Japan in the 1970s is similar with today’s era in China. During the 1970s, Japan's economy developed rapidly,young people actively embraced hedonism which formed City-Pop living concept. City-Pop further develops into a unique visual trend in graphic designs. Beaches, ocean waves,blue sky and sunset are all classic visual elements of City-Pop. “Dark days are over, and the illusion of a better living is right in front of us ". We feel the ideology behind City-Pop is not only extremely consistent with the spirit of the place, but also perfectly in line with our targeted user and the site conditions.


Design Strategy

1. 精准功能: 强目的性的"街篮圣殿"

Targeted Function: Streetball Landmark


The design starts from identification of one strong function. In order to achieve the goal of attracting young people,we identified a portrait of trendy youngsters that love sports. We proposed basketball as the primary attraction of the rooftop because basketball is the most popular sport in China. As a team sport, it is very engaging with the audience and especially suited to become the main feature attractor. Also, due to the shortage of urban space and limited number of basketball courts, providing abasketball court here has a strong functional purpose. At the core, we hope to design a court that caters for "competitive basketball lovers", and putting forward the concept of "sports + entertainment + photo-taking" that centers around it. Firstly, we want to design a basketball arena that attracts real ballers. Secondly, around the theme of basketball, we want to create entertainment spaces that attracts viewers and related interest groups. And lastly, we want to create a series of photo-taking spots to attract other curiosity hunters to visit the rooftop.

2. 精准运营:运营商的引入与"威尼斯海滩球场"的IP植入

Targeted Operation: Operator and IP Implementation of "Venice Beach Basketball Court"


After confirming with the client that the our goal is to create a streetball landmark, through multi-disciplinary interaction and discussion, the client also successfully brought in a professional basketball court operator, which not only solved the problems of venue maintenance and management, but also created rental income for the mall itself. The IP theme of the classic “Venice Beach Basketball Court” on the west coast of the United States is also brought in to our project. Venice Beach Basketball Court is the shrine of street basketball in the United States. The most common scenes here are blue sky, white clouds, palm trees, beach sands, parasol and all kinds of streetball legends. Here, you can not only experience the highest level of professional competition, but also enjoy the leisure of playing basketball in such beautiful setting. The basketball culture here is inseparable from its scene. The design team hopes to refine and reinterpret the elements of this IP theme into the design and create a unique selling-point for the client.

3. 精准场景:浸沐在阳光下的享乐主义

Targeted Place-making : Sunshine Hedonism


对于场地本身而言,如果想提高吸引力并形成场所文化就需要将场景极致化并与特定功能完美契合。我们提取了“CITY-POP” 文化中的城市度假生活和享乐主义经典的视觉形象,并从中提炼其特点融入我们的设计中。

For the site itself, if we want to maximize attraction and create successful place-making, we need a targeted scene that perfectly matches our targeted user. Therefore, we have used City-Pop as the main place-making imagery to implement its characteristics into the design of this rooftop.


Design Interpretation


Color Palette

在CITY POP这一视觉表现风格中,最为明显的特征就是颜色的纯度高,主要以蓝天与大海的蓝,白云与浪花的白为轻快的主色调,以及落日夕阳等稍具霓虹感的暖色调夜间场景。在景观用色体系中我们也继承了CITY-POP的特点,绝大部分的表面都运用了蓝色与白色的相互搭配,创造出极致纯粹的空间观感。

In the visual expression City-Pop, the most obvious feature is its high purity of colors mainly constructed of sky blue, sea blue, cloud white and wave white as the main use of colors. In the landscape design, we have also inherited the characteristics of Ciy-Pop in the use of those colors.



Design Elements


We make full use of classic elements from City-Pop such as waves, palm trees and sunset that frequently appear in such imageries. The design incorporated the sunset element at the pilgrimage route into the basketball court, and the design of shading structure and use of palm trees along two sides of the court is also representative of City-Pop. The running track on the roof is also abstracted as a long wave that connects different spaces to form an interactive cheering spot and recreational route.


Floating Beach Basketball Court

围绕威尼斯海滩球场IP以大海蓝及天空蓝为基调,打造拥有 CITY-POP 风格特点的海滩球场氛围,插画中的大海也转化为波浪状的海浪语言应用在球场当中,充分利用天台屋面开放性的空间优势,营造出一片轻松的享乐净土。

The basketball court incorporates sky blue and ocean blue and the language of waves to create an immersive vibe like playing on the beach. The open space on the rooftop provides a natural condition of sunlight that further enhances such atmosphere.


Palm Trees Against The Blue Sky

高约 9.5 米的假椰子树列植于海滩球场两侧,为蓝天上的天际线增添趣味的同时也营造出了清爽欢快的空间体验。棕榈树与海滩篮球场相互映衬,相得益彰,渲染出一幅逃脱城市生活的的超现实氛围。

Palm tree plantings that are approximately 9.5m in height are planted around the court to create spatial enclosure against the blue sky in the backdrop. The overall image of the space is rendered somewhat surreal just like City-Pop living concept, and provide a haven for people to escape from their ordinary city life.


Floating Wave Running Track

呼应享乐主义与浪漫情怀的场所调性,我们将串联屋面的线性跑道想像成一道连续的浪,并在在两个端头结合 IP 雕塑打造两处浪潮汹涌的浪花。太空宇航员冲浪的 IP 场景在超现实基础上也不再显得违和,甚至在某种程度上与CITY-POP享乐的核心精神相辅相成,形成屋面的两个特色打卡点。

In response to the spirit of hedonism, the wavy running track forms two turbulent wave photo-spot at the end points. At these scenes, astronaut surfer sculptures are integrated. On the basis of our surreal setting, the IP sculptures and the environment complement one another in the spirit of City-Pop.


Sunset On The Horizon

应用于球场仪式性入口的落日夕阳元素,以白色冲孔板在夜间透出夕阳黄的灯光基调,打造具有超现实都市风情的昭示形象墙。波浪状的线条语言延续海浪的抽象形式,与发光的LOGO 字体相结合,营造出朝圣地般的打卡场景。

The design incorporated the sunset element at the pilgrimage route into the basketball court. The sunset element in white perforated metal has yellowish illuminance during the night, creating another feature spot for photo-taking. The wavy design language and the use of fonts are also consistent with the City-Pop image we want to create at the horizon.




In the context of China’s new economy, we believe the design of a highly participatory public space should be user-centered and actively engaged with commercial operators to create successful place-making for the greater good. On that basis, targeted function,targeted operation and targeted place-making can potentially be the ultimate solution in building a better future for our future public spaces in cities. In this project, the new participatory design approach has successfully created strong engagement, identity culture and a new landmark in Wuhan suited to our contemporary lifestyle.


Other scenes


At the ground floor in front of the main retail entrance, we have also applied a similar approach to the evacuation staircase. In the design concept, we created an exhibition structure with ‘Little Hoo’ on top to incorporate and hide the existing staircase inside the box, turning it into an attractive feature element with display function.




景观面积:约 7965 ㎡





设计时间:2020.08 – 2021.04






