
A woman doing this on Shanghai subway goes viral

GICexpat 2022-03-21


Recently, a video of a woman on Shanghai Subway Line 16 with her hairhanging off a handle has caught the attention of the public. 

In the video, the girl looks like she is swinging on a train carriage with her hair hanging off the handle and her legs are cross-legged, looking at her mobile phone in the air.

Reporter contacted the woman, her name is Darina, responded that she just wanted to shoot a video, did not expect so much attention.

She is Russian and now works as a trapeze performer for the Shanghai Circus.  

She said she loves adventure and has been practicing this move for half a year and is still practicing.


Darina also warns that this is a dangerous circus trick that ordinary people are not trained to try.

Many netizens said, "I really envy her hair volume."



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