

365天陪你学 英语口语 2023-10-13







01 New Year's Eve 除夕
02 Laba Festival 腊八
03 Dongzhi Festival 冬至
04 Spring Festival 春节
05 Lantern Festival 元宵节
06 Qingming Festival 清明节
07 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
08 Double Seventh Festival七夕节
09 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
10 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

11 Hurry Up,Plants 拔苗助长

12 The Early Bird Catches the Worm 笨鸟先飞

13 Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威

14 Painting the Dragons to Life 画龙点睛

15 The Fake Musician 滥竽充数

16 Waiting for Rabbits 守株待兔

17 Discovering An Elephant 盲人摸象

18 Better Late Than Never 亡羊补牢,未为迟也

19 A Masterpiece in the Making洛阳纸贵

20 Meng Jiao's Happy Ride 走马看花

21 Peach Paradise 世外桃源
22 Music to a Cow's Ears对牛弹琴
23 The Spear and the Shield 自相矛盾
24 Good or bad?塞翁失马焉知非福
25 Frog's Tasty World 井底之蛙
26 Eight Immortals Cross the Sea 八仙过海
27 Where's my sword 刻舟求剑
28 Sky is Falling 杞人忧天

29 The Yellow Rock Old Man 孺子可教

30 Quick Success 马到成功

31 Measure Me for New Shoes 郑人买履
32 Master Archer 百发百中
33 Mengzi's Good Advice 五十步笑百步
34 Watch Your Back 螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后
35 Fun, Friends and a Future for Mengzi 孟母三迁36 Clear as a Bell 掩耳盗铃
37 The Fisherman's Quiet Victory 鹬蚌相争渔翁得利
38 Don't Look Here 此地无银三百两
39 Dragons Everywhere 叶公好龙
40 A Quick Glance Can Be Misleading 走马观花

41 Missing the Bigger Picture 一叶障目

42 Racing Horses 田忌赛马

43 The Forest of Plum Trees 望梅止渴

44 No Difference 朝三暮四

45 The Mysterious Animal 黔驴技穷

46 The Swan Feather 千里送鹅毛

47 The Tale of Two Pearls 鱼目混珠

48 The Unlikely Friendship 负荆请罪

49 Wen Tong's Bamboo 胸有成竹

50 The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘

51 Family Matters Part 1 宝莲灯1
52 Family Matters Part 2 宝莲灯2
53 Family Matters Part 3 宝莲灯3
54 Family Matters Part 4 宝莲灯4
55 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 1 聚宝盆1
56 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 2 聚宝盆2
57 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 3 聚宝盆3
58 Hua MuLan Part 1 木兰从军1
59 Hua MuLan Part 2 木兰从军2
60 Hua MuLan Part 3 木兰从军3

61 Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth 盘古开天
62 Nuwa People Part 1 女娲造人1
63 Nuwa Makes People Part 2 女娲造人2
64 The Long Haired Girl Part 1 长发姑娘1
65 The Long Haired Girl Part 2 长发姑娘2
66 The Three Monks Part 1 三个和尚1
67 The Three Monks Part 2 三个和尚2
68 The Three Monks Part 3 三个和尚 3
69 Monkeys Try to Save the Moon 猴子捞月
70 Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日

71 The Jade Emperor's Zodiac Calender 生肖来源
72 Jing wei Fills the Sea 精卫填海
73 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 1 后羿射日 1
74 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 2 后羿射日 2
75 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 3 后羿射日 3
76 The Ox-man Part 1 神农尝百草 1
77 The Ox-man Part 2 神农尝百草 2
78 The Ox-man Part 3 神农尝百草 3
79 Butterflies and Love 梁山伯与祝英台 1
80 Butterflies and Love 梁山伯与祝英台 2

81 Butterflies and Love 梁山伯与祝英台 3
82 Nuwa Fixes the Sky 女娲补天 1
83 Nuwa Fixes the Sky 女娲补天 2
84 Ox's Big Mix-Up 神牛下凡
85 The Four Dragons 四条龙
86 Rat's Wedding 老鼠嫁女
87 The Grateful Pigs 金猪报恩
88 The River God’s Gifts Part 1 金斧头银斧头1
89 The River God’s Gifts Part 2 金斧头银斧头2
90 The Tortoise and the Hare 龟兔赛跑

