
谱写卓越新篇章,开启学术新辉煌丨Mr. Alex Reed正式就任哈罗上海校长

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

Meet our

New Head Master



Harrow Shanghai

Mr. Alex Reed

We are all appreciative of the strong credentials and rich expertise that our new Headmaster, Mr. Alex Reed, brings to Harrow. Now, he shares with us personal perspectives and special stories so that we can get to know him better.


我们非常期待新校长Mr. Alex Reed的到来,相信他强大的资历背景以及丰富的专业知识一定会带领哈罗上海开拓崭新的篇章。接下来,我们邀请你一起通过这篇人物访谈,来了解Alex Reed先生的一些独特人生经历和教育理念,以便我们能更好地了解他。



Tell us about your family 



I grew up in London and Nottingham. Our large extensive family lived and worked all over the world, so we have always travelled, and it’s easy to see how that has shaped my life. I grew up looking at globes, pointing at countries I wanted to see and people I wanted to meet. I also had experiences as a child that taught me how to be resilient; and I had adults around me who encouraged me to think big and pursue dreams I didn’t know I could have.This has shaped the way I work with children, young people and their families, supporting them to be ambitious, to learn how to bounce back when things don’t work out quite as planned, and to discover what it is they are curious about.



Time most certainly flies, and my daughters are now adults, about to finish university and head off to other places and, very possibly, other countries; their mother and I are now separated although we remain friends. Molly is 22 and Annie is 20. They are both at university in Auckland, New Zealand, doing well. Molly is taking a degree in International Studies, learning Spanish along the way. She isn’t sure what she wants to do next, but it will involve travel: she has inherited the family wanderlust! Annie is reading English and Media, and is intending to pursue a career in publishing. They are both good writers, though, and voracious readers, so I wouldn’t be surprised if either or both turned their hands to writing of some kind.




What advice do you have for parents?

“Be patient, stay the course, and enjoy your children!”



As I’ve become older, I’ve been asked increasingly for parenting advice, especially when young people make mistakes (which they do: we all do!), and my repeated refrain is “Be patient, stay the course, and enjoy your children!”



We all want our children to be happy and successful in life; and we all do everything we can to support them. I think, too, we all struggle to get the balance right between ensuring they have the structure and the self-discipline to excel, and helping them to have the time they need to explore the passions they discover. We also, I think, find it difficult to reconcile our own experiences as children with those of our own children. Their expectations are different to ours; they push against our expectations sometimes in ways we don’t anticipate; and, of course, they also delight us in ways we couldn’t imagine. It’s difficult, and the most important things we can do is to be patient and recognise the wonderful young people emerging in front of our eyes.



It hasn’t been straightforward for either of my daughters at different times of their childhood. We all go through rough patches, and they certainly have too. We have had tears, tantrums (a broken window on one occasion), and frequent squabbles; and we have had times when they have both lost confidence and have needed to be lifted up. I hope we have got things right most of the time: we have tried to be patient, to learn and to adapt ourselves, and also to assert our values and our boundaries at the right times, bending without breaking.



Even now, Annie asks me to read some of her English essays, and wants to talk to me about the books she is reading. Molly likes to discuss global politics as well, bouncing her ideas off me and seeing what sticks. It’s interesting: when children are younger, we support them with structure, with resources and activities, as well as with love and attention. As they get older, we have less structure to offer, and they increasingly shape their own activities, requesting the resources they need. Our role tends to be a little more subtle, allowing the child to take the lead, but finding ways to shape the conversation when needed and requested. We are less physically present perhaps, but our love and attention is undiminished, everlasting.




What are your interests and hobbies?



I’ve been lucky enough to roam around Europe, and to spend time in Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Mongolia, Australia and, of course, China over the past ten years. I love to read and plan trips, to read some literature by writers of the countries I visit, and to learn a little of the culture of the places. Travel really does broaden the mind and keep us curious.




