
WUE·纽约 | 这对美国老夫妇从法国滑雪回来,一切都变了

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09






截至5月15日,全球Covid -19病毒确诊病例超过440万,累计死亡超过30万,累计痊愈超过155万。美国确诊超过141万,死亡85,898例,痊愈246,414例。




4月26日,纽约州长Andrew Cuomo曾提出,纽约州将于昨天(5月15日)起启动“复工”,按阶段逐步恢复经济,“居家令”逐步解除。当地时间5月14日晚,州长Cuomo宣布,原定于15日到期的“居家禁令”已延长至5月28日,紧急状态令中的“执行机制”也将持续到6月13日。纽约州五个地区将正式开始进入重新开放的第一个阶段,而纽约市不在这次开放名单内。




在受邀为地球公场“WUE计划”写下的“纽约疫情记录”里,Chen和Pat分享了他们在旅行途中感受到的“疫情初期的欧洲”,以及回到美国后在纽约的居家隔离生活和对疫情的审视与反思。在他们眼里,这次疫情就像宗教里“闭关静修”(retreat),可以想清楚到底什么对人生最重要。同时也相信,人类经历过各种灾难,这一次,也能度过去,要看到乌云背后的希望(silver lining)。





疫情之下的纽约是什么样的?在今天的文章开始之前,和大家分享一个来自Spike Lee(斯派克·李)的短片——NEW YORK NEW YORK。Spike Lee是美国电影制作人、导演,曾获得奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖。来看看他眼中的纽约。视频来源:Instagram @officialspikelee



While concentrating on our family annual ski vacation in France in the middle of February, we did not pay much attention to the news about Coronavirus.




We had only learned before the trip the news that the Wuhan area in China was plagued by a Coronaviruses epidemic. The situation over there became very serious and the government sealed off the whole area. When we left home in the middle of February, life in the U.S. was quite normal. The Coronavirus epidemic was only news in newspapers, far away from us.


Even when we were on the ski slopes, our attention focused on where to ski the next day and at which restaurant to have lunch or how to play a card game, Scopa, with our grandchildren. Just like a regular skier. Surrounded by beautiful white snow ski mountains, I seldom checked the news.


With us skiing in France were my daughter’s family of four, my oldest son coming from Toronto, Canada and the daughter of our good friend who is Italian. Our plan was after two weeks of skiing together, the young people would go back to work or to school. I and my wife, Pat, would continue to visit Spain and Portugal for one week. Since we are retired, we have plenty of time to travel.

 Chen与Pat和孙女在法国滑雪  图源:Chen & Pat


However, no one could predict that three weeks went by and the news became bigger and bigger. First, we read the news from the Wall Street Journal that an English person was infected with Coronavirus in Singapore and then he spread it to another 5 people while he went to ski in the French Alps.


Some countries in Europe started to take mitigating measures to check tourists entering their countries. Even some countries started to cancel their international commercial flights.


We followed our original plan, flied to Spain from France, and the whole trip was pretty smooth. Now I recalled that week in Spain and Portugal, people there were seemingly calm and carried on their normal activities.

圣地亚哥大教堂 图源:网络


I remember, In Spain, we had a chance to watch their Carnaval, and the pandemic hadn’t impacted their celebration. Our main purpose during this Spain trip is to visit the magnificent cathedral in Santiago. Although we have been in Santiago four times and are still not tired of it. We didn’t see many people wear the mask nor they were cautious about the pandemic.


After that, we spent four days in Portugal. Although she is a small country, she has a rich history and culture. Lisbon is beautiful. We walked easily throughout the city on foot. We still could see its glorious past. It was quite pleasant. As pleasant as the beautiful Lisbon, you didn’t feel the tension and cautiousness of the coming pandemic.


With the swift spread of the covid-19 in Spain and even it caused the first ‘national emergency’ in Portugal history. It’s hard to imagine during our trip at that time, and it is difficult to comprehend the impact of the virus.



We spend more than three weeks in Europe, near the end of the trip, we started to get anxious and hoped to go home soon.


We were glad the whole family returned home before more restrictions were introduced in Europe.  In the meantime, our children went back to Toronto and New York before us. We went back home to New York on March 7th.


回到纽约后,我们得知,纽约州的第一个新冠病毒确诊病人就在新罗谢尔——离我们家几英里距离的隔壁镇。我们日常购物的超市Costco就在那个镇。那时,约1.6公里以外的New Rochelle已经被列为封锁区,国民警卫队已经进驻管理,统一向居民派送食物和生活物资。

At home, the first Coronavirus case occurred in New Rochelle which is the next town to us, just a few miles away from our home. We usually go to shop for food at Costco in that town. One mile in diameter surrounding the affected family area was sealed off and the national guard were also sent there delivering food or other essentials to the residents.


Since then, we do not shop for food in that town any more. A few days later, more cases were found in New York City and in other states.


At the same time a series of mitigating measurements were implemented in the country, like washing hands frequently, social distancing, working at home, stores closing except for essential services, restaurants are for take-out only, school closing, people staying at home. The major streets in New York City were virtually empty. My daughter’s family came back to New York. Not long afterward she and her husband also had to work from home and the school for her kids closed. It seemed to us that we were in a different world.



Just one month ago, young people went to work every day, schools were open and restaurants were filled with customers. And we had a great meal at an Italian restaurant owned by my good Friend’s son. The conversation and laughter still echoing in my memory.


The vivid New York City looks like an empty city from recent news photos. Italia in Europe was also hit hard by the pandemic.  

