


Innovation Network


有学者探讨了社会网络结构如何影响企业的创新绩效,如发表在International Journal of Research in Marketing 的The effect of social networks structure on innovation performance: A review and directions for research一文,研究讨论了网络的整体特征、二元特征、内在个体特征和基于位置的个体特征对创新绩效的作用;发表在IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management的Network Centrality and Open Innovation: A Social Network Analysis of an SME Manufacturing Cluster一文,使用社会网络分析和网络中心度来探究一个由33个爱尔兰低技术中小企业制造商所组成的集群的开放式创新,探讨了该集群所处的广泛网络、其在网络中的位置以及所处位置对其开放式创新的影响,验证了网络活动与创新绩效之间的正相关关系。另外,有学者关注了创新搜索、专有性和开放网络特征对企业创新绩效的影响,如发表在Journal of Business Research的Overcoming openness paradox in open networks: A configurational approach一文,通过分析中国制造业企业的创新绩效和创新活动,探讨了不同的开放式战略如何影响企业的创新绩效,并揭示了研发网络在企业开放式战略中的关键作用。


The effect of social networks structure on innovation performance: A review and directions for research



Assortativity;Centrality;Clustering;Degree;Diffusion of innovations;New products;Seeding;Social networks




Research on growth of innovations introduced to the market has gradually shifted its focus from aggregate-level diffusion to exploring how growth is influenced by a given social network structure's characteristics. In this paper, we critically review this branch of literature. We argue that the growth of an innovation in a social network is shaped by the network's structure. Borrowing from the field of industrial organization in economics, which defines itself as the study of the effect of market structure on market performance, we describe this new wave of research on growth of innovations as the effect of social network structure on innovation performance. Hence, social network structural characteristics should be incorporated into research on new product growth as well as into managerial marketing decisions such as targeting and new product seeding. We review how social network structure influences innovations' market performance. Specifically, we discuss (1) a networks' global characteristics, namely average degree, degree distribution, clustering, and degree assortativity; (2) dyadic characteristics, or the relationships between pairs of network members, namely tie strength and embeddedness; (3) intrinsic individual characteristics, namely opinion leadership and susceptibility; and (4) location-based individual characteristics, namely the degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality of an individual network member. Overall, we find that growth is particularly effective in networks that demonstrate the “3Cs”: cohesion (strong mutual influence among its members), connectedness (high number of ties), and conciseness (low redundancy). We identify gaps in current knowledge, discuss the implications on managerial decision making, and suggest topics for future research.


针对于引入市场的创新增长的研究,逐渐从关注总量层面的扩散,转移到探索创新增长是如何受特定社会网络结构特征的影响上来。本文批判性地回顾了这一分支文献,认为社会网络中创新的增长是由网络结构所塑造的。借鉴经济学中产业组织领域的研究,本文将这一创新增长研究的新浪潮描述为社会网络结构对创新绩效的影响。因此,应将社会网络结构特征纳入新产品成长的研究中,同时也将其纳入目标市场选择、新产品传播等管理营销决策之中。本文回顾了社会网络结构如何影响创新的市场绩效。具体来说讨论了( 1 )网络的整体特征,即平均程度、程度分布、聚类、度的同配性;( 2 )二元特征,或者说成对的网络成员之间的关系,即关系强度和嵌入性;( 3 )内在个体特征,即意见领导力和易感性;( 4 )基于位置的个体特征,即个体网络成员的程度中心性、亲密中心性和中介中心性。总体而言,本文发现创新增长在具有内聚性(其成员之间相互影响较强)、连通性(连带数量高)和简洁性(低冗余)的 " 3Cs "特征的网络中尤为有效。本文识别了现有研究的不足,讨论对管理决策的影响并进一步提出了未来研究的主题。


Muller E, Peres R. The effect of social networks structure on innovation performance: A review and directions for research[J]. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2019, 36(1): 3-19.


Network Centrality and Open Innovation: A Social Network Analysis of an SME Manufacturing Cluster



Low-technology sector, network centrality, open innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), social network analysis.




