

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-26




为庆祝中国科学院半导体研究所建所60周年,同时也为青年科技人才提供创新思想碰撞与科研成果展现的平台,中国科学院半导体研究所举办“甲子辉煌 桃李芬芳”——庆祝建所60周年青年科技论坛。希望报告人通过介绍半导体领域的科研创新发展历程、研究成果等,增进海内外学者之间的学术交流,拓宽学术视野,为国际半导体行业带来一场高水平的学术盛宴,共同推动半导体领域的创新合作与发展。


主题:Nanowire-based Semiconductor Quantum Materials for Advanced Optoelectronics

主讲人:庄乾东 博士

单位:Lancaster University

主持人:潘东 副研究员 

时间:2020年9月29日 19:30


Nanostructured semiconductor materials have attracted increasing attention in the last decade due to their unique functionalities and the promising potential as new building blocks for next generation devices. Of particular interest is the III-V compound semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots, nanowires and their integration with Si platform or newly emerged 2D materials. The combination has advantages to exploit the unique optical and electronic functionality of III–V technology with the advanced signal processing capabilities and low-cost volume production techniques associated with silicon. This talk will brief our recent research outcomes on several novel semiconductor quantum materials, ranging from quantum dots to nanowires and hybrid material systems with device applications in energy harvesting, lasers, photodetectors and quantumt echnology. Advanced monolithic hybrid structures of InAsSb nanowire-based quantum materials on silicon will be specifically discussed, followed by the demonstration of proof-of-concept devices in infrared photodetection. The potential further device applications will be also briefed.


Dr Qian-Dong Zhuang is a Reader in the Physics Department at Lancaster University, UK, Head of Semiconductor Quantum Materialsand Device in Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre. He gained his PhD from the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS, China in 1999. Since then he worked at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and Glasgow University (UK) as a Research Scientist. In 2003, he joined Lancaster University as a Lecturer. He has subsequently established MBE Research Laboratory (molecular beam epitaxy) in the Physics Department where he has been leading the research in semiconductor quantum materials and devices. His current research is focused on III-V compound semiconductor quantum materials and device applications, with specific interest in quantum dots, quantum rings, nanowires and hybrid integration with silicon, for advanced optoelectronics. He has published 2 book chapters and more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals including Nature Communication, Nano Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Research, Applied Physics Letters and Physical Review B. He is an Editorial Board Member of Nature Scientific Reports and IoP Journal of Semiconductors.



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