
顶刊译评 | 社会创业研究前沿文献精选

孙孟子 志阳创谈




  • 通过社会创业的方法服务农村低收入市场:创业及其成长

  • Serving rural low-income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth

  • 对工作整合型社会企业预期价值的认知方法

  • A cognitive approach to the expected value of work integration social enterprises

  • 社会变革的伦理复杂性:社会企业的协商行动

  • Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise

  • 早起的鸟儿还是早起的虫儿?先动优/劣势与网络社会企业的成功

  • Early bird or early worm? First-mover (dis)advantages and the success of web-based social enterprises

  • 员工社会创业导向和高管团队决策对产品创新的影响作用的双层纵向研究

  • A two-level, longitudinal investigation into the effects of employee social entrepreneurship orientation and top management team decisions on product innovation


Serving rural low-income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth



Rural communities in developing countries often exhibit high poverty levels, lack of skilled labor, and limited infrastructure. Through an analysis of three social ventures serving rural low-income markets in Latin America, we explore how social entrepreneurs create and grow their ventures. We advance a multilevel framework that incorporates three main levels within the creation and growth process of social ventures serving these markets. At the individual level, founders are continuously revising goals and acquiring new capabilities. At the community-relations level, they engage in explicit efforts to ground business operations in the community. At the organizational level, they pursue innovative business models. These processes are dynamic and interdependent. This framework contributes to the research on social venture creation and growth in uncertain and resource-constrained environments.



innovative business model;rural low-income markets;social entrepreneurship


Andrea M. Prado, Jeffrey A. Robinson, Zur Shapira.(2022). Serving rural low-income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1-27.


A cognitive approach to the expected value of work integration social enterprises



Oftentimes, social enterprises simultaneously pursue competing organizational goals. For example, this can mean having a social goal (e.g., integrating vulnerable populations into the labor market) and a commercial goal (e.g., being profitable). I propose a theory according to which for such social enterprises, how they are perceived depends on how their goals are presented and on the type of categorization process used by their evaluating audience. These two factors together impact a venture's legitimacy and expected value. I also show that these effects vary with the level of knowledgeability of the audience performing the evaluation. Taken together, the results of this paper have implications for the cognitive perspective on strategic entrepreneurship as well as the literature on categories in markets and on hybrid organizations.



categories;cognitive entrepreneurship;experimental methods;social enterprises, social evaluation


Romain Boulongne. (2022). A cognitive approach to the expected value of work integration social enterprises.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1-37.


Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise



This paper investigates how social enterprises navigate through the ethical complexity of social change and extends the ethical quandaries faced by social enterprises (SEs) beyond organisational boundaries. Building on the emerging literature on the ethics of SEs, I conceptualise ethics as an engagement with power relations. I develop theoretical arguments to understand the interaction between ethical predispositions of a SE and the normative structure of the social system in which it operates.I applied this conceptualisation in a hierarchical and heterogeneous rural Indian context to provide insights into the moral ambiguity of ethical decision-making and suggest pathways for ethical actions. Taking a qualitative case study approach, I followed an exemplary SE’s implementation process in India. I observed ethical challenges in designing the implementation process (efciency versus equality), selecting the benefciaries (fairness versus power) and sustaining the programme (cooperation versus autonomy). I also identifed three actions of the SE—the action of recognition, the action of reposition and the action of collaboration—and developed a transformative process model. I discuss the theoretical implications of this research for SEs and recommend a critical engagement with ethical theories to address systemic problems.



Ethical complexity; Practice based approach; Principle based approach


Babita Bhatt. (2022). Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise. Journal of Business Ethics, (177) :743–762.


Early bird or early worm? First-mover (dis)advantages and the success of web-based social enterprises



Achieving the optimal market entry time is of immense strategic importance for entrepreneurs, especially in online markets, where web-based social entrepreneurial activity continues to grow. This raises the question of whether first-mover market entry actually pays off or if market entry as a (later) follower might be the better option. First-mover research has so far not adequately answered this question. Our work contributes to closing this gap by transferring first-mover theory to web-based social enterprises. We expand upon first-mover theory by reflecting on the winner-take-all hypothesis to better illuminate the mechanisms of market structure development and entry decisions. Our empirical data was gathered on various types of web-based social enterprise models in a sample of 12 national markets. Our results show that first-mover advantages are available not only to those who are the very first to market but also to early followers. In addition, the speed of market entry matters. Our work also indicates, however, that first-mover advantages should not be overestimated; market structures and network effects may explain varying results. Furthermore, both business models studied exhibited high market concentration at a mature stage, implying that the winner, although perhaps not taking all, does take most.



Web-based social business;Social entrepreneurship;First mover;Early followers


Halberstadt, J., Kollhoff, S., Kraus, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). Early bird or early worm? First-mover (dis) advantages and the success of web-based social enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121784.


A two-level, longitudinal investigation into the effects of employee social entrepreneurship orientation and top management team decisions on product innovation



While social entrepreneurship orientation (SEO) is a relatively new field of study, thanks to SEO researchers' efforts we have learned how SEO influences firm performance, notably innovation performance. However, there is still a clear lack of empirical work on how social entrepreneurial employees within an organization and specific decision characteristics of top management they work under may influence innovation performance. This study aims to contribute to the above issues by adopting a meso-to-micro approach to investigating how top management team (TMT) decision creativity and speed influence the effects of employee social entrepreneurship orientation (eSEO) on firms' product innovation performance. To reveal the dynamics of eSEO over-time, we adopted a longitudinal research design to collect data from 2567 employees, one TMT member, and one new product development manager from each of the 206 social enterprises, with a secondary proxy dataset to triangulate the primary data. Our results show that high TMT decision creativity helps social enterprises leverage eSEO to enhance product innovation performance, while high TMT decision speed fails to produce the same effect. When high TMT decision creativity is coupled with low TMT decision speed, the contribution of eSEO to product innovation is at its largest.


Colin C.J. Cheng, Eric C. Shiu. (2022). A two-level, longitudinal investigation into the effects of employee social entrepreneurship orientation and top management team decisions on product innovation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, (182): 121832.


- 供稿/编辑:孙孟子|审核:綦成双 -



