
The Week Ahead

Dear parents,  

This week we spent three enjoyable days with the six members of our annual review team. They were impressed by the love and pride in the school shown by pupils, staff and parents. They spoke highly of the school's culture of excellence, the embodiment of Wellington values in educating our pupils, as well as the collaboration between the three schools in our college and among departments. They were particularly impressed by the innovative practice of integrating the Chinese 24 solar terms into the British early education curriculum in the NEST; the capacity of Junior school pupils to study independently, along with their education on global citizenship, and the remarkable differentiated teaching methods; and, the development of gifted and talented pupils and university admissions results in the Senior School. The AR team leader, Mr Chris Woolf, excitedly told me that in a discussion with parent representatives, one parent said, "Choosing Wellington Tianjin was the best choice she has ever made in her life." This was something he had not heard during his visits to other schools. We are very grateful to the parents for their support and trust in the school, which is what keeps us going. 

This week, some of our Junior School pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 sat for LAMDA, which is an extra-curricular examination system from the London Academy of Music and Drama Performance. Starting as an ASA activity in Senior School and then expanding to the Junior School, the programme has been very well received by the students and has been effective in improving their oral expression, public speaking, general stage performance and creative skills. The children's serious attitude and wonderful performances won the applause of the judges. 

In anticipation of the upcoming public examinations, this Wednesday afternoon, the senior pupils in exam year groups attended a talk by Dr. Zhao Peng, a renowned psychologist from Tianjin United Family Hospital, on the topic of how to cope with exam stress. The students were given some practical tips in a relaxed atmosphere, and I believe it was important for them to learn how to face their heavy revision load with a positive mindset and how to ease pre-examination anxiety. We sincerely hope that all candidates will be in a good frame of mind to achieve excellent results in their examinations. 

Rehearsals are in full swing for the school's musical, The Wizard of Oz; and although the rehearsal period has been short due to a long time of online teaching, we are looking forward to this year's wonderful show. We welcome parents to come and support the performance. 

We wish you and your family every happiness and wellbeing! 


Yang Yang 

Dear parents,

This week we have had visitors in school for three days. Some are colleagues from The Wellington College U.K. and some colleagues from Wellington College China who are based in Shanghai. They have spent three days looking at our learning environments inside and outside, teaching and learning, speaking to children, and meeting with teachers and leaders. The children demonstrated their values every day and were very respectful to all the visitors. They were very keen to share their learning and show what they were doing. Many of the children showed such confidence, it was a joy to see. Moments like this are the ones that not only make me proud of our children but also reminds all the teachers that what they do with the children makes a big difference to all our children. 

The Wellington value of respect is an important one for many reasons. Our children learn to respect their school environment and the adults they work with. They learn to respect each other and how to work together and listen to the opinions of others while they play and learn. They learn to care for the equipment and toys they play with, to keep them tidy and cared for. As part of our Global Citizenship and 24 Solar Terms aspects of our curriculum, they learn to understand the world they live in and know that they must do all they can to respect their living environment and show responsibility towards sustainability through not being wasteful of natural resources and to recycle wherever possible. 

In a world that is complex and ever-changing, learning to respect everyone you have contact with, even if you do not always agree with them is an essential skill. It is one we are proud to say our children are learning to demonstrate even at a young age. 

As always, we thank you for your continued support and shared understanding. 

Kind regards 

Jan Bennett 

Nursery Assembly
21st March


Due to the theatre being used for the production by the Senior school of The Wizard of Oz; and a large number of children in the nursery year group, we will postpone the nursery assembly, The new date is Tuesday 25th April starting at 9:00 AM. We apologize for making a change to the date but we want the children to have the space to be able to show you all the things they have been learning. 


If you are interested in and would like to join any courses, please contact the teacher in advance to make sure you are enrolled on the course, as places are limited. We would love to welcome as many of you as possible!

If you would like to run a course as part of the FoW programme, please do not hesitate to send an email to: tina.bai@wellingtoncollege.cn.

Notice: For any changes of time/date/venue please follow the notice according to the course organizer. 


Date: Thursday, 23rd March

Time: 8:00pm
Language: Chinese

Do you have concerns about parent-child education? Would you like to know more about international education? What is the best method to develop your child's independence and growth? These questions and more will be answered through our weekly live-streaming podcast on 23rd March starting from 8.00pm.

Our Wellington experts will share educational topics and take you on a journey of growth and development. We hope that through these podcasts, parents can learn and grow together with their children. Learn about new techniques and build a solid foundation of knowledge to support your child through their learning journey.

Scan the QR code to follow the official school WeChat account and reserve your seat for the live streaming events.


Monday 20 March 2023 

All Day                   

Week 23 (A) 

Tuesday 21 March 2023 

9:00AM - 9:30AM           

Assembly (Nursery)  POSTPONED

Wednesday 22 March 2023 

8:45AM - 10:00AM             

JS Open Morning for Nest Parents (MM) POSTPONED 

Would you like to learn more about Wellington College Bilingual Tianjin Nursery? 

Registration is now open for local and international families who would like to know more about our unique approach to teaching and learning, our bilingual programme and English support courses. You can arrange a visit by scanning the QR code below. Our admissions team is available to host individual campus tours and to help you to discover what makes Wellington College special.

Scan the QR code to submit an enquiry

Join us on our WeChat Platforms

The Wellington College Tianjin Community is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils.

