

2018-01-05 编译/谢欣璟 翻吧

COMPARED with Brexit, Bitexit seems a piece of cake. On August 1st, without much agonising or awkward negotiations, a group of Bitcoin activists and entrepreneurs managed to create a second version of the crypto-currency. It immediately gained a following: as The Economist went to press, a unit of “Bitcoin Cash” had a price of $460 and tokens worth $7.6bn were in circulation (although that is still much smaller than Bitcoin classic, which stood at about $2,700 and nearly $45bn).


This “fork”, as such events are called, came earlier than expected. But it is how insiders had expected a two-year-old conflict over the future of Bitcoin to end. At the heart of this “civil war” was the question of how to increase the capacity of the system, which can handle only up to seven transactions per second. The new version is able to process more than 50 per second, but otherwise works much like the original one.


Will Bitcoin Cash be more than just another “altcoin”, as the many existing clones of the crypto-currency are called? It is backed by Chinese “miners”, firms that provide the computing power to confirm payments and mint new digital coins. They have been unhappy with how the original system has been managed by its developers—and made some further technical tweaks to ensure that the new Bitcoin survives. The followers of the two versions will now fight over which can claim to be the “real” Bitcoin.


More interesting is what the fork might mean for the broader ecosystem of crypto-currencies, of which there are now hundreds. It has long been assumed that crypto-land would be dominated by one currency, Bitcoin, because of network effects: the more existing users it has, the more attractive it becomes to new ones. But Emin Gun Sirer of Cornell University says the split shows that this need not be true. Provided a group of crypto-cognoscenti has the will, the skills and oodles of computing power, it can conjure a new digital currency into existence—and, perhaps, even create value.

更有趣的是,分叉对扩大目现有的数百个加密货币生态系统有意义。长期以来,人们认为加密领域将由一种货币比特币主导,原因是网络效应:现有用户越多,对新用户的吸引力就越大。但康奈尔大学的Emin Gun Sirer表示,这次的分身表明,这个观点不正确。如果存在着一群有意愿,技能和计算能力的密码专家,就能唤起一种新的数字货币的存在,同时有可能,甚至创造价值。

This week’s fork has made Bitcoin holders richer: they get an amount of the new version equal to their holdings of the old sort; and at least for now, both together are worth more than the old one alone. For this reason alone, expect another split in November when the old Bitcoin system may get an upgrade.










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