91. The Love of the Cloud Weaver 


When the world was young, the sky was as soft as silk. Magpie birds soared and never wanted to land. Only Zhinu the cloud weaver did not feel at home in the sky. She watched the people far below and wove clouds that reached for the ground.
Zhinu and her sisters lived in the sky with their grandmother, the Queen Mother of the West. One night, there was a terrible storm. Zhinu looked down at a cozy farmhouse, wishing she were with the family inside. But not everyone was inside. She watched a young farmer and his old ox trying to stop the water from flooding the wheat fields. 
The ox stumbled and sank in the mud. The farmer gently helped her up.
He sang of the stars of the ox constellation as he led her to the barn. He was interrupted by a shrillvoice yelling from the farmhouse, “Hey lazy Niulang, sleep in the barn tonight. Your brother and I don’t want mud in the house!”
The next morning, Zhinu pulled on her dress made of the dawn’s red clouds. She wanted to see the farmer again. “Let’s go swimming,” she suggested to her sisters.
“Grandmother won’t like it,” her sisters warned. But Zhinu convinced them. They grabbed their swimsuits and slid down the clouds to the ground. While the others jumped into the pond, Zhinu tiptoed to the farmer’s barn.
She heard the shrill voice again. “Your brother and I have done our duty. 
It’s time for you to go, Niulang. Your parents wanted you and your brother to split everything. So, we’ll keep the farm. But you’re lucky, you get the ox!”
Niulang said quietly, “Okay, she’s my best friend.” Zhinu peeked through the doorway. The ox looked older than her grandmother! The ox turned toward Zhinu. Then Zhinu thought she heard the ox say, “Moo—marry her!”
Zhinu ran as fast as she could to the pond. She hung her dress over a tree branch and hid underwater. She thought of the farmer and the strange ox.
Soon, everyone was drying off and rising into the sky. But where was Zhinu’s red dress? Without it, she couldn’t return home with her sisters!
Suddenly, Niulang appeared, carrying her dress. “Please marry me,” he said. “I promise to be a good husband.”
To her surprise, Zhinu said yes. Perhaps it was his shining eyes, so like the night sky. She felt at home with him. But Zhinu’s grandmother wanted Zhinu home—in the sky.
For years, Zhinu and Niulang hid from her grandmother in their cozy farmhouse deep in the forest. Niulang would sing Zhinu to sleep with songs of the night sky. Zhinu would wake up Niulang by draping the trees with the colors of dawn. 
One night, they were awakened by angry clouds beating against the sky.
The wind howled. Niulang went outside as flood waters rose higher.
Once again, he tried to save the wheat. The old ox sank in the mud and couldn’t get up. She told Niulang to always keep her hide with him. Then she died.
The storm attacked. Soldiers took shape from dark clouds, grabbing, reaching. Deep in the storm, something struggled. It was like dawn on the brightest morning. It was his love, his Zhinu. She was being dragged into the sky by her grandmother!
Niulang shook out the ox’s hide. He jumped on and took flight. He flew faster and faster after Zhinu. “Wait for me!” Niulang called.
“Niulang, bring me home,” Zhinu cried.
“No!” her grandmother yelled. She slashed the sky with her golden hairpin. Zhinu heard the sky ripping in two. Through the rip shone the stars of the Milky Way.
On one side of the rip was Zhinu, on the other Niulang.
Since that day, Zhinu and Niulang have been separated by the Milky Way. On the seventh day of the seventh month of the moon, magpie birds weave a bridge in the sky. Zhinu and Niulang meet in the middle of the bridge, together again.
On this one day each year, everyone celebrates love, even Zhinu’s Grandmother. This day is known as Chinese Valentine’s Day.

The End
Question: How do you celebrate the seventh day of the seventh month of the moon?

magpie n. [鸟]喜鹊
soar v. 高飞,翱翔
weaver n. 织布工
wheat n. 小麦
stumble v. 绊脚,跌跌撞撞地走
constellation n. 星座,荟萃
barn n. 谷仓
shrill adj. 尖声的
split v. 劈开,切开
peek v. 偷看,窥视
drape v. (以打褶的布或其他织物)披在……上,装饰,包,裹
howl v. (风等)怒号,呼啸
hide n. 兽皮
slash v. (用刀、剑等)砍
rip v. 斯,撕破
Valentine’s Day 情人节
One night, they were awakened by angry clouds beating against
the sky. 一天晚上,他们被怒云击空的声音所吵醒了。本句中
beating 作为后置的现在分词定语,修饰 clouds.



