

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







It is a Pleasant Day


Come, my children, come away!


For the sun shines bright today.


Little children come with me,


Birds, and brooks, and posies see;


Get your hats and come away,


For it is a pleasant day.


Every thing is laughing, singing.


All the pretty flowers are springing.


See the kitten full of fun


Sporting in the pleasant sun!


Children too may sport and play,


For it is a pleasant day.


Bring the hoop and bring the ball,


Come with happy faces all.


Let us make a merry ring,


Talk and laugh, and dance and sing,


Quickly, quickly, come away!


For it is a pleasant day.


Bed in Summer

In winter I get up at nightAnd dress by yellow candle-light.In summer, quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.
I have to go to bed and seeThe birds still hopping on the tree,Or hear the grown-up people’s feetStill going past me in the street.
And does it not seem hard to you,When all the sky is clear and blue,And I should like so much to play,To have to go to bed by day?



雨霖铃Rain Bell

寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,留恋处,兰舟催发。执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。Cicadas shrill.The kiosk in dusk,Rain stops, so chill.Lone, I drink by camp gate.I won’t go;There, the canoe!Hand in hand, tear to tear;Choked, no words to say.Go, you go.The vast waves surge;In haze the land and sky merge.
多情自古伤离别,更那堪,冷落清秋节!今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有千种风情,更与何人说?To part is hard, as of yore.And what’s more,The autumn leaves fall.Less drunk, I wake up: Where?Willows thereSweep off the moon fair.Long years it’ll be.Even a feastWill mean the least.Much romanceO there might be;Who’d share that with me?


If You Were Coming in the Fall如果你能在秋季来到
If you were coming in the fall,
I’d brush the summer byWith half a smile and half a spurn,As housewives do a fly.
如果一年后能够见你,我将把岁月缠绕成团——分别存放在不同的抽屉,免得,混淆了日期——If I could see you in a year,I’d wind the months in balls,And put them each in separate drawers,Until their time befalls.
如果只耽搁几个世纪,我会用我的手算计——把手指逐一屈起,直到全部倒伏在亡人国里。If only centuries delayed,I’d count them on my hand,Subtracting till my fingers droppedInto Van Diemens land.
如果确知,聚会在生命——你的和我的生命,结束时——我愿意把生命抛弃——如同抛弃一片果皮——If certain, when this life was out,That yours and mine should be,I’d toss it yonder like a rind,And taste eternity.
但是现在难以确知相隔还有多长时日——这状况刺痛我有如妖蜂——秘而不宣,是那毒刺。But now, all ignorant of the lengthOf time’s uncertain wing,It goads me, like the goblin bee,That will not state its sting.

