


混合型组织(Hybrid Organization)通过整合公共、私营和非营利部门的特点和资源,形成一种兼具社会责任和经济效益的新型组织形式。这种多重身份和多重目标的融合,使得混合型组织能够在复杂的社会和经济环境中发挥独特的作用,推动社会进步和可持续发展。

本次收集的四篇关于混合型组织前沿的文献,涵盖了混合型组织在组织治理、逻辑失衡、跨国管理、组织双元性中的不同发现:An Integrative Model of Hybrid Governance: The Role of Boards in Helping Sustain Organizational Hybridity探讨了混合型组织董事层通过注意力来解决组织内治理问题的作用,通过对五家制度背景各异的工作整合型社会企业进行纵向比较案例研究,提出了一个包含保护型董事会结构和关系型领导过程的混合治理整合模型;From Logic Acceptance to Logic Rejection: The Process of Destabilization in Hybrid Organizations揭示了新逻辑进入成熟组织后可能引发的不稳定性过程,通过一家意大利成熟的医院引入私营逻辑的过程,认为在特定的条件下社会认可并非有利且保持一致的制度期望无法实现稳定;Managing interrelated tensions in headquarters–subsidiary relationships: The case of a multinational hybrid organization通过总部-子公司关系分析了跨国混合型组织张力如何对战略核心产生作用,基于一家拉丁美洲跨国混合型组织内的四个总部-子公司关系,解释了混合型组织在跨国管理中的多种张力及管理方法间的相互作用;Hybrid Ambidexterity: How the Environment Shapes Incumbents’ Use of Structural and Contextual Approaches探讨了环境如何塑造企业对结构和情境双元性,通过对德国四大电力公用事业公司的比较性纵向案例研究,提出了组织的混合双元性,即组织在机会众多且不确定的环境下同时投资并结合结构和情境的要素。这些文献共同体现了混合型组织在不同问题中如何实现组织的有效运转,展示了混合型组织在组织治理、逻辑失衡、跨国管理、组织双元性中的实际操作和特点。通过这些研究,混合型组织的重要性和可行性得以突显,为未来的发展和应用提供了理论和实践的参考。


An Integrative Model of Hybrid Governance: The Role of Boards in Helping Sustain Organizational Hybridity


Keywords: Attention-based view, Institutional logics, Business models, Management, Faultlines, Entrepreneurship, Performance, Responses, Directors, Conflict


Abstract: Hybrid organizations must sustainably attend to multiple goals embedded in different institutional spheres. Past research has highlighted the value for hybrids in recruiting board members representing different logics to avoid attentional drifts; yet, diverse boards have also been prone to conflicts that occasion attentional lapses, thereby jeopardizing these organizations ' pursuit of multiple goals. We draw on a longitudinal comparative case study of five work integration social enterprises with institutionally diverse boards to uncover an integrative model of hybrid governance consisting of a protective board structure and relational leadership processes that, together, prevent distracting cognitive and emotional conflicts and foster attentional engagement of both the board and senior managers to multiple goals. The protective board structure prevents shifts in board composition and ensures the enshrined representation of the organization ' s logics. Relational leadership processes - which help board members relate to each other, with the organization ' s mission, and with senior managers - include enculturation processes (i.e., interventions to reduce the cognitive and emotional gap between institutionally diverse board members) and bridging processes (i.e., interventions to facilitate communication and alignment between the board and senior managers in the decision -making process). These findings contribute to research on hybrid organizations, board governance, and organizational attention.



Anne-Claire Pache, Julie Battilana, and Channing Spencer, 2024: An Integrative Model of Hybrid Governance: The Role of Boards in Helping Sustain Organizational Hybridity.Academy of Management Journal, 67, 437–467.