92. The White Snake 
白蛇传 1


My skin had changed every year for a thousand years. But it had never changed into the skin I wanted. I wanted to be human.
“Hey, Suzhen, we’re like Nuwa, the Mother of Everyone,” said Xiao Qing. 
“We hug the earth when we move. No clumsy feet for us!”
“I don’t want to be a snake any longer,” I told her. “I want to walk and . . .”
my voice grew hesitant.
Xiao Qing laughed, her fangs shining as she smiled. “You want to hug more than the earth, I know it!”
I blushed and looked down, saying nothing. I wanted to speak from my heart and tell Xiao Qing that yes, I wanted to hug someone I loved, to hold a baby in my arms. But straight talk, well, that’s not my way.
I was made to wind down any path or wind around any thought. A little left, a little right, a little wrong. I wasn’t born to be good. I was hatched. I am Bai Suzhen, a snake demon! But I tried to be good. Wanted to be good. I studied medicine and magic because I hoped to help people. I also learned to change my shape. I often wondered, if I changed my shape, could I change into someone good?
“Sister,” I said to my best friend Xiao Qing, a gleaming green snake.
“Who should we become today?”
“How about changing into hawks?” she suggested. “We’d get to fly, and I’d like a chicken dinner.”
I shook my head and my tail back and forth.
“You’re right, hawks can’t hug,” she teased me. “How about monkeys, sister? We can swing through the trees looking for other monkeys to hug!” She lifted her bright green head, dancing and swaying. Then she stuck her tongue out at me! Xiao Qing hatched when I was two hundred years old, and since that time she has been like a little sister to me. 
I coiled into a circle. “We’ve practiced enough with animals, I think. Let’s try to change into humans.”
From our home on the celestial mountain, we descended to Hangzhou. 
We shed our snake skins near Leifeng Pagoda, on the shore of West Lake. Our tails became feet and legs, arms and hands, bodies and heads.
Xiao Qing haltingly walked toward a clothesline and grabbed a silk green dress. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she said, holding it in front of her. I nodded.
Xiao Qing made a stunning human, with black, flowing hair like a wave down her back.
A white dress embroidered with white peonies caught my eye. The silk danced in the breeze, curling as though it were alive. I forgot about human ideas of good and bad. I pulled the dress off the line and put it on.
My body felt as though it had always been mine. “Let’s walk by the lake,” I said to Xiao Qing. “I want to feel the breeze off the water.” As we walked across the Broken Bridge, a light rain began to fall.
“Let’s return to our cozy snake hole,” said Xiao Qing. “It’s too wet.”
A man walked up to us on the rainy shore of West Lake. “Please take my umbrella, ladies,” he said, smiling. As a snake, I had only ever seen human feet. The man stood in front of me, and I was dazzled. The rain sparkled on his eyelashes. He was breathtakingly handsome. I couldn’t speak.
“What do you think, dear?” Xiao Qing prodded me. “Shall we take this gentleman up on his offer?”
I didn’t say anything.
“The umbrella?” Xiao Qing added.
In a daze, I reached for the umbrella. When his hands touched mine, my heart beat fast. I heard him gasp. He held my hand a few moments longer. His smile grew wider. “Pardon me,” he said. “I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Are you real?” he asked me.
I was too stunned to thank him for the compliment. “How will we return your umbrella to you?” I asked, lowering my eyes shyly and pulling my hand from his.
“My name is Xu Xian,” he answered. “I live near Leifeng Pagoda, in the
wooden house next to the pharmacy. You can visit me. I’d like that.
Please do. I work with my sister and brother-in-law in the pharmacy.”
“We’ll return the umbrella tomorrow, kind sir,” I said, the formal words sounding strange to my ears. I stopped myself from adding, and then we’ll fall in love.

The End
Question: What is something that you couldn’t do if you were a snake instead of a human?

