

中国翻译编辑部 中国翻译


翻译博士专业学位建设专题论坛 /
05    加快培育高层次翻译专业人才  推进国家翻译能力高质量发展    于涛
聚焦服务国家重大发展战略需求 培养高层次应用型翻译领军人才    姜锋
14    开设专博教育:翻译人才培养迎来崭新时代    黄友义
18    翻译专业学位教育的体系建设与人才培养    许钧
21    开设翻译博士专业学位的思考    穆雷
理论研究 /
25    翻译诗学    孙艺风
36    论翻译的双重中介性    王克非
45    文学翻译中的“形似”与“神似”新论    宋学智  赵斌斌
译史纵横 /
53    重译与价值构建——以伯伦知理《国家论》在晚清的汉译为例    李可
译介研究 /
61    汉诗绝句在美国的另类翻译与传播——以纽曼英语绝句大赛为例    许诗焱  Jonathan Stalling
70    重读经典 学以致用
——《孙子兵法》在俄百年译介及传播    祝晶
翻译教学 /
79    本科翻译概论课程设计及其内在矛盾    陈顺意
译家研究 /
84    思想之窗:从翻译隐喻透视飞白的翻译思想    郭国良  高淑贤
翻译评论 /
92    辜鸿铭《论语》英译主体“同质语境”中的对话    张小曼  孙晓璐
书刊评介 /
100    书写他者,认识自我——《国外翻译理论发展研究》述评    宋凯彤  蓝红军
学术视点 /
106    多模态翻译研究的学术史考察    王洪林
会议综述 /
114    翻译世界中的合作——第十届亚太翻译论坛综述    徐秀玲  邢玉堂
实践探索 /
121    中国诉讼类法律术语的英译问题与对策    刘法公  王琳
127    中国植物名称英译之“创仿”方法与原则    任开兴  陈丽红
135    语境关联视阈下物流文本专业词汇汉译研究    鲍文  骆吉勤
自学之友 /
144    Stalking Made Easy: How Information and Communication Technologies 
Are Influencing the Way People Monitor and Harass 
One Another (Excerpt)
(Penny A. Leisring)     周领顺  陆梦佳 译
149    译者译内改写行为过程分析    领顺
153    推动职业教育高质量发展(雅言)    蔡力坚 译
155    翻译陷阱    蔡力坚
第三十四届韩素音国际翻译大赛揭晓 /
160    第三十四届韩素音国际翻译大赛命题及评审工作报告
162    第三十四届韩素音国际翻译大赛评审委员会名单
163    第三十四届韩素音国际翻译大赛获奖名单
176    英译汉参考译文:疫情中的转山之旅
179    英译汉译文评析:心参禅意  情润译文  陈法春
184    汉译英参考译文:Intangible Cultural Heritage with an  Unceasing Charm
186    汉译英译文评析:“翻译中国”背景下的译者能力思考    李晶
英文摘要 /
词语选译 /
夹页  中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会报告重点语汇汉英对照摘编



孙艺风 澳门大学


王克非 北京外国语大学


宋学智  吉林外国语大学 |  赵斌斌 吉林外国语大学/南京师范大学



李可 南京大学



许诗焱  南京师范大学 |  Jonathan Stalling 俄克拉荷马大学



重读经典 学以致用

祝晶 中南财经政法大学



陈顺意 广州大学



郭国良  高淑贤 浙江大学



张小曼  孙晓璐 合肥工业大学




宋凯彤  蓝红军 广东外语外贸大学



王洪林 浙江万里学院




徐秀玲  北京外国语大学 │ 邢玉堂 中国外文局翻译院



刘法公  浙江海洋大学 │ 王琳 浙江工商大学


任开兴  陈丽红 台州学院


鲍文  骆吉勤 浙江工商大学



From Cross-cultural Rewriting to the Translator’s Creativity: The Poetics of Translation
By SUN Yifeng(University of Macau, Macao, China) p.25

Abstract: Cross-cultural rewriting, whether through ideological, stylistic, or other mode of manipulation, is intimately intertwined with translation especially literary translation, whose lack of transferability creates the space for rewriting and manipulation. When differently motivated and contextualized, rewriting tends to perform different poetic functions and produce different regulative effects. Since literary translation remains essentially a cross-cultural act even with whatever rewriting it involves, its success depends on effectively overcoming the communicative barriers generated by transnational, interracial, and intercultural contexts. At stake in efforts to surmount these barriers are the translator’s identity in a cross-cultural context, the readers’ experience of receiving and reading the translated text, and the form and manner of rewriting and manipulation. Moreover, literary translation cannot avoid identifying, capturing, and rendering literary qualities in the translated text. Successful literary translation requires therefore the translator’s creativity in constructing expressive and aesthetically satisfying literary language in a cross-cultural context, so that the translation can initiate a dialogue, produce a resonance, and bring about a fusion of vision with the target reader.
Keywords: translational poetics; transcultural poetics; rewriting and manipulation; translator’s identity; transcultural reading

