
赓续百年初心,打造双语教育标杆 | 南通惠立学校理事会校园体验日 Taster Day

南通惠立学校 南通惠立学校 2023-03-30


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Wellington College in England was founded by Queen Victoria in 1859 as a national monument to one of Britain’s most renowned military figures, the Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, a statesman and soldier who also served the country with distinction twice as Prime Minister. In 2009 Wellington College made the decision to participate in running schools overseas, spreading its century-old educational philosophy and spirit overseas. Today, the Wellington College Family has 10 schools in England, Thailand, and China.

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As the Wellington family continues to grow, Wellington College in England is putting even more effort into ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning in each school in each country is maintained to the same high standards.Each year, Wellington UK arranges for a suitable team to visit each school to conduct a teaching and learning audit.

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上周来自英国惠灵顿公学的Julia Sutcliffe女士为南通惠立学校进行了年度审核,她深入各个年级不同学科的课堂,听取了学部对教学大框架和课堂内容的分享,深入了解了不同年龄的教学内容和目标。本次审核的目的是从英国惠灵顿的角度评价学校目前的自我评估是否准确,帮助学校进行下一阶段发展计划的制定,并继续不断推动各方面的优化与改进。

通过每年一次的年度审核,南通惠立学校和英国惠灵顿公学之间的合作关系更加紧密,交流更加频繁,步调也更加一致。Julia Sutcliffe在参观了校园后分享到:“惠灵顿的办学愿景与目标,在这里得到了清晰的印证,南通团队的辛勤工作获得了巨大的成功。”同时她也对南通惠立学校迎来的第100个教学日表示了由衷祝贺。她希望加入惠立社群的每一位成员都能在这里收获自己的幸福与成就。

Last week we had Julia Sutcliffe from Wellington College in England join us to do the school’s Annual Review. She is the Head of Middle School there. The aim of the Annual Review is to confirm that our own leadership team’s observations are accurate. This will then help us form the next stage of the school’s development plan and continue the improvements that we have seen recently.

By completing these reviews annually, it maintains the strong relationship between Nantong and the UK school. After looking around our school, Julia Sutcliffe remarked that the Wellington vision and ethos were clear here in Nantong, which shows just how far we have come in such a short time. She also congratulated our school on celebrating its 100th teaching day. She hoped that everyone who joined the Huili community would reap the benefits of their happiness and achievements here.

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In addition to the annual review, on 14th March, the school’s governors also had a “Taster Day” and Board meeting on site. As an important advisory, guiding and deliberative part for the school, the governing body provides guidance in all areas of school development. The annual taster day allows them to experience the school rather than just reading about it.


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惠灵顿(中国)的创始人及理事长乔英女士、惠灵顿(中国)首席总校长Julian Jeffrey先生和惠灵顿(中国)理事张敏玲女士、陈霜林女士、闫潞霞博士等一同进行了深度的校园参观和各项硬件设施检查。他们进入课堂,参与了幼儿园至小学七年级全学段的课堂,还与学生会的同学们共进了午餐,倾听孩子们对学校的真实感受。

Joy Qiao, the Founder and Chairman of Wellington College China, Julian Jeffrey, the Chief Executive Master, plus our three external governors joined us for an in-depth tour of the campus and inspection of all the facilities. They went into the classrooms and observed lessons from Nursery to Grade 7, and also had lunch with pupils from the Student Council to listen to their feedback and opinions.


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除了学生与教师,家长也是惠立社群的重要成员,理事会成员们与FoH committee(惠立之友委员会)的成员、班级代表家长们也进行了深入沟通。

In addition to pupils and teachers, parents are also important members of the Huili community, and governors have had in-depth conversations with the FoH members and class representatives.

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The governors’ Taster Day allowed the members to gain as much insight as possible into the actual running of the school, laying a firm foundation for future decisions. Governors gathered feedback and suggestions from pupils, teachers, parents and relevant staff to ensure that the school's decisions and actions are closely linked to its values and in line with its vision, while maintaining the high academic standards and rigour that have always characterised Wellington College China.

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With the care and support from Wellington UK and our own governors in China, we are confident that we will be able to provide a quality bilingual education for our pupils and also give them the soft-skills needed to uphold the values of traditions befitting a Wellington College China education.