疫情之下,人们纷纷居家隔离,许多城市成为了空城。上图为意大利的街头,下图为美国纽约的街头。图源:Twitter @NYC_Alive @UrbanwearTS


Compare to New York State, the situation of social distancing was similar in Toronto, Canada. My oldest son works there. He has to work at home for two weeks when he returned from France. Working from home is much better than being trapped in a foreign country. After two months, he still works at home and even he changed to a new job.



Staying home for us is not a bad. We are retired. It gives us more time to do what we want to do without interruptions and less rush. Every day we can do more gardening, reading, walking and watching movies on the TV or cleaning the house. We have cut down our shopping trips to Costco to buy food to every two weeks. 

纽约的一家超市前,人们在排着队等待。图源:USA Today


At the supermarket, they have set up special times for seniors to go to the store to avoid crowds. They also limit the number of people going into the store at one time. People voluntarily stay 6 feet apart and wait in line patiently outside the store.


We feel people are more civilized now and less rushed. Our neighbors, a Jewish family, always ask us what we need. Isn’t that nice to hear?


我和太太Pat都是天主教徒,疫情蔓延后,我们的教堂暂时关闭了,实际上全纽约的教堂几乎都关闭了。但是Pat感觉,隔离在家的状态,很像宗教里的“闭关静修”,你可以借这个机会静下来想想什么是你人生里最重要的。对我来说,在家隔离也像《圣经》里的逾越节。我们都很焦虑甚至恐慌,等待着这次疫情可以Pass Over 我们。

Pat and I are Catholic. Our parish church, actually all churches in New York, are closed. She feels that staying at home is like a religious retreat, just concentrating on what is important in life. To me, stay-home is like the story of Passover in the Bible. We all anxiously wait for this pandemic Pass over us. 



Since we are all staying at home, we cannot visit our children’s families nearby. We miss family gatherings. We miss watching our grandchildren’s ball games on the weekend. Grandchildren grow so fast. They change their look if we don’t see them in a month.



Now we do a lot of FaceTime with them but FaceTime is not personal contact. How much you can talk to children on FaceTime? Our grandson said to us “I don’t know what to say to you.”


Recently, we also do FaceTime more often with our friends overseas. Pat has ten siblings. Most of them live in the Boston area. Boston too has the same restrictions as New York. We do FaceTime or Zoom with her family to talk and to share our feelings. To virtual visit more than eleven people on a computer screen at the same time is quite an experience. Isn’t the internet wonderful? 



The school children here are fortunate indeed. Although their school is closed, they learn online. Teachers assign homework and check attendance online. Our grandchildren spend several hours each day doing online learning. They also learn Tae-Kwon-Do online. Their instructor can watch their movements. Our grandchildren passed the yellow belt test and were promoted last weekend. The latest news is that schools in New York State will remain closed until September. That will cause a lot headache for the working parents who have young children.


Because people stay home, many have to time to surf on the internet. Shopping on line is a big business. Amazon receives a record number of orders. They even want to hire 50000 workers! By staying home people also easily add a few pounds. Some experts even predict by next year there may be a baby blip. That is quite possible.


鲜花设计师Lewis Miller把鲜花装饰在了曼哈顿街头的角角落落。“华尔街公牛”对面“无畏的女孩”也被披上了鲜花袍。哪怕在逆境之中,纽约也依然灿烂和倔强。图源:网络


In our lifetime we have experienced many scary, potentially catastrophic storms. From nuclear wars to population explosions, from malaria to HIV diseases. We avoided them all. The Corona virus pandemic is scary. However, we are optimistic and confident that human ingenuity will defeat this pandemic. Our society will pay more attention to our basic health issues. Isn’t that a silver- lining?

好消息是,新罗谢尔的那位纽约州新冠病毒“零号感染者”—— 50岁的犹太律师已经出院(4月27日),新罗谢尔市也解封了。更重要的,现在全球有80个国家在努力研发对抗新冠病毒的疫苗。上一周,美国FDA批准了瑞德西韦在美国作为对抗新冠病毒的紧急用药。也有新闻报道说,到这个夏天尾声有疫苗会研发出来。如果这是真的,会给人们一些信心回归正常生活。我希望它是真的!

The good news is that the first patient from Coronavirus in New Rochelle was discharged from the hospital and the area where his family lives is opened again. The more important news is that more than 80 companies throughout the world are racing to develop Coronavirus vaccines or therapeutic treatments. Last week the FDA approved Remdesivir by Gilead to treat Coronavirus on an emergency basis. And it is also reported that vaccines may be available by late summer. If it is true, that will give people confidence to return to normalcy. I hope it will be true!





WUE2020 计划





WUE·意大利| 一个中国留学生的意大利疫情故事



WUE·以色列 | 哭墙下的祈祷与疫情中的逾越节(上)

WUE·以色列 | “家用防空洞”与“把犹太人接回家”(下)

WUE·加拿大| “多伦多地下室”的发问:“文明”这面具会持续多久?


WUE·纽约 |纽约华人医生:“我们已检测了100多个新冠病人”


WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(1)

WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(2)


WUE·Canada|What Can A 11-year-old Girl See Amid The Pandemic?

WUE·Atlanta | Dog Day of Atlanta(1)

WUE·USA| Bottled Up, Still Breathing(2)【Article+Video】

WUE·Canada| Voice from the basement of Toronto

WUE·NYC|A Chinese Doctor,“We've tested over 100 COVID-19 cases”

WUE·NYC |A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(1)

WUE·NYC | A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(2)

WUE|We expect to hear from you amid the pandemic!

 撰稿 / 地球公民CHEN&PAT

翻译 / 地球公民ZIAN.Y

编辑 / 地球公民CICI

主编 / 地球公民OHIA






抖音:WUE 地球公场


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