
英国顶级建筑事务所的10条设计准则 | 专访RSHP合伙人Richard Paul (上篇)

那小海 青年建筑 2021-09-21

罗杰斯 史达克 哈伯有限责任合伙事务所的前身是1977年创立的理查德 罗杰斯合伙事务所。通过多年的发展,于2007年更名,以肯定和感谢Graham Stirk(英国伦敦列敦贺大厦写字楼的主创)和Ivan Harbour(斯特林奖获奖作品,铭琪西伦敦中心项目的主创)的杰出贡献。

Rogers Stirk Harbour+Partners (RSHP) was founded as the Richard Rogers Partnership in 1977 but over time evolved and in 2007 the decision was made to rename the firm Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners to reflect the vital contributions of Graham Stirk, designer of the iconic Leadenhall Building, and Ivan Harbour, designer of the Stirling prize winning West London Maggie’s Centre. 


Richard Paul has wide-ranging international experience as a Partner with Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and managing large architectural teams on major schemes worldwide. He has been key to the development and delivery of the practice’s projects in Asia and is currently working on a number of schemes in China and USA.


Richard was previously board director of Foster + Partners and worked on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Headquarters in Hong Kong where he also lived for a number of years.


The interview is divided into 2 parts.


色彩是RSHP的标签,Richard Paul 本人最爱什么颜色?

Part 1: Illustrate principals of RSHP with examples;
RSHP culture;
As colour is RSHP iconic feature, what is Mr Paul's favorite colour?
Expectations on the standards in different countries;
How to balance high-tech and humanistic care?


The 10 design principals of RSHP emphasize the architect's responsibility for the society. Please use a couple of examples to illustrate this.

Exterior view from the Cardiff Bay waterfront #RSHP

理查德 保罗:作为建筑师,我们有责任通过建筑与空间来改善环境,提升社会水平。第一个案例是英国卡尔迪夫威尔士国会大厦,以开放性和透明性原则作为设计的驱动力。这个项目的设计理念,就是希望它不是孤立隔绝封闭的建筑体,而是通过透明的外表皮,内外相通,可以从内部看到卡尔迪夫海岸和远方,也使内部的活动场景被外部所见,从而鼓励大众参与民主过程。在很多国家,国会的论辩过程通常是闭门会议,不对外开放,我们认为,可以通过建筑设计使论辩过程更具透明性。

Richard Paul:As architects, we are responsible for improving our environment and to better society through the buildings and spaces we create. My first example is the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff. We employed the principle of openness and transparency as the driving factor for the design. The building was conceived not to be an insular or closed edifice but a transparent envelope, looking outwards to Cardiff Bay and beyond, thereby making the inner workings of the Assembly visible and encouraging public participation in the democratic process. In many societies, the democratic process of parliamentary debate generally happens behind closed doors – and we felt that architecture could assist in making this process a more transparent activity. 

 The National Assembly for Wales is brought together under a democratic roof #RSHP


 National Assembly for Wales #RSHP


The public spaces sit elevated on a slate-clad plinth and are cut away to allow daylight to penetrate the administrative debating chamber at the lower level. The roof is pierced by a wind cowl that rises above the debating chamber at the center of the building. The debating chamber becomes the physical and metaphorical center of the design, and it is surrounded by public space to ensure it remains open and accessible to all. 

National Assembly for Wales #RSHP
National Assembly for Wales #RSHP


The servicing strategy responds to the varying demands of the internal spaces: Air-conditioning is provided in the debating chamber, whilst the publicly accessible lobby is naturally ventilated. In this way, the design achieves significant energy savings compared to traditional methods of construction.


Diagrammatic section #RSHP


Diagrammatic section illustrating natural ventilation and lighting#RSHP


Concept sketch of National Assembly for Wales #RSHP


The roof defines the principal spaces within the building in a series of gently undulating, curved roof modules. The plinth rises from the bay to define the public realm, rendering the entire design a concise expression of the newly created National Assembly for Wales. Both a physical and visual connection is created between the new building and Cardiff Bay, creating a fully integrated public place that engages the public, allowing them to enjoy the waterfront and participate in the democratic process.


National Assembly for Wales #RSHP


Buildings are designed for humans, who bring life, movement and vitality to the architecture. Nowhere is this more evident than at the public interface of the National Assembly for Wales.


View of the Assembly from the public viewing gallary #RSHP


Another example located in a tighter city context is the Leadenhall Building, where our London office is based. Fondly referred to as the Cheesegrater, this 50-storey tower, opposite Lloyd's of London (designed by RSHP in the 1980s) rises to a height of 224.5m. 

Design proposal within the context of the City of London #RSHP


It is a slender tapering form, creating its own distinctive profile within an emerging cluster of tall buildings in this dense part of the City of London. The building's tapering profile has been informed by the requirement to respect a protected view of St Paul's Cathedral. This view is from Fleet Street, one of London's main newspaper streets many years ago. The tower's design ensures that from this key vantage point the cathedral's dome is still framed by a clear expanse of sky and the building's tapered profile leans back to ensure this context is maintained.