clumsy adj. 笨拙的;臃肿的
hesitant adj. 犹豫的; 迟疑的; 吞吞吐吐的; 踌躇的
fang n. 尖牙; 毒牙
blush v. 脸红,惭愧
wind v. 蜿蜒; 缠绕
hatch v. 孵化; 孵出,破壳而出
demon n. 恶魔; 魔鬼
gleaming adj. 闪闪发光的
hawk n. 鹰
tease v. 挑逗; 取笑,戏弄
sway v. 摇摆; 歪,倾斜
celestial adj. 天的,天空的
descend v. 降临; 下来,下降
shed v. 流下; 流出; 蜕皮
pagoda n. 塔,宝塔
haltingly adv. 犹豫地
clothesline n.晒衣绳
stunning adj. 令人震惊的; 令人晕倒的
embroider v. 刺绣; 渲染; 在…上绣花
peony n. 牡丹,芍药
breeze n. 微风
curl v. 拳曲; 弯曲; 卷曲
cozy adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的;
dazzle v. 使目眩; 使惊异不已
sparkle v. 闪耀,闪烁; 活跃
prod v. 刺激,激励; 刺激; 捅; 促使…行动; 戳
daze v. 使迷乱而不能做出正确反应,使茫然; 使惊奇与迷惑
gasp v. 喘气,喘息; 倒抽气
stunned adj. 大吃一惊的
compliment n. 恭维; 敬意,致意; 称赞
pharmacy n. 药房
But straight talk, well, that’s not my way. 但是直白讲话可不是我
Xiao Qing made a stunning human, with black, flowing hair like a
wave down her back. 小青成为了一个绝色美女,长发像瀑布一
样从后背垂下。本句中 made 意思是成为。
I forgot about human ideas of good and bad.我忘记了人类那些关
Shall we take this gentleman up on his offer? 我们该不该接受这
位公子的好意啊?本句中的 take up on 是接受邀请的意思。
I stopped myself from adding, and then we’ll fall in love. 我没让



93. The White Snake 
白蛇传 2


Xiao Qing and I were busy the rest of the day. We found a house to live in. I could not stop thinking about Xu Xian.
We bought weird food for our human bodies. I was hungry for a mouse, but noodles would have to do. Everything was new and surprising. But nothing compared to how I had felt when I met Xu Xian. That surprised 
me the most.
We went to his house the next day. I met his family, then Xu Xian, Xiao Qing, and I walked by the lake. AtfirstXiao Qing was the only one to talk.
I was too nervous. We stopped at the Broken Bridge and looked into the water. Gradually, we all began to talk more easily. We laughed and frowned at the same things. It was like we were old friends, except for the slow looks Xu Xian and I gave each other, and the way my heart pounded when he stood near me.
Over time, Xu Xian and I fell deeper in love. Falling in love was like sliding into West Lake. It was a shock at first, then we drowned in a love that surrounded us like water.
We got married. We lived with Xiao Qing in a house by the lake and opened a pharmacy. Our medicines and magic cured people. I continued to try to be good. I healed the poor without payment and was the best wife and sister I could be. I finally believed I was more human than demon. I finally believed that I was good. I didn’t tell Xu Xian of my past. I didn’t want to look back.
On Tomb-Sweeping Day, I found out I was pregnant. We were overjoyed! Xu Xian wanted to visit Jinshan Temple to ask for blessings on our family. He rowed Xiao Qing and me across the lake to enjoy the views while he visited the temple.
As Xu Xian returned to our boat, a Buddhist monk rushed toward him. 
He shook a metal staff at my sister and me and yelled, “Demons!”
Xiao Qing and I grabbed the oars and rowed away as fast as we could!
The monk grabbed Xu Xian. “Those two are snake demons!” he yelled at my husband. “They only look like beautiful women! They will steal your life and leave you with nothing! Already I see the signs of their evil in your face!”
Xu Xian defended us. “No, my wife and her sister are good women. 
Leave us alone!” We rowed closer to the shore and Xu Xian jumped in the boat.
“I see they have bewitched you!” the monk shouted. “Test them with Realgar wine at the next Dragon Boat Festival!”
The Dragon Boat Festival arrived too soon for me. I was very afraid!
Everyone said that if hidden demons drank Realgar wine, they would transform into their real shapes. I wanted to stay a woman!
That night, Xu Xian gave me a kiss. Then he held out a small cup of wine for us both to drink. “To our love and happiness!” he said. I took a sip.
Very small! It was barely a taste! The room started to spin. I couldn’t walk. Xu Xian helped meinto bedand went to make some tea.
My skin began to change. White scales appeared. My body stretched, becoming a snake. Xu Xian opened the door. “I love you!” I cried, but the only sound was hissing.
He screamed and fell to the floor. I slithered to him. He was still and becoming cold. I wrapped my snake’s body around my husband, hugging him with my whole self, but he didn’t move or speak.
Xiao Qing ran into the room. With her help, I was able to turn back into a woman. Together, we lifted him to the bed, but couldn’t revive him. “I have to get the mushroom of life from Lingshan Mountain! It is the only thing that can save him!” I cried.
“I’ll go,” offered Xiao Qing. “You’re pregnant. It’s too dangerous for you and your child!” 
“Thank you, but I have to go,” I said, hurrying out the frontdoor .“He is my husband.”