Translation’s Double Mediation Effect
By WANG Kefei(Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) p.36

Abstract: Since translation takes on the mission of simultaneously transplanting the source culture and enriching the target culture with foreign elements, it produces a double mediation effect. In the first phase of the mediation, i.e. language transference, translation helps to deepen target language users’ understanding of another culture by making the best it has to offer accessible to them. In the second phase, the target language becomes more energetic and expressive as a result of the effect of mediation at a higher level. This two-phased mediation constitutes the whole process of translation as a culture communication.
Keywords: translation; interlanguage; double mediation effect

A New Perspective of “Similarity in Form” and “Similarity in Spirit” in Literary Translation
By SONG Xuezhi (Jilin International Studies University, Changchun, China) & ZHAO Binbin (Jilin International Studies University, Changchun, China / Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China) p.45

Abstract: The dichotomy between “Similarity in Form” and “Similarity in Spirit” in literary translation is not primarily a technical issue like literal v. free translation, nor is it a strategic one like domestication v. foreignization. It concerns both poetics and aesthetics, dealing with the fundamental question of what makes a literary work. Following a close look into both concepts in question and the evolution of their relationship, this paper proposes a new perspective on some popularly held assumptions about the two kinds of “similarity,” and offers additional thoughts on how this pair of binary concepts could be reconciled in the actual practice of translation.
Keywords: similarity in form; similarity in spirit; contradictions; resolution

Retranslation as a Means for Reconstructing Values:A Case Study of the Late Qing Translation of Western Theories of State
By LI Ke(Nanjing University, Nanjing, China) p.53

Abstract: Retranslation is not only the reproduction of texts, but also a value-constructing and difference-making process that involves both the original works, their translations, and the new versions. This article focuses on the two retranslations of J. K. Bluntschli’s theory of state by Liang Qichao in the late Qing Dynasty, discussing his motivations and strategies for undertaking the projects as well as the influences of his retranslations. Taking this as a representative case, the article looks further into how values are determined by historical contexts, created in the process of interpretation, and challenged in readers’ reception of retranslations.
Keywords: retranslation; value; Liang Qichao; theory of state; Bluntschschli

The Newman Prize and the Translation of Chinese Jueju Poetry in the U.S.A
By XU Shiyan (Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China) & Jonathan Stalling (The University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A) p.61

Abstract: Classical Chinese poetry is a treasure of Chinese culture, but conveying its charm to readers who do not understand Chinese has always been a problem. The Newman Prize for English Jueju Contest, held in the U.S., offers a promising way of solving this problem. Based on talks with Jonathan Stalling, founder of the Contest, this paper analyzes the diverse approaches the contestants for - and especially the winners of - the Prize have adopted to translating Chinese jueju poems and introducing them to English readers, in an attempt to offer some helpful pointers to those engaged in efforts to introduce Chinese literature to other parts of the world.
Keywords: classical Chinese poetry; English translation; literary translation; cultural communication; the Newman Prize for English Jueju Contest

Conflicting Considerations Underlying the Course Design of Undergraduate Level “Intro to Translation”
By CHEN Shunyi(Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China) p.79

Abstract: Even though Introduction to Translationhas been offered as a compulsory course by all B. A. level translation programs in Chinese colleges, suitable textbooks for the course remain scanty, academic studies on its teaching are lacking, and no consensus has been reached so far about the course’s objective, content, evaluation method, and even teaching language. This paper makes a tentative attempt at addressing these issues by drawing upon previous researches on related subjects and the author’s own teaching experiences as well. It argues, among other conclusions, that identifying and resolving the conflicting considerations that go into and underlie the course’s design holds the key to dealing with the problems it is now facing.
Keywords: Introduction to Translation; undergraduate; course design; course construction; contradictions

Translation in Metaphorical Terms: A Poetry Translator’s Reflections on His Own Profession
By GUO Guoliang& GAO Shuxian (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) p.84

Abstract: Celebrated poetry translator Fei Bai has offered his reflections on translation in vividly metaphorical terms. This paper identifies and analyzes those of his metaphors which provide an especially valuable insight into his thoughts on translation, and finds that Fei Bai tends to use color metaphors to express his belief in the intrinsic value of poetry translation and in the diversification of criteria for its evaluation; that he employs lexical metaphors for stressing the importance of form and style in poetry translation; that his dialectical thinking about poetry translation is manifested in the military metaphors he deploys; and that he also uses care-giver metaphors to highlight the need for fostering translated poetry readers and to urge for caution in using compensation as a strategy of poetry translation.
Keywords:Fei Bai; metaphor; translation thoughts





