

KouShare 蔻享科普 2021-04-25



Frank Wilczek




作者 | Frank Wilczek

翻译 | 梁丁当

校对 | 狄德罗

配音 | 李娜(蔻享学术)


Looking up at the summer sky, it is the luminous moon, the brilliant stars and the occasional meteor that draw our attention. Human beings are visual creatures, and we build our everyday model of the world based on what we see.


Because visible light, our primary messenger from external reality, spreads in straight lines through space, when it is devoid of visible matter, we find it natural to regard space itself as empty. But unaided vision is blind to many things, starting with air. Why should it be surprising that a closer look at space, with sophisticated instruments, reveals much more? Could its deep structure point to clues about the origin of the universe?


When I was a child, dinosaurs powered my nightmares; as I grew up, it was nuclear war. But my scariest nightmare ever came much later, as a young researcher pondering what we physicists call Void: space as empty as it can be.


sensory deprivation experiments, people are isolated from external stimuli. They float in specialized swimming pools, within dark sound-insulated rooms. Under those conditions, people invariably begin to supply their own stimuli. They hallucinate.


My nightmare took this sort of isolation a step further. It was a vision of nothing—of Void. It came to me after a day in which my working goal was to substantiate a cosmological daydream, in which I’d empty out space, replace it with something purer and thereby explain the origin of the universe.


Unmoored, floating, bathed in a featureless, preternaturally bright pure white, I didn’t know where I was or which way I pointed. Those questions had no resolution—indeed, no meaning. There were no landmarks, no sources of orientation, nothing to approach or to touch.


And it entered my mind that this lonely Void, being devoid of causes, would never change. I was adrift in time as well as in space. I was nowhere in particular, at no particular time.


Even while asleep, I remained aware that the absence of light should present itself as black. That anomaly added to my unease. It meant that I did not understand even the most basic aspects of my new reality. I looked for my body, but saw no deviation from the uniform field of white.


Trying to make sense of my situation, I thought that this was death, delivering on the promise of eternal, omnipresent celestial light—the Empyrean of the ancient Greeks and of Dante’s “Paradiso.” It was inspiring, abstractly, but to me, that night, its realization was terrifying.


Awaking with a quiver, it took me a few moments to grasp that I had not passed on, and to re-engage with familiar reality. I gathered my wits and returned from nightmare to daydream.


Nineteenth-century scientists, led by Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell, discovered that the central players in electricity and magnetism are space-filling electric and magnetic fields, which have a life of their own. Maxwell, a devout Christian, was profoundly gratified by this development, writing: “The vast interplanetary and interstellar regions will no longer be regarded as waste places in the universe.”

今天,我们依然将光和其他电磁波理解成电磁场中的激发。我们用麦克斯韦的方程设计我们的无线 (Wi-Fi) 网络。

Today, we still understand light and its relatives as excitations in electromagnetic fields. We use Maxwell’s equations to design our Wi-Fi networks.


Over the 20th century, we came to picture all forms of matter as accumulations of transient disturbances in ubiquitous fields. Some of those fields, when cold, create space-filling mists (the Higgs field is one). Like morning dew, they are spontaneous emanations, thrown off as the fields settle into equilibrium.


My waking dream, which inspired my nightmare, was to explain the origin of the universe. The Void, after all, is not really nothingness since it contains our 20th-century fields. As those fields settle into equilibrium, emitting their mists, they liberate energy, which powered the big bang and gave rise to reality as we experience it.


Why is there Something rather than Nothing? Because Nothing is unstable, according to the laws of physics.


We can craft a related myth, based on sensory deprivation. Contemplating perfection, the Creator, lacking stimulation, was driven to hallucinate the universe.


















