

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

We welcome all students, aged 10-16, to apply for our numerous Harrow Shanghai Scholarships, with up to 100% tuition remission. Download our booklet to see if you have what it takes – you won’t regret it! 

哈罗上海奖学金正式面对10-16岁的学生开放申请啦! 想要免费入读国际名校吗?现在机会来啦,请扫描下方二维码,下载奖学金申请概要,提交你的申请,我们相信你就是我们要找的奖学金得主!

We are looking for you!


We are looking for anyone who exhibit qualities that define a Harrovian – pupils who are hardworking, attain solid academic results, passionate about a cause, and participate enthusiastically in numerous activities.  




   HarrowShanghai Scholarship Recipients 

We also offer scholarships for anyone who excels in academic subjects, sport, music, drama, or art. It’s worth a go – download our Harrow scholarship booklet for more details. 




What you get from a Harrow education?

Why Harrow

优异学术成果:世界顶级名校offer收割机Outstanding academic results & outcomes

In 2022, Harrow Shanghai’s results were once again the best across all Harrow schools across our global family, and far exceeded the UK average. Many of our pupils secured places in the top 50 universities in the world. 


 顶配师资阵容:牛剑名师助你名校梦             High quality teachers

Many of our top-notch Upper School teaching staff have Masters and PhD degrees and have studied at Oxbridge. They are not only subject matter experts but also passionate about empowering their pupils to reach new heights. 


小班教学:在哈罗每个孩子都是独特的                Small class sizes

Our small class sizes, particularly as you specialise in A Level courses, means that each pupil receives individualized attention and support. We champion your strengths and challenge you to take your talents and passions to the next level. 

在哈罗上海,我们坚持小班教学,严格控制师生比例。这将确保学生在A Level的学习中能够更加专注,每一个学生都能够在这里得到足够多的关注与支持,他们的个性与天分也将得到充分的尊重与发展。

独特的“领导力与服务”发展项目       Endless opportunities  

You are given ample opportunity to lead and participate in hundreds of events and activities throughout the school year. This will develop character and build confidence, as you are recognised as a key role model in our school community. 




We are part of a strong network of Harrovians with 450 years of history and traditions. Our Harrow educational ethos has produced prime ministers, kings and Nobel Laureates. We leverage this proven programme to build confident leaders of the future – regardless of what the future holds. 


Give it a try to see if you qualify for one of our many Harrow Shanghai Scholarships.  Scan below to receive a copy of our Harrow Shanghai Scholarship booklet – and start your journey towards educational excellence for life and leadership.  



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