Moonlight over the Lotus Pond
I have felt quite upset recently. Tonight, when I was sitting in the yard enjoying the cool, it occurred to me that the Lotus Pond, which I pass by everyday, must assume quite a different look in such moonlit night. A full moon was rising high in the sky; the laughter of children playing outside had died away; in the room, my wife was patting the son, Run-er, sleepily humming a cradle song. Shrugging on an overcoat, quietly, I made my way out, closing the door behind me.
Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath. It is peaceful and secluded here, a place not frequented by pedestrians even in the daytime; now at night, it looks more solitary, in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond. On the side where the path is, there are willows, interlaced with some others whose names I do not know. The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, greyish veil.
I am on my own, strolling, hands behind my back. This bit of the universe seems in my possession now; and I myself seem to have been uplifted from my ordinary self into another world. I like a serene and peaceful life, as much as a busy and active one; I like being in solitude, as much as in company. As it is tonight, basking in a misty moonshine all by myself, I feel I am a free man, free to think of anything, or of nothing. All that one is obliged to do, or to say, in the daytime, can be very well cast aside now. That is the beauty of being alone. For the moment, just let me indulge in this profusion of moonlight and lotus fragrance.
All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud, like scattering pearls, or twinkling stars, or beauties just out of the bath. A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance, like faint singing drifting from a distant building. At this moment, a tiny thrill shoots through the leaves and flowers, like a streak of lightning, straight across the forest of lotuses. The leaves, which have been standing shoulder to shoulder, are caught trembling in an emerald heave of the pond. Underneath, the exquisite water is covered from view, and none can tell its colour; yet the leaves on top project themselves all the more attractively.
The moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers, which, in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond, look as if they had just been bathed in milk, or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood. Although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest; it is, however, just right for me --a profound sleep is indispensable, yet a snatched doze also has a savour of its own. The moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting bushy shadows on the ground from high above, dark and checkered, like an army of ghosts; whereas the benign figures of the drooping willows, here and there, look like paintings on the lotus leaves. The moonlight is not spread evenly over the pond, but rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade, like a famous melody played on a violin.
Around the pond, far and near, high and low, are trees. Most of them are willows. Only on the path side can two or three gaps be seen through the heavy fringe, as if specially reserved for the moon. The shadowy shapes of the leafage at first sight seem diffused into a mass of mist, against which, however, the charm of those willow trees is still discernible. Over the trees appear some distant mountains, but merely in sketchy silhouette. Through the branches are also a couple of lamps, as listless as sleepy eyes. The most lively creatures here, for the moment, must be the cicadas in the trees and the frogs in the pond. But the liveliness is theirs, I have nothing.
Suddenly, something like lotus-gathering crosses my mind. It used to he celebrated as a folk festival in the South, probably dating very far back in history, most popular in the period of Six Dynasties. We can pick up some outlines of this activity in the poetry. It was young girls who went gathering lotuses, in sampans and singing love songs. Needless to say, there were a great number of them doing the gathering, apart from those who were watching. It was a lively season, brimming with vitality, and romance. A brilliant description can be found in Lotus Gathering written by the Yuan Emperor of the Liang Dynasty:
So those charming youngsters row their sampans, heart buoyant with tacit love, pass on to each other cups of wine while their bird-shaped prows drift around. From time to time their oars are caught in dangling algae, and duckweed float apart the moment their boats are about to move on. Their slender figures, girdled with plain silk, tread watchfully on board. This is the time when spring is growing into summer, the leaves a tender green and the flowers blooming, —among which the girls are giggling when evading an outreaching stem, their skirts tucked in for fear that the sampan might tilt. 可见当时嬉游的光景了。这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在早已无福消受了。
That is a glimpse of those merrymaking scenes. It must have been fascinating, but unfortunately we have long been denied such a delight.
于是又记起,《西州曲》里的句子:Then I recall those lines in Ballad of Xizhou Island:
采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。Gathering the lotus, I am in the South Pond, / The lilies in autumn reach over my head; / Lowering my head I toy with the lotus seeds. / Look, they are as fresh as the water underneath. 今晚若有采莲人,这儿的莲花也算得“过人头”了;只不见一些流水的影子,是不行的;这令我到底惦着江南了。——这样想着,猛一抬头,不觉已是自己的门前;轻轻地推门进去,什么声息也没有,妻已睡熟好久了。If there were somebody gathering lotuses tonight, she could tell that the lilies here are high enough to reach over her head; but, one would certainly miss the sight of the water. So my memories drift back to the South after all. Deep in my thoughts, I looked up, just to find myself at the door of my own house. Gently I pushed the door open and walked in. Not a sound inside, my wife had been asleep for quite a while.


She Walks in Beauty
她走在美的光彩中,像夜晚皎洁无云而且繁星漫天;明与暗的最美妙的色泽在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:耀目的白天只嫌光太强,它比那光亮柔和而幽暗。She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that’s best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes;Thus mellowed to that tender lightWhich heaven to gaudy day denies.
增加或减少一份明与暗就会损害这难言的美。美波动在她乌黑的发上,或者散布淡淡的光辉在那脸庞,恬静的思绪指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵。One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress,Or softly lightens o’er her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet expressHow pure, how dear their dwelling place.
呵,那额际,那鲜艳的面颊,如此温和,平静,而又脉脉含情,那迷人的微笑,那容颜的光彩,都在说明一个善良的生命:她的头脑安于世间的一切,她的心充溢着真纯的爱情!And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,So soft, so calm, yet eloquentThe smiles that win, the tints that glow.But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent!



So this is the story of The Beauty and Beast.


When his vision is clear the old beggar was gone. In her place, was the most beautiful woman the Prince had ever seen. She was floating above him emitting a dazzlinggolden light, not unlike the suns. 


Instantly, the Prince knew exactly what she was, for he had read about such things. She was an Enchantress. A woman of magic, who had put him to the test. And he had failed. Falling to his knees, the Prince held up his hands, “Please!”he said. Now he's the one to beg:”I'm sorry! Enchantress! You are welcome to my castle for as long as you like!”


The Enchantress shook her head...She had seen enough to know that it was a hollow apology. The Prince had no kindness, nor love in his heart. Magic cost through her and then washed over the Prince.

The transformation began instantly. The Prince's body was wracked with pain. His back arched, he groaned as his body began to grow. His jewelry popped off, his clothes ripped.


The surrounding guests screamed at the sight of their host and fled. The Prince reached up, trying to grasp at a nearby man's hand. But to his horror, he discovered his own hand resembled that of a monster!

The man jumped away and made his escape along with the others. And that it all, the Enchantress calmly watched her punishment take effect.


Soon, the ballroom was empty. Safe for the staff, the entertainers, and a lone dog that belongs to the diva. As they looked in shock, the Prince's transformation became complete. Where once there had towered a handsome man now coward a hideous beast.

