
McaM 放映丨“FLU水O 与水邂逅” 乐大豆与何子彦对谈

McaM McaM上海明当代美术馆 2022-10-20

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“FLU水O 与水邂逅”是一个沉浸式、跨学科的综合项目,曾于2020年获得第九届意大利领事馆奖项。水,作为此次颇具前瞻性的项目之主旋律,它是生活中不可或缺的元素,也是一种充盈着无尽诗意能量的物质,以至于能够承载死亡和湮灭,直击眼下的社会、政治和人类学议题的关注焦点。该项目考察了遥远时代与其文化之间的连结中那些引人注目的主题,在不同活动及媒介——当代歌剧音乐和表演,装置艺术和舞蹈,电影和工作坊——当中生成出不寻常的交叉点。

"Fluxo"现场, HangarBicocca, 米兰

2021年11月25-26日, ph t-space

“FLU水O 与水邂逅”的架构反映了这一价值的双重性——对于1960年代东亚艺术家有关水的表演,以及毛利西奥·卡赫尔创作的讽刺性小型歌剧《我们的海》(Mare Nostrum),该项目不仅包含了这些作品的再现,同时也对它们进行了再次的诠释,它诞生自露西亚娜·加里亚诺(Luciana Galliano)的构想,并由乐大豆(Davide Quadrio)加以策划展出,Arthub制作呈现。

"Fluxo"现场, HangarBicocca, 米兰

2021年11月25-26日, ph t-space

“FLU水O 与水邂逅”将于2023年夏天登陆上海明当代美术馆与大家正式见面,作为展览的预告,美术馆将在10月15日进行一场线下放映,内容是该项目策展人乐大豆与艺术家何子彦的访谈视频,围绕后者受邀为此项目拍摄的实景影片展开。







在影片中,“FLU水O 与水邂逅”中的装置艺术不仅相当于一个开放式的剧场布景,它也是一整组复合型且具有观赏性的作品,更是在长镜头下的偶发艺术、参照物以及指令的象征。由于全球范围的新冠疫情爆发,何子彦无法亲临现场执导拍摄,最终他通过线上交流的方式与远在项目现场的人们相互配合完成了这项工作。这种工作方式对双方来说都是巨大的挑战,但同时也产生了意想不到的火花。借着这场对谈,我们得以听听这部影片背后的创作故事,此外,具体展讯还请多关注明当代美术馆公众号后续发布的信息。

“FLU水O 与水邂逅”乐大豆与何子彦对谈预告片




乐大豆是同时活跃于中国与意大利的制作人及策展人,在1998年至2010年间,他创立并运行了上海第一家独立非营利性策展创意机构——比翼艺术中心。2007年,他创办了Arthub,于中国及世界各地策划、代理及推广当代艺术。2011年至2017年,乐大豆任教于上海视觉艺术学院,期间,他完成了2012年上海双年展“城市馆项目(City Pavilion Project)”的总策划与制作,该大型项目纳入了来自全球各地共38个城市的参与。在2013年至2016年间,他在上海震旦博物馆担任策展人,负责该馆的当代艺术板块。在2015年,他带领发行了与杂志《万花筒》齐名的《万花筒(亚洲版)》。乐大豆于比翼艺术中心及Arthub在任期间,在中国乃至全球组织了数以百计的展览、教育活动和交流活动。此外,他还策划了第十三届韩国光州双年展。自2022年2月起,他在都灵东方艺术博物馆担任总监。

“FLU水O 与水邂逅”项目由亚历山德罗·夏洛尼发起,参与者包括安德里亚·安纳斯塔西奥、琪亚拉·贝尔萨尼、罗塞拉·比斯科蒂、阿提拉·法拉维力、西尔维亚·卡尔德罗尼、伊莱尼亚·卡雷欧、安娜·莱蒙多、西尔维亚·格力巴乌迪,策展人是乐大豆,灵感出自露西亚娜·加里亚诺,由上海Arthub制作出品。

项目合作伙伴:诺罗省立美术馆(意大利诺罗);倍耐力基金会HangarBicocca(意大利米兰);Ramdom(意大利普利亚);Gaswork & Triangle Network(英国伦敦);n+n Corsino – SCENE44(法国马赛);明当代美术馆(中国上海);Milano Musica e Casa degli Artisti(意大利米兰);Polo Biblio Museale Lecce – Museo Castromediano(意大利莱切);意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处;都灵东方艺术博物馆——都灵博物馆基金会。

项目支持:Alcantara和The Aquilani & Sons

“FLU水O 与水邂逅”作为第九届意大利领事馆奖项获胜项目,旨在世界范围内推动意大利当代艺术,本项目得到了意大利文化遗产与旅游活动局的当代创新理事会推动。

Fluxo is a complex immersive, cross-disciplinary project, that won the Italian Council award (9th Edition, 2020). The central theme of this visionary project is water, an element indispensable for life and a substance of immense poetic power that can also be a place of death and annihilation, the focal point for social, political and anthropological issues of urgent contemporaneity. The project examines compelling themes in the relationship between distant epochs and cultures, and gives rise to unusual crossovers amongst different activities and media: contemporary opera music and performance, installations and dance, film and workshops.

