

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

We’re delighted and proud to announce our Harrow Shanghai Scholars programme, aimed at providing opportunities for talented students across all disciplines to study at Harrow Shanghai, and receive up to 100% tuition remission. Do you have what it takes? Apply now to find out.


Head Master Address

/ 校长致辞/

“Harrow has been synonymous with educational excellence for 450 years.  The pace for excellence is very often set by scholars who exemplify the highest levels of capability is all spheres of Harrow life.  This goes beyond simply academia and includes the likes of performing arts, creative arts and sport. Harrow Shanghai is committed to ensuring that exceptional and ambitious students across Shanghai have an opportunity to meet their innate high potential through the inspiration and expertise of our remarkable teachers and the high-achieving Harrow culture.


“450年来,哈罗一直是卓越教育的代名词。哈罗在教育方面的卓越成就是年轻哈罗学子们的不断努力。他们在哈罗的学习生涯中,不断地突破自我,砥砺前行,代表了哈罗在所有领域的最高能力水平, 这些卓越的领域不仅仅是在学术界,还包括表演艺术、创意艺术、运动等领域。哈罗上海一直致力于发掘每一个孩子的无限潜能,为每一个孩子的梦想保驾护航!我们希望通过优秀的师资力量以及卓越的文化底蕴带给孩子们更多的成长启发,帮助他们突破成为更好的自己。

AISL Fully Funded Two Year Scholarships



With nearly 1,000 applicants in the past two years, these scholarships are the “golden tickets” to the world’s top universities.Besides excelling academically, our pupils can discover their passions and potential in any field. Recipients of these prestigious scholarships will receive full grants for two years of A-Level study at Harrow Shanghai. Scan the QR code below to find out more.


Hear from our current scholarship recipients who all received full scholarship opportunities for their two years of A Level studies.


Yi Sum Y., Harrow Shanghai A Level Full Scholarship Recipient, 2021-23

Finley J., Harrow Shanghai A Level Full Scholarship Recipient, 2021-23

Scholarship Recipients 

2022学年  ●  哈罗上海奖学金得主

Harrow Shanghai

Lauren S.

A Level Full Scholarship Recipient, 2022-24

拿到A Level全额奖学金是我学生生涯的最大成就之一,它激励了我追求更高的学术成绩,坚定了我成为一名医生的梦想。除此之外,奖学金也使我对学习之外的生活更加充满热情,激励了我去参加并组织很多的课外活动,比如慈善活动和竞赛。我非常高兴能够跟其他哈罗上海的同学们一起分享这份荣誉!

Receiving the full A Level scholarship was probably the most significant achievement of my life to date. It encouraged me to pursue higher academic goals and strengthened my hopes of being a doctor. Moreover, the scholarship made me even more enthusiastic about life beyond my studies and encouraged me to organising many extracurricular activities such as charities and competitions. I truly enjoy sharing this enthusiasm with the rest of the student body.

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Kai Jun C.

A Level Full Scholarship Recipient, 2022-24

作为一名哈罗学子,我有幸得到了很多发展自己的机会,这促使我能够在自己感兴趣的领域深耕下去,我目前正在准备的各种学术竞赛,就是很好的证明。哈罗上海还为我提供了很多可以与老师深层次对话的机会,在与老师的对话中,我可以提出我感兴趣领域的任何问题,同样我也明白了在校外从事体育运动和竞赛与我的学术成就一样重要。 我现在参加的一些课程,比如DofE,将帮助我参与这些活动并保持健康的生活方式。

“As a Harrovian scholar, I am exposed to many new opportunities, which pushed me to dive deeper into my fields of interest. The variety of academic competitions I am currently preparing for would be a good example of this. Harrow also provided me with the opportunity to availably have detailed conversations with teachers, where I would discuss and ask questions relating to my fields of interest. I was also taught that pursuing activities and sports outside of school would be as important as my compelling academic achievements. The courses which I currently participate in, such as DofE, would help me to engage in such activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.” 

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Joe S.

The John Lyon Scholarship Recipient(awarded to a student who excels across all fields of their academic studies)

John Lyon 奖学金的获得对我我参加校外的奥林匹克竞赛、项目以及奖项是一个很大的激励。哈罗上海科学老师们都非常的优秀,他们为我提供了很多的个人成长与发展机会,例如CREST奖。除此之外,他们也对我在白血病方面的EPQ工作做了很大的贡献。学校为我提供的这些绝佳的机会将会对我的学科学习和兴趣发展非常受益。

“The Academic Scholarship motivated me to join Olympiads, Projects and Awards outside the school. The Science Department is full of excellent teachers. They have push many opportunities to me so, I can pursue my interests, such as the CREST award. Additionally, they are extremely helpful with my Extended Project Qualification work on Leukaemia. These wonderful opportunities from the school are immensely beneficial for my subjects and interests.”

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Karen M.

The Strutt Scholarship Recipient (awarded to a student who excels in the study of science)

自2018年开始,我一直在哈罗上海就读。回顾我在哈罗上海就读的四年间,我个人取得了巨大的进步,这不仅表现在我对自己更加有自信,而且表现在我对学术科目有了更深入的理解。我一直对科学学科学习有着极大的热情和兴趣,它帮助了我更好的探索这个世界是如何运行的,也激发了我对工程学的兴趣。具体来说,我对汽车和飞机的设计很感兴趣。Strutt科学奖学金的获得将会持续激励着我全方位、深层次的更好地探索A Level学科,从而将基本概念与我的个人兴趣更好的结合起来。此外,我非常渴望通过 EPQ 和 CREST 奖项来更早的接触工程学。

"Since 2018, I have been attending Harrow Shanghai. Over my four years at Harrow so far, I have improved tremendously as a person: I have become more confident about myself and had developed a greater understanding of my academic subjects. I have always had an interest in learning about science to explore how the world works which prompted my interest in engineering. Specifically, I am interested in the design of automobiles and planes. Receiving the Strutt Science scholarship has encouraged me to explore my A-level subjects on a deeper level by consulting various sources in order to link the fundamental concepts to my own personal interests. Moreover, I am eager to have an earlier exposure to engineering by undertaking the Extended Project Qualification and the CREST Award. "

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Vincent L.

The Pasmore Scholarship Recipient (awarded to a student who excels in the study and practice of visual arts)

Pasmore 奖学金的获得给了我很大的信心和动力去进一步地探索教学大纲之外的视觉艺术学习。哈罗上海给我提供了很多领导力培养的机会。在艺术老师的帮助下,我组织领导了一个艺术项目,可以将我对艺术的热情传递给更多的人。艺术老师们不仅指导我完成了艺术课程,同样还帮助我推进了艺术创作项目,带给了我很多启发和灵感,让我在艺术作品中引入了更多的创新。

“Receiving the Pasmore Scholarship gave me confidence and motivation to take a step further and explore visual arts beyond the syllabus. The opportunities here have also allowed me to lead an art project with the help of the art department to share my passion with people around me. The art department not only helped me through promoting the art project, but also guided me through my art coursework and gave me inspiration to introduce more innovation in my artwork.

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Good news! We are extending our scholarship opportunities beyond our Sixth Form to start from Year 5 (10 - 16 years old). Does your child have what it takes? Find out by submtting an application now!




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