I have also always been a reader, spending my childhood and university years reading as much of English and European literature as I could.In recent years, I have turned to literature from other cultures, or literature that has explored inter-cultural themes and identities. My favourite writer recently has been Xiaolu Guo (郭小橹), who explores, amongst other things, the connection between language and identity in today’s world. I’ve also been reading some modern poetry recently, largely by young poets, voices that may not have been heard before. I find that reading widely and talking about books keeps me curious and engaged, and helps me build more meaningful relationships with young people.



I enjoy keeping fit as well: the rudimentary skills I developed as a child in football, tennis, badminton and squash have kept me active and healthy into middle age, and I’m looking forward to spending a bit more time playing sports in Shanghai.



I’m a musical enthusiast too, despite having very little natural talent. As a child, I listened to my parents’ music: Carole King, Joni Mitchell and Fleetwood Mac were the soundtrack to long car journeys around the UK. I learned piano as well, and still enjoy picking up the guitar to annoy the neighbours. Today, I listen to every kind of music I can find, looking for new music, sharing K-pop recommendations with Molly and music with a country-folk flavour with Annie and my Dad. Music, like reading, as with sports, connects me to family and friends in ways we might not imagine, solitary pursuits with a communal flavour.

我同样是一名音乐爱好者,尽管我在音乐方面没有什么天赋。小时候,我就经常听我父母的音乐:Carole King, Joni Mitchell 和 Fleetwood Mac ,它们是英国各地长途汽车旅行的背景音乐。我也学过钢琴,现在依然喜欢时不时地拿起我的吉他“骚扰”一下我的邻居们。现在我会听所有类型的音乐,我会和Molly分享K-pop,和Annie以及我爸爸分享好听的乡村民谣。我觉得音乐和阅读、运动一样,是一种无形的纽带将我与家人和朋友紧密地联系在一起,是一种具有公共色彩的孤独追求。



Describe a teacher who impacted you

“A teacher can have tremendous influence.”


I learned how to think rigorously in my studies at Cambridge. I learned that every idea had an opposing idea, and that you had to be prepared to justify your views, and to learn from others’ perspectives. I learned about the world; and I learned that I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was when I was 18! My first teacher at Cambridge, Dr Ruth Morse, was a fierce woman, determined to generate enthusiasm for Paradise Lost (17th century) and The Faerie Queene (16th century) in our small group of wide-eyed first year students. I had dutifully read both texts before university started, and had developed some opinions that I thought were sharp and clever. As Dr Morse pointed out when I handed in my first essay, they really weren’t. We handed in an essay each Thursday and had our supervision, just two of us with Dr Morse, on the Friday, and each week I was told that I was a good writer, but my ideas were shallow and underdeveloped. Each week I tried to get better. When the last week came, not long before Christmas, I arrived at my supervision expecting to hear the usual refrain. Instead, she paused and said “I think you’re starting to get it.”

在剑桥的学习经历培养了我严谨思考的能力。我了解到每个人的想法都是不同的,你必须要时刻准备着去论证你自己的观点,并从他人的观点中去学习。在剑桥的学习生活,让我开始了解世界的同时,我也意识到我并不像我18岁时自认为的那样聪明。我在剑桥的第一位老师, Ruth Morse博士,是一名严厉的老师,我想正是因为她才激发了我们这群眼界开阔的一年级学生对《失乐园》(17世纪)和《仙后》(16世纪),这两部作品的热爱。在大学开始前,我非常认真地读完了这两部作品,并形成了一些我自认为非常犀利和独道的观点。但是当我提交我的第一篇论文时,正如Morse博士指出的那样,它们其实并不是。我们每周四会提交论文,Morse博士当时是我和另外一个学生的论文导师。每周五,Morse博士都会告诉我,我是一名好的作家但是我的观点依然非常的肤浅,没有进步。每个星期,我都试图让自己变得更好。当最后一周到来时,也就是圣诞节前不久,我像往常一样来到Morse博士的办公室,我以为我会得到和往常一样的评价,但是令人出乎意料的是,Morse博士停顿了一下,并对我说“我想你已经开始明白了。”


A small moment that taught me many things. One thing was that meaningful improvement always came with hard work and with practice; another was that humility was perhaps the most important quality any of us can possess;and a third was that a teacher can have tremendous influence. I still think of Dr Morse from time to time, and remember the effect her words had on me. As a teacher, we all need, always, to remember this.




