
#on paper_未命名# on paper 2 艺术家书(上)

onpaperstudio 2022-09-25

on paper 2 艺术家书

6.30 - 8.5, 2018


钟云舒  Tant ZHONG

断章取义 Mis-Quotation


磁力皮,保密纸 Magnet, security paper

尺寸可变 Dimensions variable

独版 unique



In Mis-Quotation, concealed contents is a random selection of titles of books the artist wants to read. The artist’s book is a concealment; the artist’s book is a book of artist’s (wishlist) books. The work consists of two parts: one part is shelved; the audience can freely take away a copy and decide whether he or she is going to disclose the title. The second part are six complete series of concealed titles available for sales. Whoever purchases these can freely disclose each title out of curiosity, or not. There are about 100 different titles in each series.


蒲英玮 PU Yingwei

新界杂志 Horizon Nouvel

2014 - 2018

黑白打印,装订 digital print, B&W bookbound


edition: 100




《新界杂志》is an ongoing publication about the suburb. It covers the marginal territories of Paris, Lyons, and Marseilles, and actively expands into other big cities (Berlin, Venice, Beijing and more). Each publication uses a standardised A4 format, printed in monochrome on 80g xerox papers. It is an ongoing project.

Exhibited here is the third issue of the新界杂志. The publication consists of seven blank papers - a space formed by seven A4 papers is in an 1:10 ratio to the minimum living space requirement, for a French housing subsidy application.  The publication then becomes a measurement, effectively a ruler, against which living conditions are to be measured. A reader’s gaze imagines the lives in the poorly conditioned housings.

三姐妹 The Three Sisters


印刷海报 digital colored print

折叠成册 fold:25×50cm,平展 unfold:125×100cm 

edition: 100



The Three Sisters appropriates an old photo taken in the 90s. Against the background of a newly completed memorial hall and its granite columns, are three tiny women in the bottom left corner, taking a walk. The photo initially aimed at demonstrating the grand scale and sublime nature of the columns by contrasting these with the prop-like female figures; who these women were or what their exchange was, was not of significance. Three Sisters makes this photo into a folded album, and the female figures have then become the cover of the album in the folding process, effectively the protagonists of the narrative, who would state their respective views and opinions regarding the sublime.


彭薇 PENG Wei

遥远的信件 Letters From A Distance


习画记 No.1 - No.4   

Record of Painting Exercises No.1 - No.4


宣纸水墨 ink on rice paper mixed media

144×27cm×2, 144×23cm×2

27×18×0.5cm×2 (closed), 23×18×0.5 cm×2 (closed)

144×27cm×2 (open), 144×23cm×2 (open)




艺术家在创作这些作品的时候并不旨在“画山水”,而是“画卷轴”或“画册页”,并在创作的过程中主动制造并期待传统山水画与现代观念作品的错位。 就绘画而言,艺术家企图以再传统不过的手法,与传统分离,又使传统文本与当代观念在纸面上合一。这组作品是在宣示传统的不可更动性和持久性的同时,又与传统割裂,企图在难以觉察的颠覆中,心思细密地维护着传统的完整。

Peng Wei ’s Letters From A Distance is inspired by traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Specifically, by the forms of scroll and album. The series of hand-drawn installations demonstrates a visual misplacement and an ambivalent relationship between representation and reproduction.

The artist inserts important Western authors’ letters into the traditional paintings, replacing the writings that were initially on the paintings. Therefore, the notion of the Western enters into text of Chinese landscape painting. Appropriating the classical art, Western intellectuals’ letters and poetry replace the Chinese inscriptions. After an artwork’s finished, she would copy the work with modern technologies and make it into a reproduction again. The amount and the size of the reproductions are the same as the original works.

The artist is not creating landscape paintings. Instead, she “paints scrolls” or “paints albums,” and actively anticipates in the process the misplacement between traditional landscape paintings and modern conceptual artworks. Regarding painting, the artist aims at departing from the tradition by using most traditional means, and reconcile the traditional text with the modern concept. This group of works creates a rupture while demonstrating the immobility and endurance of the tradition. In barely noticeable subversions, Peng Wei meticulously preserves the integrity of the tradition.



翟倞 ZHAI Liang


Starving Hermit can’t Do Anything

2017 - 2018

绢上水彩  watercolor on silk

30.4×30.2cm×6, 35.5×37.5cm×2 (covers)

册页, 16页 album with 16 leaves

35.5×37.5×2.5cm (closed), 35.5×597cm (open)



Lu Xun has a story about two men from the Shang Dynasty, under the reign of King Wu of Zhou, Bo Yi and Shu Qi. They had a peaceful life when King Wen of Zhou ruled, but after King Wu of Zhou overthrew Shang Dynasty, they decided to leave the country and became hermits on the Shou Yang Shan Mountain. Becoming a hermit is a demonstration of an attitude: how to face politics? Getting away from politics, and getting away from civilisation, means starving. Basic needs therefore intertwine with attitude - a strange situation. This album is like a notebook, depicting the hermits’ diet. What do we eat, and how can we confrontstarving?