The End
Question: New scientific research shows that humans are born with a tendency to be afraid of snakes. Explain why this built-in fear may have developed.

pound v. (心脏)狂跳
staff n. 法杖
bewitch v. 对施魔法; 令心醉,入迷
realgar n. 雄黄
scale n. 鳞片
slither v. 滑行; 滑动
revive v. 使复活,使恢复; 使振奋,复原
Everything was new and surprising. But nothing compared to
how I had felt when I met Xu Xian. 每件事都很新奇。但是没什么
能比得上我见到许仙时候的感受。本句中以否定词 nothing 来表



94. The White Snake 
白蛇传 3


I turned back into a snake demon. With a bit of magic, I flew on a fast moving cloud to Lingshan Mountain. I had to get the mushroom of life to save my husband! I knew that no one was allowed to take a mushroom from the mountain, but that didn’t stop me.
A cool wind coming off the mountain chilled me as I arrived at the mountain. A crane flew toward me, its powerfulwingswhipping up the wind. A deer ran at me, kicking. I hissed, showing my fangs. They circled around to get ready to attack again.
I flattened myself in the grass and darted forward, looking for the mushroom of life. With a scream, the crane dove at me! I turned back into a woman and jumped out of the way of its sharp beak. I saw the mushrooms growing on a nearby tree. “I need only one mushroom,” I cried. “Please, my husband died!” I cradled my belly. “I am carrying our child. Please!”
“Stop!” yelled a low voice.
The crane landed softly on the arm of the mountain god standing before me. The mountain god had shining white hair that seemed to be made of light.
“Star of Long Life,” I greeted the god, bowing three times.
He pointed at the mushrooms. I walked to the tree and picked a gold colored mushroom from its trunk. I bowed again (you can never bow too much to a god). Then I rushed back home.
I put the mushroom in Xu Xian’s mouth, and he came back to life! I hugged him and cried, telling him I loved him. He looked at me as though he didn’t trust me anymore. “You were a white snake,” he said to me.
Xiao Qing and I both started talking at the same time, trying to convince him I hadn’t been a snake.
“You thought that snake was my sister?” said Xiao Qing, laughing. “I think the Realgar wine made you see crazy things!”
“I saw the snake too,” I said quickly. “I killed it. You don’t have to worry about it.”
He shook his head slowly. He said nothing to either of us. The next day, he disappeared.
Xiao Qing and I looked day after day for Xu Xian. Atlastwe thought of Jinshan Temple, where the monk had yelled at us. As we walked to the temple the baby moved so much in my belly that it seemed to be walking with us.
Xu Xian rushed toward us when we arrived at the temple but was stopped by the monk. “I didn’t trust you, so I asked Abbot Fahai for help,” my husband called to us. “And he’s trapped me!”
Abbot Fahai held up a Buddhist staff and bowl like weapons. “You demons can’t come here,” he yelled at us.
“My wife and her sister are good!” Xu Xian argued. “It doesn’t matter what they are! Let me go!”
Xiao Qing shook her fist. “You don’t know who you’re messing with! You and your temple will be sorry!”

The End
Question: How can you tell that Xu Xian doesn’t believe Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing?
1. They give different reasons for him seeing the snake.
2. He trusted Abbot Fahai when the monk warned him about Bai  Suzhen and Xiao Qing.
3. He shook his head slowly, said nothing, and then disappeared the next day.
4. He wanted Bai Suzhen to drink Realgar wine to test her.

crane n. 鹤
dart v. 使迅速突然移动; 向前冲,飞奔
cradle v. 轻轻地抱或捧;
abbot n. 男修道院院长; 隐修院院长; 大寺院男住持
trap v. 使受限制; 困住
You don’t know who you’re messing with! 你不知道你在和谁捣



