

本文是金碚先生近期的力作,发表在《China Economist》2023年第一期第2页-第15页。

第一,就经济学的学术基础而言,支撑经济关系基本运作的是社会价值观的伦理,而不是经济理性的抽象(As far as the academic foundation of economics is concerned, it is the ethics of social values rather than an abstraction of economic rationality that underpins the fundamental workings of economic relationships)。
第二,现实中很少人愿意被贴上自私或算计的标签,就像自私是不受欢迎的一样,如果企业要获得竞争力和真诚的合作伙伴关系,就不能把利润放在道德之前。即使在以市场为基础的经济中,自私和贪婪也是贬义词(Seldom is anyone content to be labeled as selfish or calculating. Just like selfishness is unwelcome, businesses cannot put profit before ethics if they are to gain competitiveness and sincere partnerships. Even in a market-based economy, selfishness and venality are derogatory terms),既然如此,经济学研究以自利为基础是否妥当?!
第三,利他主义深深地植根于人性,是人类表达社会本能的一种方式,传统的进化论关注的是物种之间争夺资源和繁衍后代的激烈竞争。然而,新的研究发现,除了体力和竞争力之外,社会化和协作在一些物种的生存中也发挥着同样重要的作用(altruism is rooted in human nature as a way for humans to express their social instincts),并且这些物种往往更加强大,是不是有点儿颠覆你的认知???!!!
第四,社会企业只能被设想为一个“白盒子”或多维网络。在这种范式下,市场和社会中的交换和奖励对象不仅仅是经济价值,而是无数的社会属性,从情感到时间、援助、声誉、尊严、体面、身份、生态环境、生活意义、体验的机会,以及锻炼身体功能(研究表明,充分锻炼身体功能——源于一个人的能力和面临的挑战之间的平衡——被认为是幸福和存在价值的最大来源。值得注意的是,社会属性是无价的,不能用投资回报率来衡量(SEs may only be envisioned as a “white box” or multidimensional network. Under this paradigm, the objects of exchange and reward in the market and society are not just economic value but myriad social attributes from emotions to time, assistance, reputation, dignity, decency, identity, ecological environment, meaning in life, the opportunity to experience, and exercise of physical functions (research indicates that the full exercise of physical functions - which stems from an equilibrium between what a person is capable of and the extent of challenges facing him - is considered as the greatest source of happiness and value of existence. Notably, social attributes are priceless and cannot be measured by a ratio of investment return)。这是能实现自利的个体主义逻辑与利他的集体主义逻辑的统一。
第五,为什么很多企业家取得巨大的成功后就普遍渴望经营慈善或社会企业(The desire to run SEs is extensively shared among entrepreneurs once they reach a certain stage of their careers),这可能就是亲社会倾向与商业创新的扩展(阳民注:实际上,这就是企业家从商业创新走向社会创新,从普通的企业家走向制度企业家的必然)。
第六,道德和良知是市场经济效率的社会资本基础(Morality and conscience are the social capital foundation for market economic efficiency)。社会企业就像一个道德指南针,随时准备激励更多的企业追求有利于社会的创新和发展(Like a moral compass, SEs are poised to inspire more enterprises to pursue pro-social innovation and development),经济学家应该与社会型制度企业家一道合作创建真实世界的新新新经济学(update economics and consider world realities)。

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