中国运动会 National Games

2017 - 2018

绢上水彩  watercolor on silk 

30.4×30.2cm×8, 35.5×37.5cm×2 (covers)

册页,16页  album with 16 leaves 

35.5×37.5×2.8 cm (closed)

35.5×746cm  (open)



In new China, people are encouraged to actively and frequently exercise. “Friendship first,” “For a healthier body,” “For a stronger will” - slogans mix the physical and the spiritual as such, nurturing the strong, powerful lords of the new age, serving for a grand modernist mission. Just like in ancient Greece, sports are today political, involving all classes and professions. Physicist Zhou Peiyuan and painter Li Keran both were known for practising martial arts… This work is based on a Chinese sports magazine from the 1960s and 70s, reminiscing the wonderful epoch in flashbacks.

白色城堡 Beyaz Kale / 酉阳杂俎 Youyang Miscellany / 中国运动会 Springtime for Sport in China / 傅科摆 Foucault’s pendulum


绢上水彩 watercolor on silk


framed: 36×36cm×4


苍蝇 Fly


布面油画 oil on canvas


两只小苍蝇 Two Small Flies


布面油画 oil on canvas





The two paintings《苍蝇》(Fly, 2013) and 《两只小苍蝇》(Two Small Flies, 2018) depicts different layers of “reality”: the same objects from two different catalogues, the catalogues themselves and the flies. The two works misplace the subject matters in terms of size and scale, emphasising the deceptive nature of painting and representation. Essentially, a representation is an image that attempts at transcending illusions, and obtaining verisimilitude, but is only easily subject to manipulations.


渣巴 ZHA Ba

千字老之博、物、馆 / 禽、浮 / 上、海 / 永、恒        

A Dictionary of A Thousand Characters - 博、物、馆 / 禽、浮 / 上、海 / 永、恒 


木板,出版物,胶带,夹子  wood plank, publications, fish tape, clip




The Chinese characters we are using today largely contain traces of graphic and linguistic evolutions from oracle writings, bronze writings, Li style of writings in ancient time. Seal script (Zhuan style of writing), is a destructive form of writing. Via minute adjustments of various strokes, 千字老aims at re-establishing links between the great Ancient and the great Modern, also opening a gap that always exists. Formally speaking, the pages collected form a concise history of the evolution of Chinese characters that is at once temporary and freely subject to further editing, or a “billboard brochure”, on which studies and researches can be found. 千字老is not an aestheticization of Chinese language, but is a deep exploration into Chinese language, and serves this language. 




出版物 publications





The two books here, the Prairie Empire and the History of Yuan Dynasty serve each other as annotations. The two books, maintaining each other's integrity, interfere each other and brings about unreadability


阅读史 History of Reading


布面油画 oil on canvas




Long time ago, a person walked on the mountain, with a dim moon quietly shining upon a branch of peach blossom that was not there until just now. This is Zha Ba’s reading of the history of reading.


马树青 MA Shuqing


Sealed Memory: Three Books from the Artist’s Young Age


出版物上丙烯 acrylic on publications



在马树青的青少年时代,书籍资源匮乏,但阅读仍然是艺术家成长过程中的重要习惯。艺术家选择了三本少年时读过的书——《外国音乐曲名词典》、《马丁·伊登》及《美术史文选》——并选出三种代表着阅读印象的颜色( 橙色代表了阳光及梦想;蓝色代表了自由;灰色代表了历史及理性),涂抹在它们的外表。这些书及相关的阅读记忆因此得以被封存起来。对于拥有了丰富的书籍条件却丧失了阅读的热情和耐心的当代人来说,这些记忆弥足珍贵。

When Ma Shuqing was young, books were scarce, but reading was a habit that the artist grew up with. The artist has chosen three books he read when he was young -Dictionary of Classical Music,Martin Edenand Art history selections- and coloured these in three colours that could represent the reading experiences (the orange for an uplifting, aspiring experience; the blue for freedom; the grey for history and reason). For the world today with an abundance of books but a dramatic lack of passion and patience, the reading memories are precious.



刘文涛 LIU Wentao

无题 Untitled


函套 envelope: 布上拼贴 collage on textile


线装书 thread-bound book

封面 cover:木板上雕刻 carving on wood

内页 inner:纸上铅笔、拼贴、复印、转印、铜板印刷 pencil on paper, print, transfer, copperplate print

15.2×17.5cm, 50 pieces

无题 Untitled 


函套envelope:纸板上裱纸 paper on cardboard


accordion album:纸上铅笔 pencil on paper


长页long paper 12.3×25.4cm,30 pieces

短页short paper 12.4×7.8cm,16 pieces

无题 untitled


函套 envelope:纸板上裱纸 paper on cardboard


册页album:纸上铅笔 pencil on paper

10×14.5cm, 14 pieces


# on paper # 


# on paper_另存 #


# on paper_未命名 #


# on paper_lab #






