
【大学频道】中国科大天文学系呈献 | 西班牙国际空间科学中心Sergei D. Odintsov教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-26



图 | Sergei D. Odintsov

题   目:The universe evolution and modified gravity: an overview (Lecture 1-2)报告人:Sergei D. Odintsov单   位:Institute of Space Sciences in Barcelona时   间:2019-10-27地   点:中国科学技术大学



The review of modified gravity is made. Special attention is paid to F(R) gravity where realistic model which predicts the unification of early-time inflation with late-time acceleration is presented in detail. Other realistic ghost-free modified gravities are discussed: F(R) gravity with scalar field (via Lagrange multiplier constraint) and modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Special attention is paid to reconstruction of inflationary universe. The account of QG effects in frames of such models is made.


Sergei D. Odintsov教授,是国际上天体物理、引力和宇宙学等领域的知名专家。自2003年以来一直是西班牙国际空间科学中心的ICREA研究教授,是一位活跃于引力物理和领域的西班牙籍俄罗斯裔天体物理学家。他所发表的论文总引用数约为四万余次,H因子为91。他是挪威皇家学院的国际会员,曾荣获欧洲引力物理奖(2014年)、俄罗斯托木斯克州政府的科学成就奖章(2019年)。同时,他自2014至2018年连续被评为Thomson-Reuters高被引学者。他与S. Nojiri教授共同提出的一类修正引力理论,将宇宙早期暴涨与晚期加速膨胀自然地结合了起来。


会议题目:2019 Fall Special School On Gravitation Beyond Einstein: Modified gravity and Quantum gravity at USTC

The particle cosmology group in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Science and Technology of China was hosted a special school in November of 2019 in the east campus of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).  All undergraduate and graduate students in the field of particle cosmology,  high energy astrophysics as well as theoretical physics are most welcome to join us. They had Professor Ian McArthur from the University of Western Australia, who is a highly experienced expert of theoretical physics in the field of SUSY and SUGRA, to visit their group from November until December of this year. He is very willing to meet the outstanding students in our university and to give a series of lectures on Quantum Field Theory from the basic to a brief introduction to SUSY. They had also Professor Sergei Odintsov from the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain to visit them from October until November of this year. His main topics of research include cosmology, astrophysics and gravitation. He gave a series of lectures on the physics of gravitational physics and cosmological implications as well as a public presentation under the School of Physical Sciences of USTC.

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