Fluxo at HangarBicocca, Milan

25-26 November 2021, ph t-space

This duality of values is mirrored by the structure of Flu水o, which comprises the simultaneous presence of re-enactments and reinterpretations of some performances by 1960s East Asian artists with links to water alongside a production of Mare Nostrum, a sarcastic chamber opera by Mauricio Kagel. The Fluxo project emerged from an idea by Luciana Galliano and it was curated by Davide Quadrio and presented by Arthub.

Fluxo at HangarBicocca, Milan

25-26 November 2021, ph t-space

The exhibition of the Fluxo project is scheduled to be launched at Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM). As the preview, McaM will host an onsite screening event on October 15th, presenting the interview video between Davide Quadrio, the curator of the Fluxo project, and the artist Ho Tzu Nyen, centring on the movie commissioned to Ho for the project.

Date: Oct 15th (SAT)

Time: 15:00
Duration: 40min

Capacity: 30

Venue: Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM)

No. 436, East Yonghe Rd, Jing’an District, Shanghai

Free admission with tickets of Hu Yinping: Weaving Realities

In the movie, the entire Flu水o installation is considered as an open theatre set, a single, complex scenic object, a long take of happenings, references and gestures. Due to the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19, Ho did not manage to appear in the site in person, therefore he and the production team totally relied on the online communication to work through the whole project. This kind of working method made a huge challenge for both sides, but at the same time generating spark that was previously unimagined. Through this opportunity, we as audiences are able to dig into those stories behind the scene. On top of that, Please stay tuned for more information yet to post on our social medias.

About the Artist

Ho Tzu Nyen was born in Singapore. He earned a BA in Creative Arts and an MA in Southeast Asian Studies. Besides extensively writing on art, he works primarily in film, video, and performance. He recently worked on major multimedia installations. Ho appropriates the structures of epic myths, invoking their grandeur while revealing them to be not merely stories, but discursive tools. He is particularly concerned with those moments when contemporary figures imagine and invent the past in order to serve the needs of the present. He joined several group exhibitions and international film festivals. He represented Singapore at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011). His works have been presented over solo exhibitions in Singapore, Adelaide, Sydney and at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo.

About the Curator

Davide Quadrio is a producer and curator based between China and Italy. From 1998 to 2010 he founded and directed the BizArt Art Center, the first non-profit artistic-creative workshop in Shanghai. In 2007 he established Arthub, a production and curatorial proxy working in China and worldwide. Hosted by Shanghai Visual Art Institute from 2011 and 2017, he curated and produced the monumental City Pavilion Project – representing 38 cities from around the globe - on the occasion of the Shanghai Biennial in 2012. From 2013 to 2016 he was curating the contemporary art section of the Aurora Museum in Shanghai. In 2015 he founded Kaleidoscope Asia, a publication twinned with Kaleidoscope Magazine. With BizArt and Arthub, David Quadrio organized hundreds of exhibitions, educational programs and cultural exchanges in China and all over the world. He produced the 13th Gwangju Biennial, Korea. From February 2022 he is the director of MAO, Museum of Oriental Art, Turin.

“Fluxo” is a project by Alessandro Sciarroni with Andrea Anastasio and with Chiara Bersani, Rossella Biscotti and Attila Faravelli, Silvia Calderoni and Ilenia Caleo, Anna Raimondo and Silvia Gribaudi, curated by Davide Quadrio, based on idea by Luciana Galliano, produced by Arthub (Shanghai, China)

Project Partners: MAN_Museo d’Arte della Provincia di Nuoro (Nuoro, Italy); Fondazione Pirelli HangarBicocca (Milan, Italy); Ramdom (Puglia, Italy); Gaswork & Triangle Network (London, UK); n+n Corsino – SCENE44, (Marseille, France); Ming Contemporary Art Museum (Shanghai, China); Milano Musica e Casa degli Artisti (Milan, Italy), Polo Biblio Museale Lecce – Museo Castromediano; The Italian Government Institute of Culture Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai; MAO – Fondazione Torino Musei.

With the support of Alcantara and The Aquilani & Sons

The project is supported by the Italian Council (9thedition 2020) program to promote Italian contemporary art in the world by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Cultural.











Double Space











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