But he was not the only one to have transformed. The rest of the castle and its inhabitants no longer looked the same. They too had changed.


The days bled into years, and the Prince and his servants were forgotten by the world, until finally the enchanted castle stood isolated and locked in perpetual winter. The Enchantress erased all memory of the castle and those who were in it. Even from the minds of the people who loved them.


But there did remain one last bit of hope.


The rose she had offered the Prince was truly an enchanted rose.(Yes, It was an enchanted rose.)If the Prince could learn to love another and earn that person’s love in return by the time the last petal fell. The spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast forever.





Does the road wind uphill all the way?


Yes, to the very end.


Will the day's journey take the whole long day?


From morn to night, my friend.


But is there for the night a resting-place?


A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin.


May not the darkness hide it from my face?


You cannot miss that inn.


Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?


Those who have gone before.


Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?


They will not keep you waiting at that door.


Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?


Of labour you shall find the sum.


Will there be beds for me and all who seek?


Yea, beds for all who come.




Fog everywhere. Fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; fog down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping and the waterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city.


Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights. Fogcreeping into the cabooses of collier-brigs; fog lying out on the yards, and hovering in the rigging of great ships; fog drooping on the gunwales of barges and small boats.


Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners,wheezing by the firesides of their wards; fog in the stem and bowl of the afternoon pipe of the wrathful skipper, down in his close cabin; fog cruelly pinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little prenticeboy on deck.


Chance people on the bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky of fog, with fog all round them, as if they were up in a balloon, and hanging in the misty clouds.


Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy.


Most of the shops lighted two hours before their time -as the gas seems to know, for it has a haggard and unwilling look.




One day in winter, as I came home, my mother, seeing that I was cold, offered me some tea. She sent out for one of those short, plump little cakes called “petites madeleines”. 

And soon, mechanically, weary after a dull day with the prospect of a depressing morrow, I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the cake.


No sooner had the warm liquid, and the crumbs with it, touched my palate. Then that shuddered ran through my whole body, and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary changes that were taking place.


An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, but individual, detached, with no suggestion of its origin. And at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory—this new sensation having had on me the effect which love has of filling me with a precious essence; or rather this essence was not in me, it was myself.


I put down my cup and examine my own mind. I place in position before my mind's eye the still recent taste of that first mouthful, and I feel something start within me, something that leaves its resting-place and attempts to rise, something that has been embedded like an anchor at a great depth; I do not know yet what it is, but I can feel it mounting slowly; I can measure the resistance, I can hear the echo of great spaces traversed.


Undoubtedly what is thus palpitating in the depths of my being must be the image, the visual memory which, being linked to that taste, has tried to follow it into my conscious mind. Will it ultimately reach the clear surface of my consciousness, this memory, this old, dead moment which the magnetism of an identical moment has travelled so far to importune, to disturb, to raise up out of the very depths of my being?


And suddenly the memory returns. The taste was that of the little crumb of madeleine which on Sunday mornings at Combray , my aunt Léonie used to give me, dipping it first in her own cup of tea.


when from a long-distant past nothing subsists, after the people are dead, after the things are broken and scattered, still, alone, more fragile, but with more vitality, more unsubstantial, more persistent, more faithful, the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, like souls, ready to remind us, waiting and hoping for their moment, amid the ruins of all the rest; and bear unfaltering, in the tiny and almost impalpable drop of their essence, the vast structure of recollection.



双语美文30《This is just to say》

双语美文29《Legend of three brothers》

双语美文28《When you are old》

双语美文27《The Wild Iris》

双语美文26《Romeo and Juliet》

双语美文25《Love after love》

双语美文24《Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening》

双语美文23《Everything is Going to be All Right》

双语美文22《A Midsummer-Night's Dream》

双语美文21《My anger at the current situation of the environment》

双语美文20《Life Like a Poem》

双语美文19《The Road Not Taken》

双语美文18《A Lane in the Rain》

双语美文17《How Poor We Really Are》

双语美文16《The First Snow》

双语美文15《Down by the Salley Gardens》

双语美文14《Time to Learn》

双语美文13《On Christmas Eve》

双语美文12《Eagle in a Storm》

双语美文11《If I Rest, I Rust》

双语美文10《Carrots, eggs and coffee beans》

双语美文09《The king and the shoemaker》

双语美文08 《1℃ love》

双语美文07《Sand and stones》

双语美文06《A Carpenter's Story》

双语美文05《To be or not to be》

双语美文04《Put the glass down》

双语美文03 《Two friends and one bear》

双语美文02 《More Is Not Always Better》

双语美文01《Rome Wasn't Built in a Day》



2.Home, House, Family 都是“家”,区别竟然这么大?(音频版)




编辑 | HAI







