
人教版英语七年级下册U3《How do you get to school?》微课精讲+知识点习题

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《How do you get to school?》




七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?年级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school?












Unit 2单词 (音标)

train  [treɪn]   n. 火车

bus  [bʌs]   n. 公共汽车;公交车

subway  [ sʌbweɪ]  n. 地铁

take the subway  乘地铁

ride [raɪd]  v. 骑  n. 旅程

bike [baɪ k]  n.  自行车

ride a bike 骑自行车

sixty [ sɪkstɪ]  num. 六十

seventy [ sevntɪ]  num. 七十

eighty [ eɪtɪ]  num. 八十

ninety [ naɪntɪ]  num. 九十

hundred  [ hʌndrəd]  num. 一百

minute [ mɪnɪt]  n. 分钟

far  adv.&adj远;远的

kilometer  n.公里

new  adj.新的;刚出现的

every  adj.每一;每个

every day 每天

by  prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)

by bike  骑自行车

drive  v.开车

car n.小汽车;轿车

live  v.居住;生活

stop   n.车站;停止

think of 认为

cross   v.横过;越过

river   n.河;江

many  adj.&pron.许多

village   n.村庄;村镇

between   prep.介于…之间

between…and…   在……和……之间

bridge   n.桥

boat   n.小船

Ropeway n.索道

year n.年;岁

afraid   adj.害怕;惧怕

like   prep.像;怎么样

leave   v.离开

dream   n.梦想;睡梦  v.做梦

true   adj.真的;符合事实的

come true 实现;成为现实














1. get to school 到达学校

2. take the train 乘火车

3. take the subway 乘地铁

4. ride a bike 骑自行车

5. how do you get to school 怎么到达学校

6. one hundred and five 105

7. how far 多远

8. how long 多长时间

9. it takes sb some time to do sth 它花费某人多长时间做某事

10. ride the bike to school 骑自行车到学校

11. walk to , drive to ,fly to… 步行去…;开车去…;坐飞机去….

12. every day 每天

13. I’m not sure 我不敢确信

14. about= around 大约

15. 10 kilometers 十公里

16. good exercise 好的锻炼

17. drive his car to work 开车去上班

18. in his father’s car 坐父亲的车

19. need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分钟的时间到达学校

20. what do you think of…=how do you like… 你觉得怎么样

21. cross the river 过河

22. It is easy to get to school. 到达学校很容易。

23. there is 有

24. between…and… 在两者之间

25. no= not any / not a 没有

26. The river runs quickly. 河水流得快。

27.quickly 动作上快 fast 速度上快 soon时间上快

28. on a ropeway 在索道上

29. go on a ropeway to cross the river 坐索道穿过河

30. love to do 喜欢做某事

31. an 11-year-old boy一个11岁大的男孩

32. ten minutes’ walk / a ten-minute walk 10分钟的路

33. be like a father to me 像父亲一样做某事

34. leave for … 到某地

35. be afraid to do, be afraid of sth / doing…害怕做某事

36. come true 实现

37. thanks for +n /doing sth.为…而感谢

38. at about 8:00 在大约8点

39. How to do it? 怎么来做它?


1. —Hey, Dave, How do you get to school?


—I walk. How about you, Sally?


—I ride my bike.


2.—I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?


一I usually take the bus.


3. How far is it from your home to school?


4. 一How long does it take you to get to school?


—About 15 minutes by bike.


5. —Well, have a good day at school.


—You, too.


6. —How do you get to school?


—Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.


7. Do you walk or ride a bike?


8. For many students, it is easy to get to school.


9. There is a very big river between their school and the village.


10. There is no bridge and the river runs the quickly for boats.






l. take a boat/byboat/on the boat___________        

 2. bedifferent from___________

3. dependon___________                        

4. how many ___________

5. have to___________                              

6. 到达 ___________

7. 骑自行车___________                      

 8. 多远___________

9. 多久___________                              

10. 快速吃早餐___________


1. It usually__________(花费) mehalf an hour to get to the supermarket by bike.

2. The classroomwas _________(如此)noisy that I could hardly hear her.

3. There are sixty_________(分钟) in anhour.

4. Our city is inthe _________(北部的)part of China.

5. When do you________ ________(前往) school every day?

6. Two centuriesis ________ ________ _______(两百年).

7. It takes meabout half an hour ________(走路) to school from my home.

8. A large numberof students in my class _________(喜欢) surfing the Internet now.

9. He ate hisbreakfast _______(快速地) and then ran to school.

10. I want totravel all over the _______(世界)


(  ) 1. They______ a village in the evening and lived there.

