
期刊动态|SSCI期刊English for Academic Purposes专题征稿通知

JEAP 语言治理

Call for  Papers


Guest Editors

Rosmawati is an assistant professor in the Center for Communication Skills at Singapore Institute of Technology. 

Marjolijn Verspoor is Professor Emeritus of English Language at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Pannonia, Hungary. 

Anne Burns is a part-time Professor at Curtin University, Australia. She was Professor of TESOL, and now hold an Honorary Professorship, in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. She is also a Professor Emerita at Aston University, UK and Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney and The Education University, Hong Kong.

Special issue information:

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses are now prevalent in many universities and institutes of higher learning around the world. An example of such courses is the ubiquitous first-year writing course that is now near mandatory at almost any tertiary institution across the globe. However, not only does the approach taken in these courses vary from institution to institution and country to country, the challenges in their implementation also vary from context to context. In addressing these challenges, and in some cases simultaneously evaluating the success of courses, practitioners frequently put on their researcher hats and conduct studies to improve the methods and approaches in their teaching. Adopting an action research approach, they identify an issue, dilemma, or area of interest in their course, draw on the literature on action research, plan changes to the way they design/teach the course, and implement and evaluate the outcomes before eventually reflecting on and theorising from the findings. Such research often leads to improvements in teaching and learning.

In this special issue, we invite colleagues who conduct action research in their teaching context, be it EAP or ESP, to showcase their work through papers that are strongly grounded in action research theoretical perspectives, draw on the literature on action research and other research relevant to the research topic, and show how the research feeds into the improvement of their and their institution’s courses or programs. Through this special issue, we would like to demonstrate the many possibilities for action research in EAP/ESP courses and highlight the importance of action research in enhancing teaching and learning in EAP/ESP classes at the tertiary level. Moreover, we invite colleagues to share detailed explanation of their action research to the extent that the research design and implications can be employed by others working in comparable situations. As such, this special issue will also serve as a resource, and perhaps a source of inspiration as well, for those who would like to seek a way to improve their own teaching and their students’ learning by conducting action research.

Call for Abstracts

As the first stage of submission, a 600-word abstract is invited to this special issue. This abstract should give clear indication of the action research theoretical underpinnings, the context, research issue(s), methods used, and outcome(s) of the action research taken. It should not have been previously published in English or any other language. During the preparation of this abstract, colleagues should observe the Journal’s aims and scope for alignment with the journal’s general direction.

Accompanying this abstract is a separate file that includes each author’s name, affiliation, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and a 50-word biographical statement. In the case of multiple authors, please list the authors in the order of authorship and indicate the corresponding author.

The due date for abstracts is March 31, 2023. Please submit the abstracts to the managing guest editor at rosmawati@singaporetech.edu.sg

Decisions will be made on the basis of the abstracts whether to invite authors to submit a full paper. All submitted manuscripts will then go through a rigorous peer review process. The final decision on the inclusion of a paper, following any revisions necessary, is also subject to satisfactory completion of this process within the required timeline (see below).

Manuscript submission information:

The tentative timeline for this special issue is as follows:

Proposed Timeline

Call for papers: Feb-Mar 2023

Submission of a title and an abstract (of 600 words, not counting references) + author’s info: 31 Mar 2023

Notification of acceptance of abstract, AND Invitation to submit full papers to be sent to authors: 1 May 2023

Submission of full papers by authors: 15 Aug 2023

Round 1 peer review – completed: 15 Sept 2023

Submission of round 1 revision: 15 Oct 2023

Round 2 peer review – completed: 15 Nov 2023

Submission of round 2 revision: 15 Dec 2023

Round 3 peer review (if necessary): 15 Jan 2024

Submission of round 3 revision: 15 Feb 2024

Final acceptance based on review outcomes: 24 Feb 2024

Publication: Quarter 1, 2024

Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue: https://www.elsevier.com/authors/submit-your-paper/special-issues

Interested in becoming a guest editor? Discover the benefits of guest editing a special issue and the valuable contribution that you can make to your field: https://www.elsevier.com/editors/role-of-an-editor/guest-editors

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