95. The White Snake 
白蛇传 4


Abbot Fahai seemed stunned by my sister’s threats. Then he became so angry that his bald head turned as red as his robes. He threw himself at us, metal staff raised. My sister spun in a circle, like a snake uncoiling.
She moved in front of me to block Abbot Fahai.
“Aha!” yelled Abbot Fahai. “The women show their true natures! Snake demons!” He twirled his Buddhist staff and hit it on the bowl. Then he jabbed it at Xiao Qing. She twisted away.
I pulled a golden hairpin from my long hair. I waved it through the air, pulling the wind and water to the temple. The lake rose, flooding the steps of Jinshan Temple. There was a deafening clapping sound. An army of crab soldiers advanced, heading for Abbot Fahai!
The monk threw his outer robe on the roof of the temple. The magical robe made the temple float safely on the rising water. The crab soldiers slipped back into the water. It was over, and we had lost. Xiao Qing and I ran to the Broken Bridge.
I started to cry. Xu Xian would never return to me now! He wanted a regular wife. A regular wife makes crab dumplings. A regular wife doesn’t attack a temple with crab soldiers! But all I wanted was to love and be loved.
I looked up to see Xu Xian running across the bridge.
“You’ve got some nerve,” called Xiao Qing. “You’re not hiding an angry, red-faced monk somewhere, are you?”
He reached us and knelt before us. “I’m sorry.”
“You know who I am,” I answered. “I was made a snake demon. But am I only what I was made to be? I am a good woman, a good wife, a good maker of medicines. And I will be a good mother to our child, with or without you.”
“Please forgive me,” he cried. “I was wrong. I love who you are.” He took my and Xiao Qing’s hands. We walked around the banks of the lake. By the time we reached our home, we had forgiven Xu Xian.
The three of us soon became the four of us. I gave birth to a baby boy! I thought he might have a tail, but he was entirely human. We had a party one month after our baby was born. I was resting in the bedroom during the party when I heard Abbot Fahai at our front door.
“She is a snake demon!” hissed Abbot Fahai. “They are no good! They will kill you!”
“Leave us alone,” said my husband. “I know my wife, and I love her as she is.” I heard them struggling, then the door to the bedroom burst open.
Abbot Fahai held a Buddhist bowl in the air above his head. There was a force coming from the bowl that drew me to it. I was pulled closer and closer.
“Xiao Qing!” I called, “Strengthen your magic and return to fight him! 
Free me!” Then I was pulled into the bowl and trapped. 
Abbot Fahai buried the bowl with me in it underneath Leifeng Pagoda. I pounded and kicked at the bowl, tried magic spells, but nothing worked.
Xiao Qing studied magic and martial arts for 18 years, then returned to fight Abbot Fahai at the pagoda. From inside the bowl, I heard yelling, crashes, and fighting. At last I heard Xiao Qing’s triumphant cry. I
learned later that Abbot Fahai hid behind a crab’s shell for the rest of his life.
At last, there was a deafening crash. Xiao Qing had used her sword and magic to knock over Leifeng Pagoda! I ran out of the bowl. I was free! My sister and I returned to our home with Xu Xian and our son. At last we could become a good, regular family. And we did!

The End
Question: How could someone who was made to be bad, become good?

block v. 阻止;阻塞;限制
jab v. 猛击; 猛刺; 猛碰
spell n. 符咒,咒语
martial adj. 军事的; 战争的; 尚武的,好战的
triumphant adj. 得意洋洋的; 欢欣鼓舞的
A regular wife doesn’t attack a temple with crab soldiers! 一个普



96. Who's Braver than Tiger? 


Tiger lived in the forest. Tiger was brave. Tiger was fierce. The animals were all afraid of Tiger. He hunted them for food.
One day, Fox walked across Tiger’s path.
Tiger roared. “There is my next meal.”
“Oh no!” thought Fox. "I can’t run faster than Tiger. He will eat me up!”
Tiger roared. He was hungry.
“Wait!” called Fox. “You cannot eat me.”
“I shall eat you,” Tiger said. “You are nothing, Fox. You can’t stop me!”
He took a step closer to Fox.
“You cannot eat me!” cried Fox. “I am the King of the Forest!”
“You are no king,” Tiger roared. “You are a joker.”
“No, it’s true,” said Fox. “Any animal that sees me will run away.”
“Ha!” roared Tiger. “I don’t believe you! I am not running away! I am the King of the Forest!”
“You don’t have to believe me. I can prove it.”
“Go ahead,” roared the tiger. “Prove it!”
“Follow me,” Fox said.
Tiger followed Fox through the forest.
They saw a group of animals in a field. Fox walked toward them. Tiger followed behind. He watched the animals closely. They were busy eating grass. They didn’t see Fox and Tiger in the forest.
Fox growled. He showed his teeth. He tried to roar. The animals heard Fox’s “roar.” They turned and saw Fox and Tiger. The animals ran away as fast as they could! “Look!” cried Fox. “They are afraid of me. Did you see how they ran?”
Tiger was amazed.
“I saw that,” Tiger said. “You really are King of the Forest.”
Tiger bowed to Fox. Then he turned and walked away.
Of course, the animals were not really afraid of Fox. They saw Tiger standing behind Fox. They were afraid of Tiger. He was the real King. He was fierce. He was not as smart as Fox, though. Fox saved himself from being Tiger’s dinner. And that was even better than being King. 