What’s your secret to being a good teacher?


During my recent trip to Stockholm, I had the pleasure of meeting an ex-student for a meal. I taught Jason when I first arrived in New Zealand, and he was also in my form class, so I got to know him well. A talented concert pianist who studied at Guildhall in London, Jason has taught and recorded piano music, has developed an online vehicle for musicians to meet and perform across the world, and is now taking a Masters in Conducting in Stockholm. The day after we met, he was heading to Prague: a busy man.

在我最近的斯德哥尔摩之行中,我有幸与我之前的一位学生见面,吃了一顿饭。我刚到新西兰的时候曾经教过Jason, 他也在我的班上,所以我非常了解他。他是一名才华横溢的音乐会钢琴家,曾就读于伦敦的吉尔德霍尔大学,Jason不仅教授并发行了自己的钢琴乐,还为音乐家们开发了一个在世界各地见面和演出的线上平台。他现在正在斯德哥尔摩攻读指挥学硕士学位。我们见面后的第二天,他出发前往了布拉格:真是一个忙碌的人。


Jason was born in Korea and moved with his mother to New Zealand when he was a child. I taught English to Jason and was apparently a harsh marker of his essays, refusing to let his mistakes squeak by and teaching him grammatical structures he could use, learn, repeat and adapt to make his writing work more effectively. Jason is, he tells me, grateful for this and credits me (far too generously) for his ability to navigate English Literature AS Level and achieve the grade he needed in the subject to make progress.

Jason出生在韩国,并在很小的时候随母亲移居新西兰。我曾教他英语,并且对他的写作进行了严厉的评分,指出他写作中的每一个错误,并教他可以使用、学习、和重复的句法,使他的写作得到了显著的提高。Jason告诉我,他非常感激我当初的教导,使他能够通过英语文学 AS Level的考试并在该科目中取到了他所需要的成绩,为他今后的进步奠定了基础。

The story is one of many that might appear to claim credit for a student’s hard work, but it’s actually intended to illustrate the humility necessary to be a good teacher. There is no simple recipe for teaching, and we shouldn’t seek to engrave in stone a strategy that has worked for one student and expect it to work magic for a different one. What worked for Jason was different to what worked for Noor, a gifted student I worked with in London. Noor’s behaviour was often poor, but he had a gift for ideas and language: what Noor needed was time, trust and the endless sharing of ideas. He attained a place at Oxford when he left the school.





What is memorable to you 

in your role as Headmaster?

“Stay committed to the child, always, especially when things become difficult, and use your imagination to find the right way.”


Elaine joined Pinehurst as a five year old. Before she was admitted, we spent some time working out how to support her, as she struggled to connect with others and her social behaviour was a little underdeveloped. Her parents worked alongside the school, and supported her by funding a fantastic Learning Support Assistant. At first, Elaine found things difficult, but we were pleased to see her make progress. The following year, Elaine was carefully placed with a teacher who had trained in Art Therapy, and who saw the world from a slightly different angle. She connected strongly with Elaine, who blossomed, and became, to the delight of her parents, an engaged child who made friends and made superb academic progress.


Elaine made a connection and flourished. We made a commitment, and found the right people who had the right skills. We invested in the child, as did her parents, and we were prepared to do things differently in the interests of the child. In other words, we treated her like an individual and kept to our promise as a school.



We all try to act in the interests of the children we care for, of course, but sometimes it takes fortitude and resilience to keep the focus on the child when things become complicated. Elaine’s story is actually quite a common one, and the lesson for us was always the same: stay committed to the child, always, especially when things become difficult, and use your imagination to find the right way.

