
《走遍美国》Family Album U.S.A 第16集

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。
2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。
3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。
4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。
5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。

ACT 1-1 “开始制作我著名的感恩节苹果派。”



Ellen: OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee. We should get to work, or we won't be finished by dinner time.

Philip:  I guess we must.

Ellen: We must.

Philip:  OK. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie. One apple. Two apples. Three apples. Four apples.

Ellen:  Come on, Philip! Get busy with your famous apple pie. There's much more to be done.

Philip:  Now, the ingredients.

Philip:  What goes into my apple pie besides apples? Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter. Butter, nice and cold and hard. OK, here are the walnuts. Last but not least, the reason my apple pie is famous - cinnamon. Cinnamon… Ellen, where's the cinnamon?

Ellen: If there is any cinnamon, it's in the cabinet with the salt and pepper.

Philip:  Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, cinnamon. Ellen?

Ellen: Yes, Philip.

Philip: Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?

Ellen:  Yes, it is possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon.

Philip:  Well, how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon?

1. We should get to work, or we won't be finished by dinner time.咱们该着手干活了,不然到晚饭时候也干不完。get to work,开始工作,着手干活。
2. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie.开始制作我著名的感恩节苹果派。感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在每年11月的第4个星期四。不同宗教信仰的美国人都在这一天团聚,通常有一顿丰盛的感恩宴。人们见面时互相问候: Happy Thanksgiving to you (to your family)。火鸡是感恩节宴会上最具有传统特色的一道菜。感恩宴后,一家人一般围坐下来看感恩节橄榄球赛。
3. Get busy with your famous apple pie.There's much more to be done. 快点做你那著名的苹果派吧。要干的事还多着呢。get busy with...,快点做,忙于。
4. Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter. 啊,对了。有面粉、白糖、黄油。在依次列举一系列事物时,每个词都用升调,到最后的词用降调。
5. Last but not least, the reason my apple pie is famous - cinnamon. 最后,但也是很重要的一样,使我的苹果派著名的东西——桂皮粉。last but not least,最后但也是很重要的。cinnamon,桂皮粉。

6. Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?有可能我们忘了买桂皮粉吗?It is possible that…, 有可能,大概。 

ACT 1-2 “真是我的好儿子!”



Robbie: Good morning.

Ellen:  Oh, hi, Robbie. Good morning.

Ellen:  Good morning, Robbie. Can you do me a favor?

Robbie: Sure, Dad. What?

Ellen:  Remember my apple pie on Thanksgiving? What do you love about it?

Robbie: The apples?

Ellen:  No. The sssss…


Ellen:  Right. We don't have any cinnamon.

Robbie: I'll go down to Henry's grocery. He's alway open. I'll get some for you.

Ellen:  That's my boy!

Ellen:  Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie. it's cold outside.

Robbie: Alexandra might call. Tell her I'll call her right back.

Ellen:  OK.

Ellen:  Thanks, Son.

Ellen:  Uh, why does he always have to slam the door?

Ellen: Hello…Hello, Alexandra. How are you?…Fine. Robbie just went to the store. He'll be back soon. He said he call you. … Well, do you have the phone number there? … Please, I know he wants to talk to you. …Thank you, and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too. Try to come by later for dessert. …Bye.

1. Can you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗?请别人帮忙时常用这句话。还有一些类似的表达方法,如"Can you lend me a hand?"以及"Can you do something for me?"。
2. Remember my apple pie on Thanksgiving? 还记得感恩节我做的苹果派吗?"Remember…?"(还记得…吗?)。引出新话题时常用的开场白。
3. We don't have any cinnamon.我们没有桂皮粉了。"We don't have any…"等同于"We have no…"(我们没有…)。否定句加any与肯定句加no表示同样的意思。
4. That's my boy! 真是我的好儿子!这是一句很典型的父亲用来表杨自己的儿子的话。
5. Uh, why does he always have to slam the door? 唉,他为什么老要把门碰得山响?"slam the door ",“砰”的一声关上门。
6. I see. 我知道了,明白。

7. Try to come by later for dessert.你争取饭后来我们这儿吃甜点吧。"come by",顺路拜访,串门。

ACT 1-3 “他怎么了?”



Ellen: That was Alexandra. She and the Molinas are going to spend Thanksgiving with their cousins. She doesn't have the phone number.

Philip: Oh, Robbie will be disappointed.

Ellen: He'll be grouchy. Maybe she'll call back. She promised.

Robbie: Here's your cinnamon, Pop. It was a dollar and sixty cents. You forgot to ask me for the change.

Philip: Or did you forget to give it to me?

[Robbie gives him the change. Philip puts it in his pocket. ]

Philip: Thanks, Son.

Ellen: Alexandra called.

Robbie: I'll call her back.

Ellen: She said she'll call you later. She's not at home.

Philip: You should have your breakfast, Son. Make You feel better. Protein, vitamins.

Robbie: She said she'll call back?

Ellen: Yes, she did.

Grandpa: Good morning, everyone! Happy Turkey Day! What's wrong?

Robbie: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Grandpa: What's gotten into him?

Ellen: He missed a phone call.

Grandpa: From…?

Philip: Yes, Alexandra.

Grandpa: It's nice to see young love. …Oh, to be young again! Where's the coffee?
1. He'll be grouchy.他该闹情绪了。"grouchy",情绪不佳,闹别扭,发牢骚,抱怨。
2. You forgot to ask me for the change.你忘了跟我要找头了。"change",在这里是名词,指找回的零钱
3. Make you feel better. 这会使你舒服些。在这里是"It will make you feel better."的省略。
4. What's gotten into him? 他怎么了?出什么事了?类似含义的用语还有:What's troubling/bothering him?What's the trouble with him?What's wrong with him?What's the matter?What's happened to him?What's up? 
来源:Family Album U.S.A


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Family Album U.S.A 第09集

Family Album U.S.A 第10集
Family Album U.S.A 第11集
Family Album U.S.A 第12集
Family Album U.S.A 第13集
Family Album U.S.A 第14集
Family Album U.S.A 第15集

