
莱镇人文之三: Discover Lexington l Francesca Anderson Art Director

CAAL 莱镇华协 2021-01-29

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离莱镇中心大约一英里的地方,有一条与美国第二任总统John Adams同名的小街:亚当斯街(Adams Street)。从民兵塑像沿着 Hancock Street 转进Adams St,在这片静谧的居民区里,你很难留意到那幢座落在路边、外墙粉白色的科德角式房子竟然是一个经营了37年之久的艺术画廊:Francesca Anderson Fine Art, Portraits North。画廊始于Newbury St,Boston,历年来以其独特的风格傲立于新英格兰艺术之林。

本期莱镇人文系列向大家介绍画廊的主人和艺术总监Francesca Anderson。Francesca拥有40多年艺术品收藏经验,尤对现实主义艺术情有独钟,16岁在纽约麦迪逊大街(Madison)购买第一件艺术收藏品开始,她就一直热衷于收藏本地艺术家的作品并支持本地艺术家。她的艺术画廊定期举办各种主题画展与手工艺品展。这些展览包括:“美国之鸟“主题展、“鸟、花和花园”主题展、”城市风光”展、年度微型艺术展和肖像展等。展品主要来自于新英格兰的艺术家,通过这些艺术作品,人们通常能辨识出当地的风景。

我们也将介绍两位新英格兰的艺术家,一位是以绘画新英格兰的农场和谷仓而闻名的现代画家Loring W. Coleman, 另一位是以新英格兰风景和船只的限量版蚀刻版画而被人追捧的Maris Platais,从他们的作品中了解一些关于现实主义艺术绘画所表现的风格、思想和面貌。


Francesca Anderson

Francesca Anderson出生于纽约长岛,在波士顿和华盛顿特区接受大学教育。她擅长文物和绘画修复,曾在弗格(FOGG)博物馆修复实习。Francesca先后在位于Boston Newbury St Shore 画廊和一家非营利画廊(Copley Society)工作。1983年她在纽伯里街(Newbury Street)创立了Francesca Anderson Fine Art,后将画廊搬移到莱镇,至今经营管理了37年。


无论是绘画,版画或雕塑, 那些能唤起个人记忆并让人感觉身心愉悦的, 与生活息息关联的,像曾经去过的地方、生活中遇到的人与事,都是值得我收藏的艺术品。


Francesca 的故事

走进位于Adams St的 Francesca 艺术画廊,简约的现代时尚小前厅摆放着藤艺圣诞装饰筐,温馨怡然,不经意间提醒人们节日季的到来。Francesca正在那里等我们:沉静干练,一身舒适合体的黑衣。仿佛繁华看遍的返璞归真,眉宇间蕴含多年的艺术熏染与浸润。没有过多的寒暄,她带着我们直接来到了展厅—第36届年度微型艺术展正在展出。


靠近落地窗的那一面墙,我们一眼看到油画《瓦尔登湖小径》(Walden Way),这么的熟悉,这么的亲切,仿佛一下子把我们带回了宁静平和的梭罗的森林:“天空既在我们的头上又在我们的脚下 -- 梭罗 《瓦尔登湖》” 

《瓦尔登湖小径》Walden Way


展览厅的画作琳琅满目,这一张是Longfellow大桥,那一幅是波士顿后湾(Back Bay)的红砖房风景,那一帧是Great Meadow?记忆仿佛被唤醒,时光在回溯。或树,或水,或人,或物都是我们生活中朝夕相处的元素,我们熟悉的风景和生活过的地方,那里每一道足迹都值得细细地回味。


落地窗外,暖阳照射着基耶萨农场(Chiesa Farm)开阔的田野。那里曾经是一座牧场,如今已经成为公园。田园风光依旧,马蹄牛足的痕迹彷佛还在。“结庐在人境,而无车马喧”。未来,也许有一天,我们会请人画上一幅画,名字就叫做The Window of Francesca Art Gallery。


Francesca Anderson出生于纽约长岛,受热爱艺术的祖母和妈妈影响,从小耳濡目染的就是关于各种艺术品的故事。她在纽约麦迪逊大街买下第一件艺术品时才16岁。当时该画廊职员傲慢又偏见,尽管Francesca随身携带的支票本有足够的金额付款买下它,画廊依然不信任而坚持要给她的母亲打电话以确认。从那一刻起,Francesca发誓在自己的职业生涯中永远不会在这方面歧视年轻人或者年长者。