当然,学校应该以孩子的利益为一切出发点,但是当事情开始变得复杂时,如何持续保持对孩子的关注度就会开始变得困难并且需要坚韧不拔的精神。 Elaine的故事其实很常见,但是其中的道理是永恒不变的:始终保持对每个孩子的关注度,尤其是在事情变得困难的时候,用你的想象力去寻找正确的方法。

We also made sure we were the best academic school in the country, with the best academic results. In our Primary school, using the British international curriculum, we reached the point, for example, where more than 80% of our children were working in the top decile in Maths and English.In the senior school, we improved results every year, becoming the best British curriculum school in the country. We recognized that the trust of our parents, built through a consistent, reciprocal relationship, was also founded upon the academic excellence of our teachers and the outstanding results of our students.




What are your experiences with China?



My first experience of China was in 1990, when I was 19 years old, when I visited Hong Kong and Guangzhou. I’m actually carrying with me to Shanghai a small teapot I bought as a present for my grandparents on that trip: my Grandpa died this year at the age of 98, and the teapot has come back to me. It feels right to keep it with me now.


Twenty-two years later, I travelled to Hong Kong again to meet the parents of international students at my school. Over the next few years, I was lucky enough to visit many vibrant cities in China, including Beijing, Chengdu, Xi’an, Wuhan, Nanning, Guiyang Hangzhou, Suzhou and Kunming, meeting students and parents, visiting schools and experiencing the cities. In every place, I was overwhelmed by the welcome we received, the questions we had, the ambitiousness of the students and parents we met, and the history and culture around every corner.



I also travelled to Shanghai on each of my visits to China, falling in love with the city. It has a spirit to the place, an energy and vitality, that I don’t think I’ve experienced in any other place I’ve been to. The blend of tradition and modernity captured me, as did the liveliness and the warmth of the people I met there. Shanghai people are ambitious too, both for their own families and for other people, valuing education highly and proud of their city.


It’s a wonderful place, ever changing and somehow still the same, and I’m looking forward to wandering the streets of the city once more, exploring and discovering the nooks and crannies of my neighbourhood, getting to know my new community and following their advice about places to visit and sights to see. I also look forward to showing my daughters around Shanghai when they come to visit me here.




What excites you about your new role?


Harrow Shanghai is a great school that puts its values into action, achieving amazing results for its young people. It has one of the best teams of teachers I have ever come across, and it has developed a superb culture of academic excellence, pastoral care and extra-curricular opportunities under the outstanding leadership of Mr Charles Ellison. In each of my schools, I have helped build on strong foundations to extend academic success even further, and to provide more chances for pupils to excel in sport, music and other cultural activities. My experiences as Head of Pinehurst, a school that has the same aspirations for its young people, gave me the confidence to believe that I could be a part of the next stage of Harrow Shanghai’s journey.

哈罗上海是一所伟大的学校,将其价值观付诸于实践,带领年轻的哈罗人们取得了很多伟大的成就。它拥有我见过最好的教师团队之一,并且在 Ellison先生的带领下,形成了卓越的学术文化、出色的教务关怀以及多样的课外活动。在我过往就任的每一所学校,我都会在其原有的基础上进一步提高其学术成就,并为学生提供足够多的机会在体育、音乐以及其他文化活动中去发掘自己的无限潜能。Pinehurst的校长就任经历给了我极大的信心,使我相信我可以带领哈罗上海走向其辉煌而卓越的下一站。



What inspires you?

Mr. Alex Reed


I decided to become a teacher because I loved literature and wanted to inspire children to love it as much as I did. I decided to make education my life because I realised that I loved helping children to be happy, to discover their passions and to achieve success beyond their expectations. It’s really that simple. As a Head, you can have more influence on the happiness and success of more young people, and that’s how I measure my success: happy children achieving beyond their expectations, developing a desire to be good people, determined to make a difference in the world, and building passions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Young people with courage, honour, humility, and with skills and qualifications to live rich, rewarding lives.


Want to meet our new Head Master in person and find out even more about his vision and path to building academic excellence? Connect with us in any of the ways listed below, and we’ll arrange an appropriate time.



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