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All expats working legally in China (namely, expats holding a work permit) can participate in the social insurance scheme for employees. There are five types of social insurance in total:a) pension;b) medical insurance;c) work injury insurance;d) unemployment insurance; ande) maternity insurance.In the remaining part of this post we are going to share with readers individual requirements which are of most concern.所有在中国合法工作的外籍人士(即持有工作许可的外籍人士)都可以参加雇员的社会保险计划。共有五种类型的社会保险:a) 养老金;b) 医疗保险;c) 工伤保险;d) 失业保险;和e) 生育保险。本文中,我们将与读者分享人们最关心的一些具体规定。
1. PensionAccording to related regulations, the minimum contribution time for employees to receive a pension is 15 years, which means, if any employee has reached the statutory retirement age and had made pension contributions previously for 15 years cumulatively, the employee is eligible to receive a corresponding pension on a monthly basis upon retirement.1.养老: 我国规定养老保险最低缴费年限为15年,即如果职工到达法定退休年龄,且养老保险累计缴满15年,就可以办理退休手续, 按月领取相应的养老金。
2. Medical insuranceTere is no unified standard for the minimum contribution time for medical insurance. As a matter of fact, the minimum contribution time for men and women are different in some places. So, it depends on the local policy where the employees are retiring to determine whether they can enjoy medical insurance when they are going to retire, or how to meet the minimum contribution standard.2. 医疗保险:但对于医疗保险的最低缴费年限,全国各地却没有统一标准,事实上,而且很多地区男女缴费年限也不同。所以要根据职工退休所在地来确定其是否能享受医疗保险,或如何达到最低缴费标准。

1) We researched some local standards as follows:Shanghai: 15 years;Hangzhou: 20 years;Guangzhou: 10 years;Beijing: 20 years for women, 25 years for men;Suzhou: 25 years for women, 30 years for men;Tianjin: 20 years for women, 25 years for men;Chengdu: 20 years, or continuously for 15 years;Wuhan: 25 years for women, 30 years for men;Xi'an: 25 years for women, 30 years for men;Yantai: 25 years for women, 30 years for men;1) 各地标准上海:需缴满15年;杭州:需缴满20年;广州:需缴满10年;北京:女性需缴满20年,男性需缴满25年;苏州:女性需缴满25年,男性需缴满30年;天津:女性需缴满20年,男性需缴满25年;成都:需缴满20年或连续不间断缴满15年;武汉:女性需缴满25年,男性需缴满30年;西安:女性需缴满25年,男性需缴满30年;烟台:女性需缴满25年,男性需缴满30年;
2) What can employees do if they did not make sufficient contributions upon retirement?(a)One-off make-up payment.In some places, unpaid medical insurance premiums can be paid before the employee retires one-time(b)Continue to pay.In some places, unpaid medical insurance premiums will not affect the employee to retire once he reaches the retirement age. The employee may continue to pay for the medical insurance until it is up to the local standard.It’s strongly recommended that you consult your local social security center for the latest information, if you are about to retire in the near future.2)、没缴满应该怎么办(1)一次性补缴目前很多地区,允许在退休时一次性交齐所有的医保费用。( 2)继续缴纳医保费用医疗保险费用没有缴满,对正常退休不会造成影响的,因此可以可以将医保延时,继续缴纳医疗保险费用。如果您即将退休,建议您咨询当地社保中心了解最新信息。3. For maternity insurance,please check our previous post: Regulations on Maternity Leave and Allowances in China
Related regulations:Social Security Law of the People's Republic of ChinaArticle 27:Where an individual participating in employees' basic medical insurance has made cumulative contributions for the period stipulated by the State when he/she attains statutory retirement age, he/she shall not be required to contribute basic medical insurance premiums upon retirement, and shall be entitled to basic medical insurance benefits pursuant to the provisions of the State; where an individual has not made cumulative contributions for the period stipulated by the State when he/she attains statutory retirement age, he/she may continue to make contributions up to the period stipulated by the State.
Several Provisions on Implementation of the Social Security Law of the People's Republic of ChinaArticle 7:The contribution period for which a retiree is entitled to basic medical insurance benefits stipulated in Article 27 of the Social Security Law shall be implemented pursuant to the provisions of the respective localities.The contribution period for basic medical insurance of individuals participating in employees' basic medical insurance shall be computed cumulatively when there is a transfer and continuation of basic medical insurance relationship.法律依据:


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