她在城市长大,在纽约市上学,或者正因为这个原因,Francesca并不喜欢城市生活,相反的, 她更喜欢大自然,喜欢乡村。她爱动物,养有一条很棒的甜美的黑色拉布拉多犬Ruby,她也爱鸟类,并希望将来有机会好好研究它们。Francesca说自己很内向,常常需要通过独处来充实和平衡自己。不过为了经营画廊,37年来管理画廊的训练和经验,她把自己练得外向,乐于与陌生人打交道,画廊的成功,证明这些训练已经奏效了。

在她大三的时候,Francesca在史密森尼(Smith Sonian) 自然保护实验室实习,毕业后回到波士顿接受文物修复实习,学习用热蜡法修复18世纪的绘画。因于这种实践,她对绘画修复以及保护文物产生了极大的兴趣。随后在麻省阿灵顿获得了在弗格(FOGG)博物馆修复师手下实习的机会,更是让她如虎添翼。就 在等待实习开始的时候,Newbury St 画廊的老板詹姆斯就向她发出了邀请:Francesca,请来做我的画廊艺术总监。

Francesca在位于Newbury St 的Shore画廊工作了2年,随后在一家非营利画廊(Copley Society)又工作了2年。几年后,这两家知名画廊都因个人原因而非销售额不足关闭了,这时,她看到了机会,开始考虑建立自己的画廊。

她有着丰富的经验和良好的信誉,在筹划办画廊的1982年,Francesca有机会问波士顿最好的艺术家之一,洛林·科尔曼(Loring Coleman):如果我开画廊,你会在我的画廊展示你的作品吗?他的回答是欣喜的“迫不及待!”  继续问另外六位艺术家会否加入她的画廊,无一例外都是热切的“Yes”!


1983年,Francesca的画廊在波士顿纽伯里街(Newbury St)132号创立。开业一开始画廊就定位于现实主义艺术品,这在当时是非常罕见的,大部分的画廊展示全方位和多种风格的现代艺术作品:抽象派,印象派,现实主义的,表现主义的...Francesca的画廊做得很成功,业务也不断地扩展,她又在同一栋大楼里租了另一层楼,不久后在丽思卡尔顿(Ritz Carlton)酒店对面的纽伯里街(Newbury St)8号开辟了新展厅,这个地点原来就是Francesca最初工作的那家画廊拥有的。

到了1989年,Francesca遇到了挑战,纽伯里街(Newbury St)8号的租金是如此之高,而且还雇佣着不少的员工。考虑到画廊的日常费用,员工的工薪,连年高涨的租金,在Boston办画廊变得越来越不那么有趣还越来越困难了。基于这些原因,Francesca决定搬家并买下了位于莱克星顿亚当斯街56号(56 Adams St)这栋建筑。


左: 画廊外墙


Francesca Anderson Fine Art, since 1983

数月无展之后,Francesca 最好的朋友之一鼓励她在亚当斯街(Adams St)56号布展, 在“家居”里举行艺术品展览似乎很奇怪,但为了让客户不失去兴趣,Francesca尝试举办了一场微型艺术展:“几乎是微展”(Almost Miniatures Show)。结果这场“家居”展览非常成功, 之后她向所有人发出问卷,询问画廊是否应该搬到阿灵顿(Arlington)、莱克星顿(Lexington)或其他商业地方。

每个人都回答:“为什么要搬?”他们说:“亚当斯街(Adams St)56号的停车场是免费的。从此之后Francesca 画廊就保留在亚当斯街(Adams St)56号。

几年后,莱镇的镇长找到Francesca,语带歉意地说:“Francesca,很抱歉,你需要为您的画廊申请商业用途许可证。抱歉打扰您,但这是法规”。申请获得在居民区营业的许可证有些累人, Francesca需提交大量的文件资料:诸如建筑图样,宅地图样等等等等。但是,不可思议的是,有9所房屋的居民出面表达了对画廊的支持,众多邻居站出来说“我们需要Francesca的画廊留在这里”。



You're invited!