The End
What did the animals do when they saw Fox and Tiger?
1. They ran toward Fox and Tiger.
2. They yelped when they saw Fox and Tiger.
3. They ran away as fast as they could.
4. They stood still and remained standing in the field.

brave adj. 勇敢的; 需要勇气的
fierce adj. 猛烈的; 凶猛的,残忍的
hunt v.打猎; 猎取; 追捕,猎杀
roar v. 咆哮; 吼叫
step n. 脚步,跨步,步长
joker n. 爱开玩笑的人
prove v. 证明,证实
through prep 穿过,从……一端至另一端
field n. 原野,田,地
growl v. 作隆隆声; 嘟哝; 愤愤不平地抱怨; 低声咆哮着说
amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊奇的
bow v. 弯腰,鞠躬; 低头; 俯首; 垂首
save v. 解救; 挽救
And that was even better than being King. 这比成为森林之王好
多了。本句中的 that 是指狐狸没有成为老虎的食物这件事。



97. Yu and the Flood 
大禹治水 1

The snows had been heavy that winter and spring had just begun to green the fields. The Yellow River roared like a dragon. Water raced down the slopes. It leapt over the walls my father had built. My new wife and I raced away and up the mountain.
The river was white with fury and power. The waves chased us. We kept moving upward. At last we reached a dry ridge.
The river flooded valleys and washed away homes. It drowned crops.
Hungry people and animals searched for safety on treetops and boulders. Many never found safety.
When we returned to our village, I learned that my father’s dams had broken. Many people had died. So the king ordered that my father should die too. Along with that terrible news, I learned that I was to take my father’s place. It became my job to stop the floods. I said goodbye to my pregnant wife and headed to the capital.
At the capital, I asked for new ideas from the elders who had worked with my father. They nervously told me what they thought I wanted to hear.
“There were successes,” said one, stroking his beard. “Remember the year with little rain?” They all nodded. “There were no floods that year!”
I waited and listened. Finally, one of the elders quietly said, “It seems the river has no place to go, young Yu. It has too much water and not enough room to run.”
“Here’s what you ought to do,” another one advised. He leaned in. “Find He Bo, the god of the Yellow River. He hates the river! He drowned in it years ago. He might help you.”
I gathered a large army of workers, and we began digging flood channels. I hoped the channels would guide any overflow water away from the main river. The channels would send the water downhill toward the ocean. Next, I waded in the shallow waters of the Yellow River, leading another army of people to deepen and widen it.
As I dug, I tried to remember my wife’s sweet face. But the only memories that came to me were of the last flood. Those memories urged me on, and I worked harder.
The channels and other changes we made to the river had some good results. However, we hadn’t stopped the floods. People were still suffering. We needed to know the river better and make changes more quickly.
We traveled past my family’s home as we worked on the river nearby. I knew my wife had just given birth to our son. I heard his cry as I dug a flood channel near our house. I longed to be with them both, but I couldn’t go see them. Their safety was more important. I had to continue working to make the channel safe for them.
Months later, as we were nearing the end of our work on that part of the river, I heard my son call for his mama. Hearing him inspired me to work all night. The lantern’s light on the water at midnight was almost as bright as the sun. Or so I told myself, because I wanted to keep working.
Over time, I all but became a river creature. I lost my toenails, and my hands and feet wrinkled from being underwater. But I didn’t mind. If I could stop more people from dying, my life would have meaning. And my father’s life and death would have meaning.
The End
Question: How do channels stop rivers from flooding?
1. They make the rivers deeper, so they can hold more water.
2. When the rivers are moving too fast, they slow them down.
3. When there is too much water, some of the water flows into the
4. The channels use gravity to move the water uphill.

slope n. 斜坡; 斜率; 倾斜; 斜面
ridge n. 背脊,峰,隆起线; 山脊,山脉,海脊; 高压脊; 皱摺,田埂
boulder n. 漂砾; 卵石,圆石; 巨砾,冰砾
stroke v. 轻抚; 轻触; 敲击
wade v. 跋涉; 蹚,走过
wrinkle v. 使起皱纹; 起皱纹
They nervously told me what they thought I wanted to hear. 他们紧张地告诉我那些他们认为我想听的话。本句中 what 引导的一个 宾语从句 what I wanted to hear,作为 told 的宾语, 而 they thought 作为插入语,起到补充说明的作用。
Or so I toldmyself,because I wanted to keep working. 或者是我告诉自己是这样(事实并非如此),因为我想一直工作。前文提到,在半夜灯笼的光线照在水上就像太阳一样明亮,本句揭示实情:这只是大禹为了让自己一直工作而对自己的暗示。



