

2017-12-19 翻吧君 翻吧

Flanked by a row of basketball Hall of Famers, Bryant was once again showered with chants and cheers as two curtains were simultaneously lowered and the Lakers retired the two numbers he wore over the course of his 20 years with the organization.Bryant became the 10th Laker to have his jersey retired, but the first player in major professional sports to have two numbers retired by the same organization.--Lakers honor Kobe Bryant one more time at jersey retirement ceremony, Orange County Registre, Dec. 19, 2017



港专学院暨香港专业进修学校(Hong Kong College of Technology)举行毕业典礼,虽然校方事前已公布典礼中将播放国歌的相关规则,但当日有两名毕业生在奏国歌时拒绝肃立,被校方依校规逐出会场,最后,毕业礼停顿近20分钟后重新开始。——香港学生毕业典礼上不尊重国歌 被校方轰出现场:你们选错了学校!环球时报,2017年12月17日

参考译文:Two students from Hong Kong College of Technology were kicked out of their own graduation ceremony after refusing to stand for the national anthem, though they had already been told about the rules for the behvious should be taken. The ceremony resumed about 20 minutes later.——Hong Kong Students Kicked out of Graduation Ceremony for Disrespecting the National Anthem and Blamed Picking the Wrong Place

解析:这是一句中文,却因有“虽然”‘“但”、“最后 ”等词的连接,拉得很长。在翻译成英文里,必然要断句。不过,如何按意群来切分,以及如何很好地突出“核心意思”,需要再三思量。1) 英文主语用two students而非汉语的“香港专业进修学校”,意在突出引发事件或冲突的主体以及他们的“挑衅”行为。2)though的让步从句却以转折的方式显示出他们行为的“不合规”。3)毕业礼中断20分钟作为新一句,以显示事件发生的后续情况,是独立的意群。4)感谢@笑和@眼里或心里 同学的参与。



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