36th Annual 

Almost Miniatures Show

November 20, 2020 – January 24, 2021

56 Adams Street

Lexington MA 02420


Francesca画廊也举办与艺术家交流的活动,如美国最好的肖像画家之一丹尼尔·格林(Daniel Greene)来画廊作现场肖像表演。 丹是美国最好的肖像画家之一,曾为美国总统、国王、皇后和其他大人物画过画。Jill Pabich, Mary Minifie 和 Joel Spector等肖像画家都曾做客画廊作现场肖像表演。

肖像画家 Jill Pabich 作现场肖像表演

肖像画家 Joel Spector 作现场肖像表演 

肖像画家Mary Minifie 作现场肖像表演

扫二维码|FAFA website

36th Almost Miniatures Show

Contact Francesca: 



在Francesca的画廊办公室,正面的墙上挂了一幅新英格兰著名风光画家Loring W. Coleman 的代表作《家》(Home)。Coleman前后在画廊举办了四次个人画展,是Francesca最喜欢的艺术家之一。她非常喜欢《家》这幅画,如Coleman 在 Living and Painting in a Changing New England书中写到: “家,标题不言而喻,因为这幅画代表了仍然保留在我记忆中的新英格兰和旧农舍。”

Francesca 的办公室:《家》- Painting by Loring W. Coleman


正在进行的年度微型艺术展览中,新英格兰著名画家Maris Platais部分作品也在展览出现。Mr. Platais的钢笔墨水画、对丙烯颜料的使用在业界享有盛名。关于新英格兰风景以及船只的限量版的蚀刻版画更是被人追捧。他的许多精美作品描绘了缅因州的Kenebec和马萨诸塞州康科德(Concord, MA)工作室附近周围的宏伟树木。Mr. Platais喜欢每个季节都在现场绘画,但秋天色彩炽烈的场景是他创作的源泉和宝藏。这次展览分别展出了他最擅长的丙烯颜料面板画,其中有:Low Tide On the Bay, The Bay, Heading Out 等。

展览中Maris Platais的部分作品


Francesca 部分艺术展览

 Annual Portrait Show

Every spring April - early June

 Annual Almost Miniatures Show

Every December - mid January

 36th Annual Almost Miniatures Show

Nov 20- Jan 24, 2021

FA's Private Collection

July 15 - Oct 15, 2020

Francesca Anderson's Story - English 


About a mile from the center of Lexington is a small street named after the second president of the United States, John Adams. Turning from the Minuteman Statue to Adams Street along Hancock Street, in a quiet residential area, you might not notice that the Cape Cod style house with a white exterior on the side of the road is actually an art gallery that's been in business for 37 years: Francesca Anderson Fine Art, Portraits North.  It originally started on Newbury Street in Boston and stands proudly in the New England art forest with its unique style.


This issue of Discover Lexington introduces Francesca Anderson, the art director with more than 40 years of art collection experience. Francesca has a soft spot for realist art. She's been keen on collecting local art and supporting local artists since she bought her first art objects on Madison Ave in New York at the age of 16.  Her gallery regularly holds various themed painting and handicraft exhibitions. These exhibitions include: "Birds of America" ,  "Birds, Flowers and Gardens", "City Scenes", an Annual Miniature Art Show, and an Annual Portrait Show, among others. The artists are mainly from New England, and people can usually recognize local scenery in the artists' works.


We'll also introduce Loring W. Coleman, a notable plein air painter of farms and barns in New England, and Maris Platais, who is well known for his acrylics on canvas, pen & inks and limited edition etchings of New England landscapes and boats.  We'll learn more about realist art, its style, thought, and appearance.


Francesca Anderson

Francesca Anderson was born on Long Island, New York, and attended college in Boston and Washington,DC. She thought she might specialize in the restoration of cultural relics and paintings, and had just started an internship with the Conservator who worked for Harvard's Fogg Museum, but a good salary job offer from the Shore Gallery on Newbury Street changed her career. In 1983, she founded Francesca Anderson Fine Art on Newbury Street, and moved the gallery to Lexington in 1989.


Whether it's paintings, prints or sculptures, those that can evoke personal memories and make people feel happy, and are closely related to life, like places I have been to, or people and things I've encountered, are worthy of a place in my art collection.


Francesca’s Story

Walking into the Francesca Art Gallery on Adams St, the simple modern and stylish small front hall is decorated with Christmas decor, warm and pleasant, reminding us that the holiday season is coming soon. Francesca was waiting for us in a comfortably fitted black dress, calm, sharp and understated elegant. Without much greeting, she took us directly to the exhibition hall where the 36th Annual Miniature Art Show is on display.


