
【科普版】小学英语六年级上册第9课 Lesson 9(朗读+翻译+微课+练习)




yesterday   昨天
June    六月
road   路
stop    停止;(停车)站
driver    司机
turn    转向;把……变成
word    单词
meeting    会议,集会
hard    努力地;困难的
start    开始,动身
sports meeting    运动会


Lesson 9    Were you at school yesterday?
Let’s talk
(G=Grandpa, E=Eve)
G: Eve, What was the date yesterday?
E: Today is June 2nd. So yesterday was June 1st.
G: It was children’s Day, wasn’t it?
E: Yes, it was.
G: Were you at school yesterday?
E: Yes, I was.
G: What did you do?
E: We had a sports meeting.
G: Did you have a good time?
E:Yes, we did. 
第九课 你昨天在学校吗?
(G =爷爷,E =夏娃)

Listen and say
(W=Wang Li, T=Tom)
W: Hi, Tom. How was your weekend?
T: It was great! I went fishing with my father.
W: Are you good at fishing?
T: No, I’m not. But my father is. How was your weekend?
W: It was OK. I was at home. My dog was ill. I had to look after her.
T: Is she better now?
W: Yes, she is much better. Thank you. 

April Fools’ Day
    It was April 1st. A bus was going down a country road. Then it slowed down and stopped. The driver tried hard to start it, but he couldn’t.
    Then he turned to the passengers and said, “ This bus is too old. I can’t start it. Now we can only do one thing. I will count to three, and on the word three, I want you all to lean forward together. Then the bus will start again. “
    All the passengers said yes. and the driver began to say, “ One! Two! Three! “ When they heard “ Three ”, they all leaned forward hard, and the bus started again.
    When the driver said “ April Fools! “ , the passengers suddenly remember it was April Fools’ Day and they all began to laugh. 




Lesson 9  Were you at school yesterday?

1. We ___ at school yesterday.

A. was  B. were  C. is

2. This was the _____house.

A. pig  B. pigs  C.pig’s

3. I ____ the house yesterday.

A. clean  B. cleaned  C. am cleaning

4. She ___TV yesterday.

A. watching  B. watched  C. watches.

5. __ he__ football two days ago?

A. Did play  B. Did played  C. Do play

1. y_ _t_ _d_y

2. r__ __d

3. t_ _n

4. d_ _v__

5. w_ _k

1. was --

2. were --

3. liked --

4. could --

5. did --

6. worked --

7. cleaned --

8. listened --

1. Were you at home yesterday?


2. What did you do last night?


3. There wasn’t a clock here before.


4. I visited my grandparents last Sunday.


1. He _____(visit) the Great Wall last year

2. We________(have) a good time yesterday.

3. We often _______(go) to school by bus last year.

4 .I ________(live)in the village when I was a child.

5. Mike______(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year.

6. Sam_____ (do) the housework yesterday.


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5.A

解析:1. yesterday 是表示过去的时间词,所以应该选 was.

2. 此处应用名词的所有格形式,猪的房间用英语表示为 the pig’s house.

3. yesterday 是表示过去的时间词,此处应用动词的过去式, clean 的过去式为 cleaned.

4. yesterday 是表示过去的时间词,此处应用动词的过去式, watch 的过去式为 watched.

5. two days ago 是表示过去的时间词,应用 did 提问,此处为 did+动词原形的结构。

1. yesterday 2. road 3.turn 4. driver 5. work

1. am/is  2. are 3. like 4. can

5. do 6. work 7. clean  8. listen

1. 你昨天在家吗?

2. 你昨天晚上在做什么?

3. 以前这里没有钟。

4. 我上周日去拜访了我的祖父母。

1.visited 2. had 3. went 4. lived 5.saw  6 did

解析:1. 动词 visit 的过去式是 visited.

2. 动词 have 的过去式是 had.

3. 动词 go 的过去式是 went.

4. 动词 live 的过去式是 lived.

5. 动词 see的过去式是 saw.

6. 动词 do 的过去式是 did.










