

2017-12-27 翻吧君 翻吧

Ed Sheeran has capped a hugely successful year by winning 2017’s Christmas No 1, with his song Perfect.He benefited from – or perhaps shamelessly exploited – chart rules that count streams and sales of multiple versions of the same song towards its chart placing. ——Ed Sheeran scores first Christmas No 1 with Perfect,the Guardian, Dec. 27, 2017



一直存在争议的婚姻问题法司法解释“第二十四条”的问题,有望得到解决。这份司法解释自2004年4月1日施行以来,在司法实践中陷入争议。不少直到离婚了,才发现“被负债“——婚前配偶背着自己在外面打借条,纵然自己不知情,也有可能因为夫妻关系而承担责任。 ——婚姻法司法解释24条将有定论 夫妻被负债或成历史,南方都市报,2017年12月26日

参考译文:A judicial interpretation of the Marriage Law by the Supreme Court in dispute is expected to be fixed. This interpretation, well-known as Article 24, has raised so many disputes in judicial practice since it tooke effect on April 1, 2004. Many people found themselves in debts not until they came to divource for their ex-spouse's private debts incurred during the marriage. Even though the debt was borrowed without their knowledge or consent, they were forced to jointly paid off.——A Judicial Interepretation of the Marriage Law Is in Review by the National Congress, Southern Metropolis Daily, Dec. 26, 2107. 

解析:1)中文的结构与英文大不相同,需要根据意思,将相应的成分提取出来,重新组合。2)“第二十四条”并没有在第一句里出现,而是放在第二句,用为同位语,这是因为这个专有名词对英语读者来说并不是关键词语。3)“解决”一词有两种译法,一是普通的fix,另一个更为专业solve。不过,fix更强调 fix mistake,而solve更倾向于solve problem,还是各有不同。上文里in dispute,因此用fix更好。4)在外面打借条,不用直译,可引申为private debt,即个人债务,而private 也有“秘密 ”之意,也与后面的“不知情”的意思相关联。5)感谢@笑 @chayanne 和@teen的参与。





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