The Leadenhall Building # RSHP


Viewing corridor to St Paul's #RSHP

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese pub酒馆的视角
Key view from Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese pub in Fleet Street  Fleet Street街道上 #RSHP


The building's envelope provides a high degree of transparency, reinforcing the clarity and visibility of the building's primary structural elements. Although the tower's footprint occupies virtually the entire site, the scheme delivers an unprecedented amount of publicly accessible open space. The lower levels are recessed and setback to create a spectacular, sun-lit seven-storey high space, complemented with food and beverage retail units and soft landscaping. This public space offers a half-acre extension to the adjacent piazza. Overlooking the space is a public bar and restaurant served by glazed lifts. This new public realm provides a rare breathing space within the dense urban setting of the City of London.

The Leadenhall Building entrance # RSHP

Construction of the Leadenhall Building #RSHP


Public Realm 公共领域

City&Context 城市&肌理

Legibility 可识性

Flexibility 灵活性

Energy 节能环保

Teamwork 团队合作

Systems 系统

Economy 经济

Equality 平等

Constitution 体制


Can you share with us the unique philosophy of RSHP's culture, and what attracted you work at RSHP for such a long time?


理查德 保罗:大多数公司为个人所有,或者是一群个体所有,RSHP是偏学院派的体制,在我们的工作背后,是更为崇高的目标,因此每个员工都参与事务所的分红计划。事务所更长期把利润的一大部份,直接捐赠给慈善事业,员工还可以自主选择捐款对象,让大家能够为对这个切身重要的社会做出有价值的贡献。

Richard Paul:RSHP is not like most companies owned by a single individual or group of individuals. The practice has a collegiate approach and a constitution with a moral objective behind its work. This allows staff to be part of a profit-sharing scheme. The company also donates considerable amounts of the profits earned directly to charitable causes, and staff members also can nominate charities of their own choice in order to make donations. It's a way of people being able to contribute to worthy causes in society which are important to them.

RSHP team  #RSHP

RSHP studio in the Leadenhall Building #RSHP



There is a very strong community spirit at RSHP. Richard Rogers has always been a great supporter and advocate of this principle, and there is very much a family spirit that has grown around the practice, which makes the environment an enjoyable creative place to work. We have a great team of talented young people, and creating the right environment for this talent to flourish has been key to the development of the practice.

Charity support #RSHP


RSHP studio in the Leadenhall Building #RSHP


From a management perspective, I believe we have probably a flatter organizational hierarchy than most companies of our size. I always try to encourage the younger team members to come forward with their thoughts and ideas. You never know where the next great idea will be coming from. Through the process of engaging the team and debating the issues problems are evolving and solutions developing, often changing direction radically.

 Ben Warner, Richard Paul, Richard Rogers #RSHP


Regarding project quality control, do you have different expectations of standards in different countries?

理查德 保罗:这是非常好的问题。有些人用一个绝对指标来衡量建筑质量,一味以绝对的指标来衡量建筑质量不管当地施工质量和市场环境。建筑师应该因应当地施工条件和能力提出可以被实现的设计,无论在非洲,中国,美国或欧洲,各地的施工技术和方法多少有些微差异,应按照个别市场的质量等级和精细度提出因应之道。建筑师需要意识到并接受这点。

Richard Paul:I think this is a really a good question. Some people view a building's quality as absolute, regardless of the construction quality or the market they have been delivered in. As architects, we should be designing in response to the ability of the construction environment to deliver. Whether Africa, China, America or Europe, they all have subtle different construction techniques and methodologies, responding to their individual markets to achieve quality in different ways and to varying degrees of refinement. I think one must acknowledge this fact and design accordingly.

奇夫利8号细部 8
 Chifley detail  #RSHP
NEO Bankside #RSHP
NEO Bankside #RSHP


I believe to achieve the best possible project quality requires working closely with the construction industry. And a particularly close relationship with those who are delivering the end product, so we fully appreciate not only the limitations but also the possibilities of what can be achieved using the latest manufacturing techniques and the particular specialism they can bring to the table.

Floor plates are linked by internal atria to create villages

室内中庭连通个楼层形成竖向村庄 #RSHP


8 Chifley entrance plaza #RSHP


I was once inspecting the welding of some quite intricate steel assemblies at a steel production facility in China, and as I turned around there must have been twenty welders looking over my shoulder wondering what I was looking at. They were amazed that someone was actually interested in the quality of their welding. They had never before seen anyone taking any interest in the visual aspects of their work. For me it is all about achieving the quality – even at a very detailed level. As architects we are intimately involved in understanding the production processes behind the elements that go into our buildings. It's part of the joy of crafting a building.