A. arrived in         B. arrivedat             C. leftfor              D.got

(  ) 2.______ is it from your home to school?

A. How often         B. Howlong           C. Howfar             D. Howsoon

(  ) 3. Hegets up early and ______ breakfast.

A. have a quick       B. has quicka           C. has aquick           D. have quick

(  ) 4. TheNo. 6 Middle School is not far ______ his home.

A. to               B.from                C.with                 D. at

(  ) 5. Myschool isn’t far from here. It’s only _____ walk.

A. fifteen minutes                                     

 B. fifteen minutes’       

C. fifteen minute’s                                      

D. fifteen minutes’s

(  ) 6.Victor thought of a few countries for vacation and at last he decided _____Japan.

A. at       B. for            C. on          D. of

(  ) 7. I’m goingshopping after I finish _____ the book.

A. read     B. reading     C. toread     D. to reading

(  ) 8. LiuXiang and Yao Ming are _____. Almost everyone in China knows them.

A. interesting            B. healthy                 C. happy                    D. famous

(  ) 9. Bequiet, please! I have _____ to tell you.

A. anything important                            B. important something 

C. something important                                 D. important anything

(  ) 10. —Idon’t get your postcard. When did you_____ it?

—Last Friday.

A. show          B. send           C. give      D. make

(  ) 11.Beijing is about 140 km _____ from Tianjin.

A. near         B. away        C. far     D. long

(  ) 12.—Shall we go _____ tomorrow, Dad? I hear there are a lot of fish in the lake.


A. bike riding          B.swimming             C. fishing                   D. sightseeing

(  ) 13.—What do you plan _____ this weekend?  —I’ve no idea.

A. do                    B. doing                     C. to do                      D. to doing

(  ) 14.—_____ are you staying in New York?  —For about a month.

A. How soon          B. Howlong             C. What                     D. When

(  ) 15.—Have a good vacation, Miss Liu!  —_____.

A. Thank you very much

B. I’m sorry to hear that

C. That sounds nice

D. I think so


1. I spent a weekfinishing reading the book.(改为同义句)

It _______ _______a week _______ ________reading the book.

2. Tara left forLondon in a plane this morning.(改为同义句)

Tara left for London ______  _____this morning.

3. Lucy goes tothe park by bike.(改为同义句)

Lucy ______ the bike ______the park.

4. A lot ofchildren like playing computer games.(改为同义句)

______ _______children like playing computer games.

5. It is about tenminutes’ ride from my home to school.(就划线部分提问)

________ ________is it from your home to school?

6. I like livingin the warm place.(改为同义句)

I like living in the place ________it’s _______.


Teacher: Well,boys and girls, I want to do a   1   in our class.Would you like to answer my questions?

Students: Sure!

Teacher: How doyou usually come to school, Li Hong?

Li Hong: I takethe   2  .

Teacher: How faris your home from school?

Li Hong: About 4kilometers.

Teacher: How   3  does it take you by bus?

Li Hong: About 20minutes.

Teacher: How aboutyou, Wang Fei?

Wang Fei: My homeis   4   South Lake Park.

Teacher: Then yourhome is far from here, isn’t it?

Wang Fei: No, it’snot far. I usually   5   here. It takes me about 25minutes.

Teacher: Sorry. Idon’t know much about the city.


Ben and Peter were in the same school. They were good friends. WhenJune came, they had their exams. After the exams, they had a 1____ vacation.They 2____ the vacation in a small town(镇). They took walks, went fishing and bike riding. They saw and heard3____ interesting things. They enjoyed 4_____ very much.

One afternoon, the weather was very 5_____. So they decided to6_____ a river and swim in the cool water. They drove slowly (缓慢地) and looked around. SuddenlyBen saw a 7____ not far away. They drove there fast and stopped the car by thelake. 8____ they took off their clothes and were going to jump (跳) into the water, a man came upto them and said, “Sorry. Swimming is not allowed (允许) in the lake!”

“Why 9_____ you tell us about it before we took off our clothes?”Peter asked 10_____ .

“But taking off clothes by the lake is allowed,” said the man.

