
剑桥新词 2月5日

剑桥词典网 宁大北美校友会 2024-02-05

  New words – 5 February 2024

           On February 5, 2024 By Cambridge WordsIn New words

        Soft life / Soft separation / Soft saving

soft life 

noun [C]

a lifestyle someone chooses that is as stress-free and unchallenging as possible, focusing instead on relaxation and well-being

As the wording suggests, soft life is all about veering away from stress and struggle and embracing a more easy and enriched life. “Soft life isn’t new, however I’m really grateful to see its resurgence,” said Chlöe Pierre, founder of wellness platform thy.self. “Essentially to me, especially as a black woman, soft life is about making choices that can avoid me having to live a much longer, and unsustainable, life in hardship.”

[independent.co.uk, 9 August 2023]

soft separation 

noun [C, U]

an arrangement by which two married people stop living together as a couple but do not get divorced

Soft separation involves separating without a divorce, and often remaining conjoined in some way, whether that’s keeping the same surname or sharing holidays. Ultimately whether a soft separation works out may be down to whether it’s a personal choice or a financial necessity. However, in an increasingly harsh world of relationships it’s nice to know that amicable break-ups are still possible.

[mailplus.co.uk, 17 October 2023]

soft saving 

noun [U]

the activity of saving less money for the future and spending more now to enjoy a better quality of life

Gen Z appears to be taking this in stride by embracing a trend known as “soft saving,” the idea of prioritizing personal and mental well-being over a focus on beefing up their investment portfolios. It’s about living for today and minimizing daily stress rather than worrying endlessly about the future.

[moneytalkgo.com, 23 June 2023]


剑桥新词 2月5日

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