98. Yu and the Flood 
大禹治水 2


I was working late one night, downriver from my home. I had gotten used to getting little sleep. I told myself I could live on water and work. The calm river and the feeling of fish nibbling on my toes were almost like a dream.
The moon and the lantern were shining brightly. I adjusted my bamboo hat and swungmy axe into the cliff beside the water. I heard a splash behind me. I kept working. Another splash. I kept working.
Another splash! This one drenched my entire back, and I heard laughter.
I turned around, ready to tell the jokester to let me work.
To my surprise, I came face to face with He Bo, the god of the Yellow River. He looked older, more wrinkled, and soggier than anyone I had ever seen. I might have mistaken him for an old carp if I hadn’t noticed he was holding something in his hand.
“I’ve been looking for you!” he said. His mouth curled up into a smile.
His whiskers curled down like a carp’s. “Is your name, Yu?”
I bowed. “Immortal He Bo,” I said respectfully. “I have been looking for you too.”
Water ran down him like many rivers heading toward his feet. With a twinkle in his eye, he sang, [sing-song voice] “I have something that you want!” Then he became serious. “I’ll give it to you if you promise to control this troublesome river! Do you know it drowned me? And it never apologized to me!
“I’m sorry,” I said. “And I promise we will control it.” I bowed again. “We are trying, but we need to know more.”
“I was almost a god,” he said. “I needed to drink the juice of only one more daffodil to become immortal. Then this crazy river drowned me!
Anyway, I got the last laugh! I became a god anyway!” He batted a water bug out of his whiskers and handed me a scroll. I unrolled the scroll. It was a map of the river! It showed where the water was shallow, where it was deep, and where big boulders parted its path. There were notes and suggestions about how to control the river.
“Thank you!” I cried. “This is exactly the information we need to stop the flooding!”
But He Bo never heard me. He was gone, had vanished underwater.
The army of workers and I traveled along nine different rivers in China, making changes that stopped the flooding. We passed my house once again. By this time, my son Qi was ten years old. He ran outside and threw himself into my arms. “Father, you’re home!” he cried.
“I’m sorry, Son,” I told him. “But my work isn’t done. I’m not coming home yet.” It broke my heart to see his sad face. I hoped he would understand someday.
After thirteen years of work, we stopped the flooding. At last China was safe! I was appointed as an advisor to the king because of my success in controlling the rivers. When the king grew old, he chose me to become the next king. I became known as Yu the Great. After my time as king ended, my devoted son Qi became the founder of the Xia Dynasty.

The End
What sort of problem would inspire you to work as hard as Yu in order to solve it?

nibble v. 啃,一点一点地咬; 啃出,一点一点咬出; 慢慢减少; 小口咬
swing (swung) v. 使旋转;使做曲线运动;挥舞;悬吊
splash n. 斑点; 溅泼声; 溅上的斑点; 溅泼的量
drench v. 使湿透; 给灌药; 使充满,使洋溢; 浸液; 弄湿
jokester n. 喜欢开玩笑者
soggy adj. 湿透的,浸透的; 沉闷的,乏味的
curl v. 拳曲; 弯曲; 卷曲; 盘旋; 缠绕
whisker n. 细须; 连鬓胡子; 〈美俚〉腮帮子; 须晶
daffodil n. 水仙花; 黄水仙
bat v. 打击,猛击
scroll n. 纸卷; 书卷,画卷,卷轴; 涡卷形
unroll v. 展开; 铺开; 展现; 显示
boulder n. 漂砾; 卵石,圆石; 巨砾,冰砾
vanish v. 消失; 突然不见; 消亡,消灭; 化为零; 使消失,使不见
appoint v. 任命,委派; 约定,指定
devoted adj. 忠诚的; 献身的; 挚爱的; 专心的
I might have mistaken him for an old carp if I hadn’t noticed he was holding something in his hand. 如果我没有注意到他的手里正拿着一样东西,我可能会把他错当成一条鲤鱼。本句使用虚拟语气表达对于过去的推测,其中主句要用 might have done 形式,而 if 引导的条件状语从句要用过去完成时 had done 形式。







编辑 | Yoyo