8 Chifley at night #RSHP



A great example is One Hyde Park in London, where the persistence of both the developer and the design team achieved exceptional quality conveyed in both the detailing and materiality throughout the project. It really is exceptional. I believe this is one of the main reasons which got Vanke interested and responded to their aspirations for Oriental One in Shanghai. From a philosophical perspective, could some of the principles and processes which had delivered these results be transported to their project in Shanghai? The more we work with the local market, the greater the understanding of the expectations.

Aerial view of One Hyde Park #RSHP

One Hyde Park #RSHP


Horse guards ride past One Hyde Park #RSHP


One Hyde Park #RSHP


Detailed East and West elevations at low levels # RSHP


Usually, the high-tech and industry sectors make people feel cold and distant. But colour shows vigor. Compared to other“completely dressed in black”architects, color is an iconic feature of RSHP. What is your favorite colour?
理查德 保罗:建筑师经常黑色着装,我不知道原因,黑色好沉闷。色彩在我们的项目中,就像是视觉代码,可以标识出建筑物的不同构件。我倒很喜欢色彩,而且最爱橘色,所以看到我们很多进行中的项目都有橘色,它给事务所的项目增添细节、视觉清晰度和亮点

Richard Paul:Architects generally love to wear black, I don't understand why, it's such a dismal colour. Colour is used in our projects to convey a visual coding, to illustrate how different parts of the building come together. I love colour, particularly orange, which finds its way into several projects we are working on. It adds another level of detail, visual articulation and emphasis to the work of the practice.


Inside Out exhibition #RSHP


Inside Out exhibition #RSHP


Inside Out exhibition #RSHP


Inside Out exhibition #RSHP

The Leadenhall building #RSHP

Merano #RSHP

Merano #RSHP

International Towers Sydney #RSHP


As an iconic high-tech firm, your projects represent technology and industrialization, referring to mechanization – and potentially creating a cold feeling. How best to balance human care in projects? How to achieve sustainability in projects ?
理查德 保罗:伦敦西部的奇西克商业园区最能回答这个问题。它坐落于高密度市区空间,有景观公共空间、露天表演空间和池塘,这里还包含12栋办公楼、停车场、1座健康会所、游泳池以及咖啡餐吧,项目所在地区曾经是公交保养服务区。 

Richard Paul:This question is best addressed by our work at Chiswick Park in the West of London. This new urban business park consists of 12 office buildings as well as parking, a health club, swimming pool and brasserie/café, all set within a landscaped public environment, complete with an open-air performance space and lakes. It is situated in a dense urban area which used to be a bus maintenance facility.

Chiswick Park #RSHP

View of the park from building 5 #RSHP


The key feature of the development is the spectacular parkland setting forming the heart of the site. The focal point of the park are the two large lakes, with a canopied timber boardwalk from the entrance of the site to each of the buildings. It has been developed as a place prioritizing the movement of people over that of vehicles. Designed for pedestrian priority (75% of those working at the development arrive on foot, bicycle, bus or train), all vehicular activity is routed around the perimeter edge of the site to landscaped screened carparks or undercrofts beneath the buildings.

Building 4 #RSHP


Chiswick Park #RSHP


On the yellow banner in the photograph you can see the words“enjoy work". This is a company we established with the developer from the initial development of the park, whose objective was to create community spirit among all the different tenants and guests who occupy space within the buildings. They organize a series of events which all occupiers can participate in and which regularly take place in the events square at the centre of the park. This is to bring the Chiswick Park's community together, as well as those working in the immediate areas surrounding the park.

Building 7 (enjoy work)  #RSHP


It is the landscaped character that creates a relaxed environment to work in – and being in such close proximity to an abundance of nature in the heart of the city is part of its charm. It's great for people's wellbeing and maximizes productivity.

Louvres #RSHP


The buildings' facades are highly glazed to maximize views and access to daylight, and to enclose large, unobstructed office spaces. The comprehensive energy strategy includes both fixed and adjustable external sun shading. These are in the form of an external canopy of louvres at roof level as well as retractable fabric blinds on the East and West facades, that are operated automatically via roof-mounted sunlight sensors. They shade approximately 80% of the building's surfaces, and together with a displacement heating and cooling system, significantly reduce the requirement for air-conditioning.

Chiswick Park #RSHP

Coming soon.

下篇,理查德 保罗先生将分享他个人的设计理念,包括世贸中心三号塔楼项目;

Part 2: Richard Paull will show examples of Potsdamer Platz and Tower 3 World Trade Center sharing his own design philosophy;
In his career, why he chose F+P and RSHP?
What attracts him to work in Asia and China for so many years?
Projects ongoing in China;

Tower 3 World Trade Center #RSHP

由于疫情影响,原定的当面采访改为网络采访。所以,只能用这样的“合影”了。非常期待与理查德 保罗先生的会面。

Due to CoronaVirus, we did the interview on line. So here is "our photo together". I am looking forward for the face to face communication with Mr Richard Paul.  

- END -






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