It's a visual feast. Colorful paintings of different styles are hung on the wall in a patchwork. Against the backdrop of the soft lighting, the entire gallery looks very elegant and unique. Floor-to-ceiling windows, chandeliers, sofas, cushions, light and shadows, forests and fields, snow-capped mountains and blue sky, ocean piers and small streets, space and time are wonderfully integrated here, but they are not disturbed, and each has its place. In this atmosphere, we have also become exquisitely literary.


On the wall near the floor-to-ceiling windows, we spotted the oil painting "Walden Way", so familiar and so kind, it seemed to bring us back to the Walden Pond: “Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. - Henry David Thoreau, Walden Pond.”

Walden Way


The painting "Walden in the Sunset" in another exhibition hall suddenly moved a string deep in my heart. At that moment, we understood why Francesca focused on local landscapes and local artists, and why she emphasized that the focus of collecting paintings is not the price of the paintings, but whether you like it.  When a painting can capture both human spirit and beauty of nature, it is the epitome of artistic creation.


The art show has a dazzling array of paintings:  Longfellow Bridge,  Back Bay of Boston, and Great Meadow.  Memories are awakened. Trees, water, people, or things are all elements that we encounter each day and night in our lives. We are familiar with the scenery and the places we have lived.  Every footprint there is worthy of careful recall.

When it comes to art, Francesca has clearly found the topic. An answer has given us a clearer concept and understanding of post-impressionist art, especially modern art.


Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the warm sun shines on the open fields of Chiesa Farm, now a park. The pastoral scenery remains the same, and the traces of horseshoes and cows' hooves seem to be there. “Only find your inner peace, you will have true peace regardless of your surroundings.” In the future, maybe one day, we will ask someone to draw a picture called "The Window of Francesca Art Gallery".

Connect with Art Gallery

Francesca Anderson was born on Long Island, New York, and was influenced by her grandmother and mother, both of whom loved art. From an early age she has been inspired by stories about various pieces of art. She was 16 when she bought her first piece of art, on Madison Avenue in New York City.  The gallery was a snooty, annoying place because they insisted on calling Francesca’s  mother, when she had her checkbook right with her and was perfectly able to purchase it on her own. It seemed as if they didn’t trust her. From that moment forward, Francesca vowed never to discriminate against the young, or the very old for that matter.

Although Francesca went to school in NYC, or maybe because of it, she is not a city person and prefers the country.  She loves animals, has a wonderful sweet black lab, Ruby, and she loves birds and hopes to study them in the future. Strangely, she is an introvert, which means she re-charges by being alone.  She has trained herself to be more extroverted because of her gallery.  Hopefully that has worked ! 

After college Francesca  moved back to Boston to get an internship in restoration as she was an intern at the Smithsonian Conservation Laboratory her senior year in college. Francesca was taught the hot wax method on an 18th century painting !  Because of that awesome internship, she became quite interested in a career in painting restoration or conservation. Francesca secured an internship in Arlington, MA with the Conservator for the Fogg.  While waiting for that internship to start, she received an invitation from James, the owner of a Newbury St Gallery: “Francesca, please be my Assistant Director”.

Francesca worked there at Shore Gallery for 2 years and then at a nonprofit gallery on Newbury St, also for 2 years, the Copley Society.   A couple of years after that, she began thinking about starting her own gallery as two well known galleries had just closed – not for lack of sales…for personal reasons. 

In 1982 Francesca asked one of the best artists in Boston, Loring Coleman, if he would show his work with her if she opened a gallery (the gallery that showed his work had just closed).  His answer was “In a heartbeat!”   Francesca proceeded to ask six more artists if they would join her gallery and they all said yes.

History of the gallery

When Francesca opened on Newbury Street in 1983 she wanted to specialize in Realism right from the start.  That was very unusual to do in those days, as all galleries showed many different kinds of artistic endeavors:  abstract, impressionistic, realistic, expressionistic work- the full spectrum.

Francesca’s gallery did very well, so well that she rented another floor in the same building, which turned out to be more of a nuisance.  She had to bring clients up in the elevator and it just wasn’t feasible.  Soon a lovely space opened up at 8 Newbury St, right across from the Ritz Carlton.  That was actually the exact same space where Francesca started first working at a gallery, which was then Shore Gallery, 8 Newbury Street in 1975.