(  ) 1. A.two months               B. two-months           C. twomonths’   D. two month’s

(  ) 2. A.took                       B. lost                    C. sent              D.gave

(  ) 3. A. alot                B. a lotof                    C. little             D.a little

(  ) 4. A.they                B.their                 C. themselves     D. theirs

(  ) 5. A.hot                 B. cold                  C.windy           D. rainy

(  ) 6. A.find                 B. see                            C. make             D.watch

(  ) 7. A.zoo                  B. mountain               C.park              D. lake

(  ) 8. A.So                  B.When                 C.If             D.Although

(  ) 9. A.did                         B. do                    C. not              D.didn’t

(  ) 10. A.happily             B.angrily               C. sadly              D.carefully



Mrs. Green is a teacher in a middle school in Italy. She usuallygoes to France for vacation and stays there for a few weeks. She can speakFrench very well.

One day, Mrs. Green said to one of her friends, “I’m taking a vacationin Japan. But I can hardly speak Japanese. What should I do?” “You can go toevening classes to learn Japanese. It helps a lot,” said her friend.

She went to the evening classes and studied very hard for a month.When her vacation began, she went to Japan.

Two weeks later, Mrs. Green came back from Japan. Her friend askedher, “Did you have any trouble (麻烦) with your Japanese when you were in Japan?”

“No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mrs. Green. “Butthe Japanese did!”


(  ) 1. Mrs.Green usually goes to Italy for vacation.

(  ) 2. Mrs.Green is good at speaking French.

(  ) 3. Mrs.Green went to study Japanese because she wanted to teach Japanese.

(  ) 4. Mrs.Green stayed in Japan for two weeks.

(  ) 5. Mrs.Green could speak Japanese very well after she studied it for a month.


Martin is in a new school now. He likes it very much. It’s not farfrom his home. And it usually takes him 10 minutes to get to school by bike.School begins at 8:00 every morning. But these days Martin is often late forschool. This morning, he was late again. The teacher was very angry.

“How do you usually come to school?” asked the teacher.

“By bike,” Martin answered.

“What time do you usually get up?”

“At 6:30.”

“Well, it’s not late. What time do you usually leave home?”

“I leave home at 7:55.”

“Why not leave home earlier?”

“My mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. I must look after herand give her medicine at the right time, so I’m often late for school,” saidMartin with tears (泪水) in his eyes.

“I see. Martin, you are a good boy!” said the teacher.

(  ) 6. Howlong does it take Martin to get from home to school?

A. Five minutes.    B. Ten minutes.    C. Fifteen minutes.      D. Twentyminutes.

(  ) 7. Thismorning Martin was late for school again, so the teacher was _____.

A. sad                     B.happy             C.angry                 D. worried

(  ) 8.Martin usually gets up at _____.

A. seven fifty-five   B. six thirty         C.eight                 D. six fifty-five

(  ) 9.Martin is often late for school these days because _____.

A. he gets up late                               B. his home is far from school

C. he is ill                                           D. his mother is ill

(  ) 10.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Martin usually gets to school by bike.

B. Martin doesn’t like his new school.

C. School begins at five to eight every morning.

D. Martin is lazy because he is often late for school.


1. takes, Bob,usually, subway, school, to, get, the, to


2. home, about,Jack’s, miles, from, school, four, is


3. must, than,taking, it, be, a, a, little, interesting, bus, more


4. parts, as,America, world, of, the, other, not, same, are, the


5. your, go, how,work, last, mother, did, Friday, to





1. 坐船 2.与不同  3.决定于 4.多少 5. 不得不 6. get to/reach/arrivein/arrive at 7. ride a bike/go bike riding/on the bike 8. how far  9. howlong  10. have a quick breakfast


1.takes 2.so  3.minutes  4.northern  5.leave for  6.two hundredyears  7.to walk  8.like/enjoy

9.quickly 10.world

三、1-5 BCCBB  6-10 CBDCB  11-15 BCCBA

四、1. Took, me, to finish 2. by air/plane 3. rides,to4. Lots of 5. How,far 6. Where, warm

五、1. survey  2. bus  3. long  4. near  5. walk

六、1-5 CABCA  6-10 ADBDB

七、1-5 FTFTF  6-10 BCBDA


1. Bob usuallytakes the subway to get to school

2. Jack’s home isabout four miles from school

3. It must be alittle more interesting than taking a bus

4. Other parts ofthe world are not the same as America

5. How did yourmother go to work last Friday?




















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