Research on open innovation has, in the main, focused on large, high-technology firms and tended to adopt an organization-centric approach in examining external links. In contrast, this article uses social network analysis and network centrality to explore open innovation among a cluster of 33 low-technology small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) manufacturers in Ireland. Adopting a mixed-methods approach this article looks beyond the immediate external links that SMEs form with external organizations and explores the wider network in which such firms are located, their position in these networks and the impact of such positioning on open innovation. This article reports a generally positive relationship between networking activity and innovation performance. Within the context of the low-technology cluster it is apparent that the positioning of a firm within the network may serve to enhance or impede its innovation activity in product development. Despite factors such as fears of appropriation limiting the degree of knowledge and resource exchange within the network, this evidence suggests that those firms occupying central network positions and thus connected to a greater number of other members of the cluster, typically demonstrate greater degrees of innovation activity. Finally, as a means of elucidating the factors that may influence a firm’s position the article illustrates that firm size, absorptive capacity, and managerial orientation serve as antecedents of network position.




Woods J, Galbraith B, Hewitt-Dundas N. Network centrality and open innovation: A social network analysis of an SME manufacturing cluster[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019, 69(2): 351-364.


Overcoming openness paradox in open networks: A configurational approach



Inter-firm R&D network; Network knowledge diversity; Structural holes; Exploitative innovation; Exploratory innovation




The research on how to manage the openness paradox in corporate innovation networks makes for an interesting topic in the innovation literature. This study investigates the configurational effects of innovative search, appropriability, and open network characteristics on corporate innovation performance. To this end, the study samples 593 Chinese manufacturers using the qualitative comparative analysis method. Empirical findings show that three open strategies improve innovation performance-the patent applicant-dominant, balanced, and explorative search-dominant strategies in low-level, high-level, and high-or low-level geographic and organizational research and development (R&D) networks, respectively. This study also reveals the critical role of an R&D network in open strategies. Specifically, firms with high-level geographic or organizational R&D networks tend to adopt complementary open strategies, whereas those with low-level R&D networks prefer substitutive open strategies. These findings guide firms to choose suitable open strategies in innovation networks.


研究如何管理企业创新网络中的开放性悖论是创新文献中一个有趣的话题。本研究探讨了创新搜索、专有性和开放网络特征对企业创新绩效的组态效应。为此,本研究采用定性比较分析方法对593家中国制造企业进行了抽样调查。实证结果表明,专利申请人主导战略、平衡战略和探索式检索主导战略等三种开放式战略分别在低水平、高水平、高或低水平的地域和组织研发( R & D )网络中提高了创新绩效。这项研究还揭示了研发网络在开放式战略中的关键作用。具体而言,具有高水平地域或组织研发网络的企业倾向于采取互补性开放战略,而具有低水平研发网络的企业倾向于采取替代性开放战略。以上研究发现指导企业在创新网络中选择合适的开放战略。


Ding Yixin and Wu Jianfeng. Overcoming openness paradox in open networks: A configurational approach[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2022, 150: 528-537.


To explore or exploit: The influence of inter-firm R&D network diversity and structural holes on innovation outcomes



Inter-firm R&D network; Network knowledge diversity; Structural holes; Exploitative innovation; Exploratory innovation



Abstract:The degree to which inter-firm research and development (R&D) networks benefit a firm's exploitative and exploratory innovation depends on two factors: (1) the kind of knowledge that the firm can access from networks and (2) how the firm acquire these knowledge resources through its connections. Utilizing a knowledge-based view of the firm, we argue that related and unrelated network knowledge diversity differ in their effect on a company's innovation outcomes and that the existence of structural holes in an inter-firm R&D network has a discrepant, moderating effect on performance. Empirical analyses based on archival data from 158 Chinese automobile companies from 1996 to 2010 indicate that the inter-firm R&D network that emphasizes diversified unrelated knowledge is more beneficial for enhancing a firm's exploratory innovation outcomes. Conversely, the inter-firm R&D network that relies on diversified related knowledge can be more helpful for companies that engage in exploitative innovation. Further, structural holes are expected to be complementary to unrelated network knowledge diversity while a dense neighborhood is complementary to related network knowledge diversity in improving firm exploitative and exploratory innovation outcomes.




Jinyan Wen and William J. Qualls and Deming Zeng. To explore or exploit: The influence of inter-firm R&D network diversity and structural holes on innovation outcomes[J]. Technovation, 2021, 100: 102178.


图文:刘红妹 尚文琪


审核:姜忠辉 桑小凡


