

9大新冠疫苗厂 北美新药科普历史网 2021-01-11




“You could have a very big surprise coming up. I’m sure you’ll be very happy. But the people will be happy. The people of the world will be happy. We’re going to have a vaccine very soon, maybe even before a very special date. You know what date I’m talking about.





  • 永远以试验疫苗受试者的安全和福祉为第一优先;

  • 在临床试验的实践和生产过程的严格把关方面,继续遵循高度的科学和伦理标准;

  • 三期临床试验的设计和实施会满足专业评审机构(FDA)的要求,只有在这些试验成功地验证了安全性和有效性之后,我们才会考虑申报FDA批准或者紧急使用授权

  • 努力确保疫苗供应链的充足和选择的多样,包括那些适于全球供应的种类。


阿斯利康,BioNTech,葛兰素史克, 强生,默克, Moderna, Novavax,辉瑞,赛诺菲

We, the undersigned biopharmaceutical companies, want to make clear our on-going commitment to developing and testing potential vaccines for COVID-19 in accordance with high ethical standards and sound scientific principles.

The safety and efficacy of vaccines, including any potential vaccine for COVID-19, is reviewed and determined by expert regulatory agencies around the world, such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA has established clear guidance for the development of COVID-19 vaccines and clear criteria for their potential authorization or approval in the US. FDA’s guidance and criteria are based on the scientific and medical principles necessary to clearly demonstrate the safety and efficacy of potential COVID-19 vaccines. More specifically, the agency requires that scientific evidence for regulatory approval must come from large, high quality clinical trials that are randomized and observer-blinded, with an expectation of appropriately designed studies with significant numbers of participants across diverse populations.

Following guidance from expert regulatory authorities such as FDA regarding the development of COVID-19 vaccines, consistent with existing standards and practices, and in the interest of public health, we pledge to:

  • Always make the safety and well-being of vaccinated individuals our top priority. 

  • Continue to adhere to high scientific and ethical standards regarding the conduct of clinical trials and the rigor of manufacturing processes.

  • Only submit for approval or emergency use authorization after demonstrating safety and efficacy through a Phase 3 clinical study that is designed and conducted to meet requirements of expert regulatory authorities such as FDA.

  • Work to ensure a sufficient supply and range of vaccine options, including those suitable for global access.

We believe this pledge will help ensure public confidence in the rigorous scientific and regulatory process by which COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and may ultimately be approved.







