
People from this province are toooo low profile!! Why?

Crystal H GICexpat 2022-07-15


As a Guangdong native, I like to eat spicy food but can't eat too spicy. Every time I eat something that’s in the medium range of spiciness, my face immediately turns red and I get a headache from it. My tongue feels numb and I can’t taste anything anymore. My eyes get watery and before I know it, drops of tears start drifting down my cheeks. I try to manage it by drinking loads of water, but there’s no stopping it.

If that’s how I react to spicy food from home, then I can’t imagine what it must be like for provinces like Sichuan, Chongqing and Hunan…

Recentl top search results on Weibo have shown that #Jiangxi people are good at eating spicy food ranking first in the country# ranks quite highly  and attracted the netizens hot debate.

1. Jiangxi Hunan Sichuan > Chongqing > Guizhou

Actually,  we haven't known people from Jiangxi province were so good at eating spicy food before. 

Jiangxi people are too low profile! 

Pingxiang city of Jiangxi province is considered to be the “hottest” city in China. 

People here put chili in all dishes, even including the porridge and stew.

It seems that chili is their main dish.

even chili cake!

However, people in Jingdezhen city (home of Chinese ceramics) in Jiangxi  province nearby Anhui province, prefer less spicy.  

Last time I visited, I went to a restaurant where the waiter asked me if I could eat spicy food or not. Thinking too highly of myself, I shrugged and said “Sure, whatever.”

He brought the most traditional Jiangxi cuisine to my table, which looked okay at first - nothing too worrying about it. It didn’t even feel that spicy when I first tried it. But a few seconds later… the spices finally kicked in… 

I had to drink 10 glasses of iced water to calm down!!!


Hunan cuisine is known as one of China’s eight cuisines, and never lack of chili or pepper. The local dishes are spicy and appetizing. There are Hunan restaurant across the nation favored by spicy food lovers. The steamed fish head with diced hot red peppers and Dong-an chicken claim to be the most famous Hunan dishes.  



One user told the story of her friend who had traveled to Chongqing and tried the spiciest hot pot they had. At first, she said it wasn’t spicy at all… 

… until she was sent to the emergency room at the hospital. 

There’s a valuable lesson to learn from this: manage your own expectations, and for the love of god, know your own limits!  


Guizhou always reminds people of its overwhelming spicy food. In each family, there is chilli powder, Chopped hot pepper, Dried red pepper and chili with soya especially for noodles and rice noodles. With these Chili ingredients, Guizhou people make all kinds of mouth-watering spicy dishes. They also like sour and hot flavor.

So… the question is… 

Can you eat spicy or not? 

What spicy food do you like to eat the most?

Share your spiciest experience in the comment section below!

Editor: CH


