

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2023-11-29

我冲澡时喜欢听音乐,放的最多的是加拿大已故民谣歌手 Leonard Cohen 2008 年伦敦现场演唱会专辑。


I'm Your Man

If you want a lover

I'll do anything you ask me to

And if you want another kind of love

I'll wear a mask for you

If you want a partner, take my hand, or

If you want to strike me down in anger

Here I stand

I'm your man

If you want a boxer

I will step into the ring for you

And if you want a doctor

I'll examine every inch of you

If you want a driver, climb inside

Or if you want to take me for a ride

You know you can

I'm your man

Ah, the moon's too bright

The chain's too tight

The beast won't go to sleep

I've been running through these promises to you

That I made and I could not keep

Ah, but a man never got a woman back

Not by begging on his knees

Or I'd crawl to you baby and I'd fall at your feet

And I'd howl at your beauty like a dog in heat

And I'd claw at your heart, and I'd tear at your sheet

I'd say please (please)

I'm your man

And if you've got to sleep a moment on the road

I will steer for you

And if you want to work the street alone

I'll disappear for you

If you want a father for your child

Or only want to walk with me a while across the sand

I'm your man

If you want a lover

I'll do anything you ask me to

And if you want another kind of love

I'll wear a mask for you

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Leonard Cohen

I'm Your Man lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

这首歌的写法背后其实就是英文写作中典型的思维方式。麦肯锡前咨询顾Barbara Minto The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking《金字塔原理》)一书中将这种写作思维成为 Minto Pyramid Principle。

上面的金字塔图在第二层论证列出了 3 个点,在第三层论证中每一项分别列出了 3 个点,但在实操中,可以按照论证需要灵活排列组合。

比如 Cohen 在抒发爱意的时候就没有第三层,只有第二层,不算重复第二层一共有 10 项


每一项都是“If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to”中“anything”的具体展开:I'll wear a mask for you; take my hand; here I stand; I will step into the ring for you; I'll examine every inch of you; climb inside; you know you can; I will steer for you; I'll disappear for you; I'm your man. 

Cohen 想用这 10 个例子来说:I'll do anything you ask me to, baby. Anything, absolutely anything. Just let me know. 

开个脑洞,如果是美国联邦调查局写的“911 事件”调查报告,恐怕上面的金字塔图中第二层论证会有十几项 recommendation,而每个论证下面会有十多个 reason,每个 reason 也会有大量篇幅展开。



原创雅思写作 8 分范文分享



原创雅思写作 8 分范文分享为例,它的文章结构是这个样子:




If nothing else, I hope you have enjoyed Leonard Cohen's music.  

加拿大蒙特利尔市的 Leonard Cohen 壁画‍

孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng


初中英语 70 分(满分 100)

两次获雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分

题图:Leonard Cohen