From Logic Acceptance to Logic Rejection: The Process of Destabilization in Hybrid Organizations


Keywords: Institutional Theory, Qualitative Research, Public Management, Hybrid Organizations


Abstract: We study the introduction of the private logic into a mature Italian hospital that was governed previously as a hybrid of professional and public logics. Intriguingly, the reconstituted hospital was for several years widely praised for its strong clinical and financial performance, but quickly and with little warning, it became riven by political differences that led to its demise. Through our case analysis, we develop a multilevel model that reveals the destabilizing process that can unfold when a new logic enters an established organization. We contribute to the hybrids literature by explaining the puzzle of how a new logic can become accepted and then rejected in organizations, emphasizing the critical importance of the interaction between the audience, organization, and practice levels. Crucially, we reveal that positive feedback from multiple audiences may be a mixed blessing for hybrids: although it offers resource and legitimacy advantages, it can induce internal tensions with severe destabilizing consequences. Our findings and model also run counter to two core assumptions within the institutional literature: that social endorsement is advantageous and that alignment with institutional expectations results in stabilization. We qualify these assumptions and indicate the circumstances under which they are unlikely to hold.



Giulia Cappellaro, Paul Tracey, and Royston Greenwood, 2020: From Logic Acceptance to Logic Rejection: The Process of Destabilization in Hybrid Organizations. Organization Science 31:2, 415-438.


Managing interrelated tensions in headquarters–subsidiary relationships: The case of a multinational hybrid organization


Keywords: Headquarters-subsidiary Roles and Relations, Organizational Paradox, Hybrid organization, Integration and Responsiveness, Social-commercial Tensions, Case Theoretic Approaches


Abstract:While all multinational organizations face the challenge of managing tensions between local integration and global responsiveness, they are increasingly required to pursue additional, often paradoxical, objectives - such as social and commercial goals. However, we know little about how these tensions at the core of the MNC strategy interact. Based on an inductive qualitative study of four headquarters-subsidiary relationships in a Latin American Multinational Hybrid Organization, we develop a model showing the interplay of multiple tensions and management approaches to address them. This allows us to contribute to research on subsidiary roles, which we found to differ depending on how multiple tensions are addressed. Furthermore, we add to the literature on hybridity in multinational organizations by pointing out how regional differences between units of a single organization unfold. Finally, we provide some practical recommendations for the management of multinational hybrid organizations.



Ambos, T.C., Fuchs, S.H. & Zimmermann, A. Managing interrelated tensions in headquarters–subsidiary relationships: The case of a multinational hybrid organization. Journal of International Business Studies51, 906–932 (2020).


Hybrid Ambidexterity: How the Environment Shapes Incumbents’ Use of Structural and Contextual Approaches


Keywords: Ambidexterity, Organizational Learning, Environmental Discontinuity, Organizational Design, Incumbent Adaptation, Renewable Energy


Abstract: According to the literature on ambidexterity, organizations can use structural or contextual approaches to simultaneously explore novel opportunities and exploit existing ones. So far, however, we know very little about what induces organizations to focus on structural versus contextual ambidexterity, or how they combine the two approaches to maximize organizational learning. To shed more light on these questions, we investigate how the environment shapes a firm’s use of structural and contextual ambidexterity. Drawing on a comparative, longitudinal case study of the four largest electric utility companies in Germany, we show that firms focused on structural ambidexterity whenever they perceived emerging opportunities in the environment as requiring organizational culture and capabilities fundamentally different from their own. Contextual ambidexterity, on the other hand, became particularly important when opportunities in the environment were both numerous and uncertain, requiring the organization to leverage the distributed attention and expertise of its frontline employees. We show that environments characterized by opportunities that are numerous/uncertain and require novel culture and capabilities lead organizations to invest in initiatives that combine elements of both structural and contextual ambidexterity—an approach we label hybrid ambidexterity. Our theory framework synthesizes and complements existing work that has started to investigate the antecedents of structural versus contextual ambidexterity. We challenge the prevailing understanding of contextual and structural ambidexterity as dichotomous categories and reconceptualize them as two ends of a continuum. In addition, we provide initial evidence that firms’ ambidexterity approaches are influenced by managers’ perceptions of capabilities and opportunities.



Jan Ossenbrink, Joern Hoppmann, and Volker H. Hoffmann, 2019: Hybrid Ambidexterity: How the Environment Shapes Incumbents’ Use of Structural and Contextual Approaches. Organization Science, 30:6, 1319-1348.






