
四六级听力每周一练(二) | 科技类短新闻听力练习及备考干货

外研社 外研社高等英语资讯 2022-04-24














科技短新闻:Global Technology


News item 1

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. A) It is benefiting civilians and the military.

    B) It has been providing accurate and stable services.

    C) It has improved its accuracy to an error margin as low as five meters.

    D) Its accuracy can be further improved to be within centimeters.


2. A) Two hundred billion yuan.

    B) Thirty million yuan.

    C) Two hundred billion US dollars.

    D) Thirty million US dollars.


Keys 1. D 2. A

News item 2

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. A) The successful experiment of the light beam.

    B) The successful experiment of the cool laser.

    C) The use of cool lasers in medical fields.

    D) The use of cool lasers in computer fields.


2. A) To cool computer exteriors.

    B) To cool computer interiors.

    C) To improve the lifespan of computers.

    D) To improve the performance of computers.


3. A) Computer, medical or space technology.

    B) Computer, manufacturing or transportation.

    C) Manufacturing, agriculture or national defense.

    D) Manufacturing, telecommunications or national defense.


Keys 1. B 2. B 3. D

News item 3

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.


1. A) It captures the energy plants produce during photosynthesis.

    B) It captures the energy plants use during photosynthesis.

    C) It captures the energy soil stores.

    D) It captures the energy soil gets.


2. A) Less than three hours.

    B) More than three hours.

    C) Less than two hours.

    D) More than two hours.


Keys 1. A 2. C



News item 1


Beidou, which means the Big Dipper in Chinese, has been providing accurate and stable services to Asia-Pacific users since China launched it a year ago. It has improved its accuracy to an error margin as low as five meters, down from 10, and can be further improved to be within centimeters. That will make it competitive with the US Global Positioning System.

Ran Chengqi, director of the China Satellite Navigation Office, says Beidou has functionality and performance “comparable” to the GPS system, but is cheaper.

It is estimated that the market for transportation, weather, and telecom spin-off services from Beidou could be worth 200 billion yuan, or more than 30 billion US dollars, by 2015.

Meanwhile, China is encouraging other countries in Asia to adopt the free service.



1. What will make Beidou competitive with the US Global Positioning System?

2. How much is Beidou’s estimated market worth by 2015?

News item 2


University of Washington researchers said they used a laser to turn hot water into cool water. Five engineers from the university are the first in the 50-year history of the laser to refrigerate liquids under normal conditions with light beams.

The group used a simple approach to the experiment. Lasers are known for producing hot temperatures. University of Washington said they “essentially ran the laser phenomenon in reverse.”

The discovery has a future in the computer and medical fields. Computer interiors could be cooled by lasers. In a medical laboratory, individual cells could be cooled to see how they react.

“Few people have thought about how they could use this technology to solve problems because using lasers to refrigerate liquids hasn’t been possible before,” said researcher Peter Pauzauskie.

The cool laser concept can also be used in manufacturing, telecommunications or national defense.

The group has an interest in hearing from businesses or scientists who may have everyday applications of the cool laser.

The findings were published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.



1. What is the news mainly about?

2. How can the new discovery be used in the computer field?

3. What fields can the cool laser concept be used in?

News item 3


Three university students in Santiago, Chile have developed a plant-powered device to charge their mobile phones.

The three engineering students got the idea for the device while sitting in their school’s courtyard. Their invention is a small biological circuit they call E-Kaia. It captures the energy plants produce during photosynthesis.

A plant uses only a small part of the energy produced by that process. The rest goes into the soil. E-Kaia collects that energy. The device plugs into the ground and then into a mobile phone.

One of the student inventors, Camila Rupcich, says the device changes the energy released from the plant into low-level power to charge phones.

The E-Kaia is able to fully recharge a mobile phone in less than two hours.



1. How does E-Kaia produce power?

2. How long does E-Kaia take to fully recharge a mobile phone?


1. 英语科技新闻大量使用直接引语或间接引语。

  • 这类新闻经常会引用当事人、专家或行家的原话来报道科学发现或技术发明的经过以及科学发现或技术发明的意义,且多用长句

2.  科技新闻的报道热点多为最新科技成果,考生平时可多关注这类新闻。

  • 主要包括电子及信息技术以及智能化、数字化技术等最新科技成果,如移动互联网科技、智能手机、可穿戴智能设备、机器人、无人驾驶交通工具、虚拟现实技术及其他消费电子科技产品;

  • 还包括空间技术、新材料、新能源技术及生物技术等科技成果。

3.  科技类新闻的语言特点:


  • 科研机构以及大学和高科技公司名称,如NASA(美国国家航空航天局)、Oxford University(牛津大学)、Apple(苹果公司)、Google(谷歌公司)、Microsoft(微软公司)等;

  • 新技术或新科技产品名称,如virtual reality technology(虚拟现实技术)、unmanned aerial vehicle(无人机)、wearable device(可穿戴设备)等;相关专业术语有photosynthesis(光合作用)、genetic code(遗传密码)、kinetic energy(动能)等。


  • 科技新闻往往围绕新技术的工作原理、使用方法、功能、应用或影响等细节来展开报道。学习者需特别注意这些科技细节。这些细节是学习者了解新技术的键,往往是设题重点。







1. 教材遵循教学规律,体现改革趋势。

2. 语言真实地道,话题与时俱进。

3. 开拓国际视野,助力思维提升。



