
师说丨数据科学学院Andre Milzarek教授:“苦”中作乐方为人生

Andre Milzarek教授

在本期“师说”系列专访中,来自数据科学学院的Andre Milzarek教授与我们分享了在疫情中的学与研,以及在港中大(深圳)教学和生活的体验。



Andre Milzarek教授在2018年加入香港中文大学(深圳),现为数据科学学院的助理教授,本学期主讲课程“Introduction to Optimization”以及 “Optimization Theory and Algorithms”。他的研究领域是非光滑优化、大规模随机优化、二阶方法和理论。

Andre Milzarek 教授曾在北京大学北京国际数学研究中心担任博士后研究员;在德国慕尼黑工业大学Michael Ulbrich教授的指导下,他分别于2013年和2016年获得硕士学位和博士学位;他亦曾受邀在工业和应用数学学会(AISM)、数学编程国际研讨会(ISMP)等国际会议上发表报告,并在多份期刊上发表论文。

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Prof. Andre Milzarek is an assistant professor at 

School of Data Science(SDS). He joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in April 2019. He currently  teaches the courses “Introduction to Optimization” and “Optimization Theory and Algorithms”. His research field is nonsmooth optimization, large-scale and stochastic optimization, second order methods and theory.


Before joining CUHK-Shenzhen, Prof. Andre Milzarek was a postdoctoral researcher at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research at the Peking University. He received his master's degree with honours and his doctoral degree in Mathematics from the Technical University of Munich in Germany under the supervision of Prof. Michael Ulbrich in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He was invited to deliver talks at international conferences such as the AIMS conference on Applied Linear Algebra and International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, and has publications on peer-reviewed top-tier journals. 








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The story of Prof. Milzarek and CUHK-Shenzhen began at a workshop on optimization in Wuyishan. At that time, he met several professors of CUHK-Shenzhen, including Vice President Prof. Tom Luo, with whom he conversed. After visiting CUHK-Shenzhen, Prof. Milzarek found that this University is in a unique and highly attractive position: it is young, open, and has an international system; there are many top researchers in his field with whom he can work and collaborate; it is in Shenzhen, a young and evolving city which nurtures numerous high-end tech companies; the stylish architecture and beautiful natural scenery makes it an even more compelling place. Prof. Milzarek felt that this University was the right place to be.


In the last semester, he was the lecturer for the course“Introduction to Optimization” for Master of Science in Data Science. The course introduces many basic optimization principles, techniques, and algorithms related to data science that are highly relevant and helpful when working with algorithmic approaches and when solving optimization problems arising in learning tasks, machine learning, big data applications, or in data science in general. The course offers the necessary foundations and tools and mathematical background, as Prof. Milzarek explained.


After interacting with the students at CUHK-Shenzhen, Prof. Milzarek found them to be highly motivated and very eager to learn and understand. For instance, when teaching the optimization course, students were very involved and asked many thought-provoking and sharp questions during the lecture. After class discussions were often continued for half an hour or even longer. He admitted that he has not experienced such high motivation and engagement of the students before.





疫情的封闭管理,在一定程度上激励了很多学生展开新领域的了解和学习。在全球多地仍受疫情影响的情况下,Milzarek教授给出的学习的建议仍非常有启发性——如果想要在特定的领域开始研究,或只是想要学习,可以向老师寻求建议或者是进行讨论;在全球疫情爆发期间,线上涌现了越来越多讨论近期研究话题的公开讲座,许多领域内顶尖的研究者都受邀进行演讲,这是一个见识实际研究,体会不同研究领域的良机。在最优化领域,Milzarek教授推荐了One World Optimization Seminar,并且提及了中国运筹学会最近组织的讲座。

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Prof. Milzarek stayed on campus during the whole pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 did not affect his research too much. As Prof. Milzarek shared, working on optimization during this time, he only required a laptop with sufficient computing power and internet access to continue his research. Of course, the pandemic regulations and restrictions had a noticeable impact on our daily lives which also led to organizational and structural changes in work. In particular, communication and exchange with colleagues, students, and family almost completely had to take place online during those days. Prof. Milzarek utilized the Wechat Video and Voice Call to hold regular meetings with his students and Zoom was used for larger faculty meetings, talks, and interviews.


Prof. Milzarek also gave some advice for students who were interested in starting research in a particular area or who just want to learn something new during the pandemic, which is still very constructive today, given that many regions of the world are still affected by the COVID-19. Prof. Milzarek thought that the first step is to approach the teacher for advice, recommendations, and to have a small discussion. Also, due to the worldwide outbreak and quarantines, there is now a growing number of online open seminars to discuss research, recent topics, and progress. Often leading researchers in the field are invited to give talks, so it is a great opportunity to see research in action, to learn more about the different areas of research, and to meet experts who otherwise can only be met during big international conferences. 


On optimization, Prof. Milzarek recommended the “One World Optimization Seminar”. He also reminded us that The Operations Research Society of China is also organizing seminars.






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During the quarantine period this Spring, Prof. Milzarek’s stay on campus was rather bittersweet. In the interview, we learned that, besides his role as scholar and teacher, Prof. Milzarek is also a big fan of bouldering. Bouldering is a special climbing style and he enjoys the physical challenge, trying many different ways and routes to reach the top. As many activities were confined and many facilities had to stay closed, bouldering, as well as other sports, were reduced to some small home work-out for Prof. Milzarek. Besides doing physical exercises, he also enjoyed watching good movies and TV shows as pastimes in this period. He also recommended the Korean movie Burning by Chang-dong Lee and the HBO TV-Show Leftovers. When asked to share his tricks to deal with the stress at work, Prof. Milzarek gave us the answer: a relaxing round of swimming. But given that the pool was closed back then, He admitted he would have to go with Plan B and do some small training sessions at home. From time to time, after a stressful day, he would also enjoys a glass of good Scotch Single Malt whisky to sweep the tiredness away.

As new semester starts, the University Sports Hall, natatorium and gym reopen for faculty and students after a half-year closure. Prof.Milzarek now resume his pre-quarantine work-out.











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