The challenge was that rent was high at 8 Newbury Street and Francesca had so many employees that by 1989 it became less and less fun to run the gallery and “meet payroll” and "pay rent”.  That is when Francesca decided to move the gallery and bought the building at 56 Adams Street in Lexington.

Francesca prepares for the show

L: Outside of the Gallery

R:Corner of the Gallery

Francesca Anderson Fine Art, since 1983

After several months of not having a show, Francesca was encouraged by one of her best friends to have a show in her new space.  It seemed odd to have an art exhibit in a “house”, but Francesca did it so as to not have her clients lose interest.  After she had a very successful show “Almost Miniatures” in 1989,  Francesca sent out a Questionnaire to everyone.  She asked if she should move to Arlington, Lexington, or somewhere else. 

Everyone replied, “Why Move?”  They said "The parking is free at 56 Adams St and we would have to park in a lot and spend money !!”  (So funny).  So  Francesca kept the gallery at 56 Adams St.

Several years later Francesca heard from the Town Manager and he was so sweet.  He said apologetically, “Francesca, I am so sorry, but I need to ask you to apply for a permit. I am sorry to bother you with this, but it is regulation.” Getting a permit to operate in a residential neighborhood was a bit exasperating.  There was so much paperwork to be provided, architectural drawings, the lot plan, etc., etc.  But the wonderful part was, SO many neighbors showed up to say that “We want her here”…residents from 9 houses showed up as support!  That was just so delightful.

Exhibitions and Events

As a professional art gallery, Francesca’s various shows, portrait exhibitions and annual miniature exhibitions are held regularly. Francesca’s gallery mostly shows artists from New England: MA mostly, CT, NH, VT and southern Maine.  People who view these artists’ work often recognize local landscapes.  Francesca particularly enjoys supporting local artists.  

You're invited!

36th Annual 

Almost Miniatures Show

November 20, 2020 – January 24, 2021

 56 Admas Street

Lexington MA 02420


Francesca Gallery also organizes activities to communicate with artists. Daniel Greene, one of the best portrait painters in the United States, came to the gallery for live portrait performances.  Dan has painted American presidents, kings, queens and other big figures. Other portrait painters such as Jill Pabich, Mary Minifie and Joel Spector have visited the galleries for live portrait performances.

Jill Pabich's  live portrait performance

 Joel Spector's live portrait performance 

Mary Minifie's live portrait performance

Scan barcode|FAFA website

36th Almost Miniatures Show

Contact Francesca: 


Realism Art Painting

In Francesca’s gallery office, behind her desk, is a masterpiece - “Home", which is a gliclee print of the original watercolor by Loring W. Coleman, a famous New England landscape painter.  Coleman had four solo exhibitions in the gallery and is one of Francesca's favorite artists. She likes the print "Home" very much, as Coleman wrote in his book "Living and Painting in a Changing New England", "Home, the title speaks for itself, because this painting represents New England and its old farmhouses.”

Francesca's office: "Home" - Painting by Loring W. Coleman

One of the artistic office in the gallery

Works by the famous New England painter Maris Platais are also appearing in the 36th Annual Miniature Art Show.  Platais is well known for his acrylics on canvas, pen and inks, and limited edition etchings of New England landscapes and boats. Many of his fine works depict Kennebec, Maine and the magnificent trees that surround his studio near Concord, Mass. He paints in every season on location, but the blazing colors of his autumn scenes are treasures.  Among his acrylic panel paintings in this show are "Low Tide On the Bay", "The Bay", and "Heading Out".

Works by Maris Platais in the show


Gallery Art Shows

 Annual Portrait Show

Every spring April - early June

 Annual Almost Miniatures Show

Every December - mid January

 36th Annual Almost Miniatures Show

Nov 20- Jan 24, 2021

FA's Private Collection

July 15 - Oct 15, 2020

Scroll down to read in English



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A Bridge to Western Culture 

作家 Ashley Rooney

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Discover Lexington

A Bridge to Western Culture 

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文字:Elizabeth Xu 和 鱼儿

翻译:Elizabeth Xu



英文编辑:S & S


莱镇人文: Discover Lexington l 作家Anne Lee

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