
《走遍美国》Family Album U.S.A 第22集

Love English 2 2023-03-01

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!
1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。
2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。
3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。
4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。
5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。
ACT 1-1 “我知道你能够处理好这件事。
一天上午,在Philip工作的劳伦斯医院,Philip医生和他的护士Molly Baker正在工作。Philip要为一个叫Carl的小患者安排一个手术,他希望Molly帮他调整一下工作日程。

Philip: Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters.

Molly: Like what special matters?

Philip: Well, I have a scheduling problem.

Molly: Yes?

Philip: I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl.

Molly: Yes?Philip: I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. And… I know you can do it.

Molly: Who's the patient?

Philip:Carl Herrera. The boy has infected tonsils, and we should remove them as soon as possible.

Molly: Well, I'll try to arrange the schedule, Dr. Stewart. But it's not going to be easy.

Philip:I know you'll be able to take care of it.[Molly shakes her head and laughs.]


1. I need your special talent for handling special matters.我需要你的特殊才能来处理特殊的问题。Philip要多插进一例手术,这给Molly出了个难题。他不是发号施令,而是“商量”加表扬。talent: 与生俱来的才能,天资。handle: 处理。意思相当于”take care of”。

2. Like what special matters? 像什么样的特殊问题?“Like what…?” 这是一种极口语化的说法,用于请对方详细说明某事的时候。也可只说Like what?

3. I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl.星期五我和Earl医生约定了三个扁桃体摘除手术。have…set for Friday: 在星期五有…约定,把…(的时间)定在星期五。这里set是过去分词。tonsillectomy: 扁桃腺切除术。

4. I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule.我得在他的日程表上再加上第四个手术。schedule: 日程安排,工作安排。

5. The boy has infected tonsils, and we should remove them as soon as possible.这男孩子扁桃体感染了,我们得尽快给他摘除扁桃体。have infected tonsils: 患扁桃腺感染。动词have表示生某种病,患某种病。as soon as possible: 尽快,越快越好。

6. I know you'll be able to take care of it. 我知道你能够处理好这件事。可以用这个表达来表示对某人有信心。

ACT 1-2 “她对孩子很有一套办法。

Philip: Well, Mrs. Herrera, Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils.

Mother: Thank you for your reassurance, Dr. Stewart. He's had so many colds and sore throats recently.

Philip: Well, it's a very easy operation, Carl. You won't feel a thing.

Carl: But when do they do it?

Philip: This Friday.

Carl: But Saturday's my birthday.

Philip: Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs. Herrera, but I don't want to put it off too long.

Mother:  No, I think it's important to do it now. We can have a birthday party for you, Carl, when you come out of the hospital.

Carl: But it won't be on my birthday.

Mother:  But your health is more important, Carl, believe me.

Carl: I don't want my tonsils out.

Philip: Nurse Baker, would you come in, please?

Molly: Hello, Mrs. Herrera. Hi, Carl, how you doing?

Carl: I don't want my tonsils out.

Molly: Come with me, Carl. You and I will talk this over.

Mother: She has a special way with kids.

Philip: She sure does.


1. Thank you for your reassurance, Dr. Stewart.谢谢你使我放心,Stewart医生。reassurance: 消除顾虑,安慰。

2. He's had so many colds and sore throats recently.他最近老是感冒和嗓子疼。cold: 感冒引起咳嗽和打喷嚏。sore throat: 喉咙痛。

3. You won't feel a thing.你一点也感不到疼的。

4. Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs. Herrera, but I don't want to put it off too long.Herrera夫人,我们可以重新安排手术时间,可是我不想把这手术推迟太久。reschedule sth.: 重新排定…的日程;重订…的时间表;重新计划…的时间。put (it) off: 延后,推迟。

5. How you doing? 你怎么样啦?是“How are you doing?”的省略。这是一种非常口语化的问法。

6. You and I will talk this over.咱们俩把这事儿谈一谈。talk (this) over: 商量,充分讨论。

7. She has a special way with kids. 她对孩子很有一套办法。 
ACT 1-3 “一切都会很好的。


Molly: Carl, does your throat hurt?
Carl: Yes.
Molly: Ok. Do you want to get better?
Carl: Yes.
Molly: Ok. We want you to get better, too. You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow, and you won't get so many colds anymore.
Carl: But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday.
Molly: I know. It's a problem, isn't it? Let me try to work something out.
Carl: What?Molly: I have to think about it.
Carl: You're fooling me.
Molly: Oh, I'm not, Carl. Give me a chance to think about it, and I'll come up with something.
Carl: A surprise?
Molly: Maybe. But you just put on your pajamas and robe, and I'll think of a surprise.
Carl: Will it hurt?
Molly: No, There are other boys and girls here, and they're having their tonsils out. You'll meet them .
Carl: I don't want to.
Molly: Change your clothes, Carl. Everything will be just fine.


1. It's a problem, isn't it这是个问题,对吗?这是一个附加问句或反意问句的例子。附加问句一般用来确认前面提到的情况是否正确。

2. Let me try to work something out.让我想个办法解决问题。work (something) out: 想个办法解决问题。

3. I have to think about it. 我得想一想。think about: 考虑。

4. You're fooling me.你在哄我。fooling: 开玩笑,哄骗。

5. Give me a chance to think about it, and I'll come up with something.你给我个机会想一下,我会想出个办法的。give sb. a chance to do sth.: 给某人个机会做某事。come up with something: 想出办法。

6. But you just put on your pajamas and robe, and I'll think of a surprise.你先穿上睡衣和袍子,我会想个办法给你惊喜的。Molly在试着以奖赏劝服小患者Carl。pajamas: 睡衣睡裤(尤指男人的睡衣睡裤)。也可以拼写成pyjamas.robe: (长及地面的)宽松长袍,睡袍。

7. Everything will be just fine. 一切都会很好的。这是医生安慰病人时常用的一句话。不当医生的人,探视病人时也常这样说。
来源:Family Album U.S.A


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Family Album U.S.A 第15集
Family Album U.S.A 第16集
Family Album U.S.A 第17集
Family Album U.S.A 第18集
Family Album U.S.A 第19集
Family Album U.S.A 第20集
Family Album U.S.A 第21集

